On December 22th, a donation took place in the presence of the Knights of Enna, Piazza Armerina and Barrafranca. The delivery of food and health equipment for children was personally led by Father Dario Pavone and Knights Matteo Bertino, Milazzo Marco, Virone Elio and Fazzi Claudio. Father Dario Pavone sincerely thanked the Vice Delegate for the excellent work he has done over the years.

On December 22nd, the Sicilian delegation offered 300 kg of pasta to needy families in the district of Guadagna (Palermo). The Vice Delegate handed over the products to the director of the Confraternity, who also manages the old Bourbon church. The church has always maintained a close link with the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies. Indeed, several decorations, the wooden altar, the lectern and some wooden candelabras donated by H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro, can be found inside it.