Livorno, January 27th, 2023 – A representation of the Tuscan delegation composed of Knight Grand Officer of Merit Ezio Papa, of Knight Grand Officer of Merit Andrea Checcucci and of Knight of Merit Federico Taccini, in the presence of the Coordinator of the Tuscan delegation, Knight Grand Officer of Merit Luciano Giannelli, took part in the “Festival of the Vow” in Livorno, as a tradition. The religious ceremony started with the prayer of the Holy Rosary before the image of the Virgin, placed on the front of a building situated in a square opposite the Cathedral. At the end of the ceremony, the firefighters paid tribute to the City by framing the image of Our Lady of Montenero with a wreath. Processionally, the believers, the Civil and Military Authorities, the Priests, the religious and lastly Bishop Simone Giusti, went to the Cathedral for the solemn Eucharistic Concelebration. The Cathedral was crowded with believers; many Lay and Voluntary Associations were present along with representations from the Order of Malta, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem and the C.I.S.O.M.

Lucca, February 4th, 2023 – In the Holy Trinity Church, a representation of Knights and Dames from the delegation commemorated the Liturgical Memorial of Blessed Maria Cristina of Savoy, consort of King Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies, tied to the Lucca territory as Mary Teresa’s sister, Duchess consort of Lucca.
The solemn Eucharistic Concelebration was presidied by the Prior of the Tuscan delegation H.E. Simone Giusti, Bishop of Livorno. The concelebrants were Vice Priors Father Donato Mollica and Father Rodolfo Rossi, Priests Father Cristian Domenico Comini and Father Emanuele Borserini.
The songs that accompained the solemn liturgy were performed by the city choir, directed by Knight of Merit Maestro Silvano Pieruccini. Like every year, by courtesy of Vice Prior Father Rodolfo Rossi, an “ex capillis” relic of the Blessed was displayed on the altar for veneration.
At the end of the Mass, Monsignor Giusti gave a catechesis form the cycle of Formative Lectures “The Mission and Spirituality of the Constantinian Order of St. George in the Contemporary Age.”
Dr. Roberta Baroli, President of the Lucca Association “Convegni di Cultura Maria Cristina di Savoia”, attended the ceremony.

Livorno, 11th February, 2023 – A representation of the delegation, formed by Kinght Grand Officer of Merit Luciano Giannelli, Coordinator of the Tuscan delegation, and by Kinght Grand Officer of Merit Andrea Terreni, took part in the Religious Ceremony for the XXXI Day of the Sick in St. Joseph’s Church inside the Livorno Hospital.
H.E. Monsignor Simone Giusti, Bishop of Livorno and Prior of the delegation, celebrated with Father Stanislaus, a priest from Tanzania, and with canonical Father Placido Bevinetto, Chaplain of the above mentioned Hospital and of the delegation itself.
Numerous believers, doctors and nurses participated, as well as many Volounteer Associations, such as the AVO, Le Misericordie di Livorno, Montenero, Antignat, the Frates Associations and the CISOM.
The songs were perfomed by the Choir of the Seton Parish.