Cellatica, May 19th, 2020 – As part of the food collection promoted by the Prior of Lombardy in agreement and collaboration with the Vice Delegate, Mr. Daniele Gavezzoli delivered food packages to the Caritas parish of Cellatica. The basic necessities will be delivered to many families with the help of Red Cross volunteers of Cellatica and Gussago committee.

Pavia, May 19th, 2020 – As part of the food collection promoted by the Prior of Lombardy in agreement and collaboration with the Vice Delegate, Mr. Roberto Nardecchia donated various sweets to the canteen of the priests of Canepanova (PV).

Brescia, May 25th, 2020 – Archbishop Arnaldo Morandi, Prior of Lombardy, in agreement with the Vice Delegate Giuseppe Rizzani and Secretary Maurizio Mirandola, met Ms. Paola Moroni, president of the association “Note Per Il Mondo Onlus”, as well as partners Maria Teresa Cavalleri and Stefano Viani. The association organizes musical events aimed at raising funds for specific charitable projects.