Massa – February 19th, 2022. H.E. Bishop Gianni Ambrosio, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Massa Carrara – Pontremoli, Prior of the Delegation of Emilia Romagna, presided the Holy Mass in suffrage for Ambassador Luca Attanasio, Mr. Vittorio Iacovacci and Mr. Mustapha Milambo, a year after their deaths, at the Cathedral of Massa.
Ambassador Attanasio had joined the Order as an Knight Officer of Merit upon receiving the investiture during a ceremony held in Lucca on October 6, 2012. Mr. Iacovacci and Mr. Milambo are also linked to the Constantinian Order as they were decorated with the Gold Medal, as well as Ambassador Attanasio, by H.R.H. the Grand Master.
The Holy Mass was also attended by Dario Iacovacci with his family and Mrs. Domenica Benedetto.
The Undersecretary of State for Defense Stefania Pucciarelli, Air Brigadier General Lorenzo De Lorenzo, Commander of the 46 Pisa Air Brigade, and the highest Military and Civil Authorities of the province of Massa Carrara were present at the Holy Mass. Representatives of the different National Military Associations also participated in the ceremony.
The Constantinian Order of Saint George was represented by the Grand Treasurer, H.E. Don Gian Carlo Rocco dei Principi di Torrepadula, the Delegate for Tuscany, Count Ranieri Gastone Adorni Braccesi and many Knights and Dames.