On monday, November 13, the Noble Antonio di Janni, Vice Delegate for Sicily, accompanied by the Noble Knight of Grace Prof. Manlio Corselli, was received in the Palazzina of the 4th Flight Department of the State Police allocated within the Airport ‘Boccadifalco’ of Palermo by Superintendent Dr. Antonio Molinaro, First Head of the State Police, Pilot Commander of the Department.
He was accompanied by the Senior Pilot Officer Dr. Paolo Bulgarella and the Officer of S.P. Dr. Fabio Melchiorre.
The Commander Molinaro met cordially with the Vice Delegate, thanking him for this pleasant visit. He had the pleasure of leading him to the helicopter shed supplied to the department, where the operator of the aeroplane and its technical characteristics were described.
The Vice Delegate, Dr. Di Janni, followed carefully the explanations of Commander Molinaro and was pleased with the efficiency of the service of the 4 Flight Department of the State Police that monitors with abnegation on the safety of citizens of the Palermo area.
After returning to the Commander’s office, Dr. Molinaro, together with his colleagues present, expressed significant appreciation for the work of solidarity carried out by the Constantinian Order of St George and asked the Delegate to greet the Grand Master of the Order.
Before welcoming the guests, the First Manager, Dr. Antonio Molinaro, wanted to pay homage to the Vice Delegate with the gift of a publication on the service activity of the Command Post Department.

On Wednesday, November 15, the Vice Delegate went to the “House of Smiles” to donate several hundred notebooks for the first classes of the primary school. The teaching material was delivered to the volunteer Andrea. The structure, present not only in Monreale but also in Partinico, welcomes children of various ages from families at risk. It is run by the Franciscan Father Francesco Biondolillo.

On wednesday, November 15, the usual donation of presidia for early childhood of the Project “Briciole di Salute” was held in Monreale. The distribution was held in the rooms attached to the Constantinian church of Maria SS degli Agonizzanti in Piazza Guglielmo II. The Vice Delegate with the meritorious Antonella Zito and Marco Scolaro, donated clothes for children, homogenized, biscuits, pastina, milk and even cakes. As every year, even older children received pandoro. Notebooks for primary school children were also donated.

On saturday, November 25, at the Benedictine Abbey of S. Martino delle Scale, the Vice Delegate has donated to the Benedictine Caritas several early childhood principals and notebooks for children of needy families attending elementary school, before the visit organized with several guests to learn more about the wonders of the Abbey. The Vice Delegate with the Dames Eugenia Ferro and Patrizia Biagi, handed over the presidios to Father Bernardo, in charge of the Benedictine Caritas. Immediately after the visit to the Abbey, Father Abbot Vittorio Rizzone met the Knights for lunch with their guests, amazed and fascinated by the beauty of the Abbey with its seven cloisters.

At the end of the distribution of the presidios for children, in the Constantinian church of Maria SS degli Agonizzanti of Monreale, the Vice Delegate for Sicily, Noble Antonio di Janni, Knight Grand Cross by Grace, has handed the silver medal of merit to the meritorious Marco Scolaro, who for years has helped and collaborated with the Project “Briciole di Salute”.

On November 14, a Solemn Pontifical was celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of Acireale on the occasion of the Feast of the Translation of the relics of Saint Venus Virgin and Martyr, patron saint of the city. The Solemn Mass was celebrated by H.E. Cardinal Paolo Romeo, and saw the participation, in addition to the faithful gathered, of the highest civil and military offices, representatives of the Royal Chapel of Santa Venera, and a representation of the orders of chivalry present in the territory. For the Sicily Delegation, Knights Paolo Bella, Massimo Putrino, Giuseppe Longo, Giuseppe Di Gregorio, Giovanni Brachitta, Diego Bellia were present . At the end of the Solemn Pontifical, the Pastor of the Cathedral Basilica, Father Mario Fresta, in agreement with H.E. Cardinal Paolo Romeo, thanked the orders of chivalry for their participation, renewing the invitation to work with charity and a sense of Christian spirit.