On Monday, April 24, the Vice Delegate for Sicily, Nob. Dott. Antonio di Janni, donated 800 kilos of pasta to the volunteers of the soup kitchen of San Corrado in the Diocese of Noto. The pasta will be used for the soup kitchen and was purchased and delivered personally by Dott. Antonio di Janni.
Immediately following the delivery of this enormous quantity, the person in charge of the soup kitchen, Brother Rino, accompanied H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, who was visiting Noto, to the Bishop, His Most Rev. Mons. Antonio Staglianò, Knight Commander of Ecclesiastical Grace. The Bishop expressed his gratitude to the Order for its support to the Diocese through the project Crumbs of Health.
On Friday, April 28, a second “Crumbs of Health” distribution, this time for infants, took place in the premises located next to the Constantinian Church of Maria SS degli Agonizzanti. The diapers, baby food, milk, biscuits, pasta and more were distributed by volunteers coordinated by Cav. Salvatore Vassallo.
On the following day the Vice Delegate brought 40 kilos of pasta and 10 kilos of fish to the soup kitchen of San Mamiliano. The weekly delivery of food helps the soup kitchen provide 100 meals a day to the needy.