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The tournament of sword and foil was held at the ducal castle of Alessandro in Pescolanciano (IS), which saw, in addition to the patronage of CONI and the Municipality of Pescolanciano, also that of the Constantinian Order. On the occasion of the three hundred years since the publication of the equestrian and sword treatise of Duke Giuseppe d’Alessandro, the Delegate Duke Ettore d’Alessandro, with his family members, supported the sporting initiative, ensuring the presence of a group of Molise Knights in mantle when the young fencers received the sacred blessing from the local parish priest, Father Francesco Corazzari, in the chapel of the manor. Father Francesco, assisted by Prof. Giulio de Jorio, informed the numerous public present about the reorganized SMOC Delegation for Molise, giving another blessing. At the end of the tournament the young winners among the many schools of fencing participants were awarded in the presence of the master Filippo Romagnoli (coach of the national foil) and master Mimmo Di Paola.
The combination of spirituality, sport and chivalrous traditions was well received by those present at the event and by the local press and television.

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