Chronology of Projects and Activities
Mrs. Paola Benaglia, H.E. Ambassador Antonio Benedetto Spada, Delegate for South-East Asia‘s close collaborator, handed the crest of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George over to H.E. General Surayut Chulanont, President of the Privy Council, at Thaplan National Park, in the province of Prachinburi ...
The French Delegation wanted to give its contribution in the fight against the pandemic by making a donation on the open platform: In addition to this and given the lack of protective equipment in France, the Delegation also made a donation in favour of the Little Sisters of Consolation, ...
On October 26th the annual meeting of the Swiss delegation took place. There was a mass celebrated by the chaplain Christian Maria Vossenhenrich at the Sacred Heart of Ouchy Lausanna as well. The meeting with the president of the foundation “Integration Sports Competitions Handycaps” was preceded by a lunch at ...