Salerno, 21 November 2021 – Donation of desks and other school material. Thanks to the generous contribution of Knights Dr. Gaetano Locci, Dr. Raffaele Fattopace and Knight Commander Alfonso Grieco, an important donation of school material was made in favour of the Oratory “San Filippo”. The Delegation of Naples and Campania donated numerous desks and chairs to the Oratory “San Filippo Neri”, which are very useful for educational purposes. The donation took place at the Metropolitan Primatial Cathedral Church St. Mary of the Angels, St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist, and Pope Gregory VII, better known as the Cathedral of Salerno, a very important site from an historical point of view. The delivery of the desks and chairs was coordinated by Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo dei Principi di Sant’Elia, Delegate for Naples and Campania. After that, a Holy Mass was celebrated in the Cathedral by Bishop Michele Pecoraro.

Naples, 20 November 2021 – In Plebiscito Square, in front of the Royal Palace of Naples, the Delegate for Naples and Campania Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia represented the Constantinian Order at the ceremony of the solemn oath of the students of the Nunziatella Military School, the prestigious school founded by the Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies. The highest military officials of the Italian State, the Minister of Defence, the Mayor of the city Prof. Gaetano Manfredi, the President of the Region Hon. Vincenzo De Luca, the Prefect Palomba participated. The Constantinian Order, which has always been close to the Nunziatella military school, congratulated the school’s Commandant, Colonel Lustrino, for the magnificent ceremony.