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The Tuscany Delegation solemnly celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross on 14 September in the Cathedral of Carrara.

The solemn eucharistic concelebration was presided over by the Commander of Ecclesiastical Grace, Don Donato Mollica, Proposed Chapter of the Cathedral of Livorno and Vice Prior of the Tuscany delegation; the Parish Priest of the Cathedral of Carrara, Mons. Raffaello Piagentini was the concelebrant. The Commander of Ecclesiastical Grace, Don Salvatore Placido Bevinetto, Parish Priest of the Historic Center of Livorno, and the Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace Don Emanuele Borserini, Parish Administrator in nine parishes of the Diocese of Massa Carrara – Pontremoli attended the concelebration.

The liturgical service was carried out by the ministers of the Cathedral of Carrara.

Although the ceremony was held on a midweek day, the presence of Knights, Dames and Aspirants was remarkable, coming from all the Tuscany provinces and guided by the Provincial Referents the Knights of Merit, Angelo Ragnoni, who coordinated the activities on site, Daniele Romanelli, Andrea Terreni, Luca Templari and Alessandro Freschi.

The Delegate, Count Ranieri Gastone Adorni Braccesi, Knight Officer of Justice and the Coordinator of the delegation, Knight of Merit Luciano Giorgio Giannelli were present.

A group of Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, led by H.E. the Lieutenant of the Central Apennine Italy, Commander Engineer Giuseppe Marrani took part in the liturgy.

The Knights and Dames, processionally, made the solemn entrance into the Cathedral with the singing of the Hymn written by Master Paolo Biagini in honor of the Order, set to music by Biagini himself together with Carlo Martinucci, and performed on the organ by the Master.

The liturgical celebration was attended by several Civil and Military Authorities including the Prefect H.E. Doctor Claudio Ventrice, Doctor Cesare Bassani, representing the Mayor of Carrara, the Commander of the Harbour Office of Marina di Carrara Antonio Masiello, the Commander of the Police of Carrara, Major Cristiano Marella.

After the initial greeting of the Mass, Don Donato Mollica read the Message that the Grand Prior H.E. Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino wrote specifically for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross this year. The liturgy continued with the execution of the songs planned for the Mass of the Angels that was led, for the part related to the faithful, by the Knight of Merit Marco Meucci.

At the end of the liturgical celebration the Knights, Dames and Aspirants, together with the Authorities, moved to the prestigious laboratory Cave Art Studies of Michelangelo owned by Knight Franco Barattini for a Vin d’honneur offered by him in honor of the new Delegate.

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