The Investiture ceremony of the new Knights and Dames of the Delegation took place at the Sanctuary of Incisa Scapaccino (AT). The Sacred Rite was presided by the Prior of the Delegation H.E. Most Reverend Monsignor Roberto Farinella, Bishop of Biella, supported by the Ecclesiastical Knights of the delegation. After the blessing of the diplomas by H.E. Mons. Roberto Farinella, the Delegate Count Marco Aurelio Galateri di Genola officially handed them over to the new Knights and Dames. Immediately after the delivery of the appointment diplomas, the Vice Delegate Nicolò Papurello presented the Medal of Merit to the people who distinguished themselves by supporting the Delegation. The ceremony was attended by numerous civil and military authorities from all over Piedmont, including many mayors of local municipalities and representatives of Parliament. Later at night, an event was held in Calamandrana (AT) and many members of the Order, authorities and friends attended.