The delegation of Calabria carried out important donation of milk that will be delivered to a refugees centre, in order to offer refreshments to all those fleeing the war in Ukraine.
The delegation, through Dr. Aurelio Badolati, Vice Delegate, donated that amount of milk to the “Hope & Help Association – Speranṭă şi Autor”, which operates in the Republic of Moldova. More donations will follow in the coming days thanks to the incessant work of the Constantinian Dames and Knights.

On March 16th, the Delegation of Calabria donated a large number of individual protection devices to the National Police Association, Palmi section, which has launched a project aimed at collecting basic necessities for the Ukrainian population. The initiative was also supported by the Delegation of Calabria. The proceeds were entrusted to the Ukrainian Consulate in Naples, which, by its own means, was in charge of the subsequent transport to Ukraine. All the products were delivered last Monday.