In the wonderful Church of the Military School of the Nunziatella, with a heartfelt and participatory religious functions, officiated by the military chaplain of the School, H.R.H.Prince Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, appointed Knight Grand Cross Dr. Aurelio de Laurentis who with his extraordinary professional and sporting successes, has produced, in addition to the great joy for winning the league title, a decisive tourist and entrepreneurial development for the city of Naples. The football industry creates jobs, it encourages tourism, and in this case it has been a great relaunch for the south.
With the spirit of great attention that the Royal Family has always had for the city of Naples, the Prince wanted to confer the knighthood to Aurelio de Laurentis, a man who gave so much to the city that once was the capital of the Kingdom. And the choice of the Church of the Nunziatella School, already a Bourbon college, also had great symbolic value that leads so much prestige to the city of Naples with its wonderful work of formation of young people.
The Commander of the Nunziatella Military School, Starred Colonel, then received the guests of honor for a vin d’honneur in the halls of the ancient complex.
The Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, the Marquis Don Leopoldo de Gregorio Cattaneo, the Marquises Buccino Grimaldi, the Counts del Vaglio, the Counts Leonetti di Santo Janni, political authorities and the dearest friends of Aurelio de Laurentis, Costanzo Jannotti Pecci, Amedeo Acquaviva, and Giancarlo Carriero, as well as his wife Jacqueline de Laurentis were present.