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Molise: collection and distribution for clothing and shoes donation

Molise: collection and distribution for clothing and shoes donation

Molise: collection, distribution and donation of clothing and shoes on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November. The Delegate Duke d’Alessandro di Pescolanciano and Knight Comm. Giuseppe D’Amico, assisted by Knight of Grace Giulio De Jorio Frisari and other postulants of Molise, have provided the recovery of a truck with a load of clothing and shoes from donor organizations, which will be delivered to the territory’s parishes, lay-religious communities and needy families during these weeks before Christmas. On Sunday, a large amount of sports shoes was donated to the Ukrainian community of Campobasso, in the presence of Father Mikola Chapliuk at the conference hall of the church Mater Ecclesiae of the capital, receiving heartfelt thanks. On the same day, the delivery of other clothing material to the community of Scapoli (IS) took place through the Mayor Knight Renato Sparacino, with whom began a constructive collaboration.

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