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Rome – On Wednesday 20th of December 2022, the Christmas Concert performed by the Choir of the Diocese of Rome took place at Ferrajoli Palace, followed by a lunch in the Hall of Lilies, in the presence of H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master.

The initiative, organized by the delegation of Rome and Lazio, was an opportunity to meet many confreres in a festive and convivial atmosphere in view of the Christmas holidays. The evening also served to raise funds for charitable activities supported by the delegation and, in particular, for the Family Homes of the Circle S. Pietro that welcome the families of the children assisted by the Children’s Hospital Bambino Gesù.

The lunch was preceded by a concert and a welcome cocktail in the halls of the Palace, and at the entrance the participants were welcomed by the Delegate, Marquis Giuseppe Ferrajoli di Filacciano and by the Vice Delegate, Esq. Gualtiero Ventura.

Many illustrious personalities attended the event, we can mention the Grand Chancellor Don Francesco, Prince Ruspoli, Princess Angelica Ruspoli, Dr. Giampaolo Grazian, Secretary General, Don Paolo Costantino dei Principi Borghese, Prince Guglielmo Giovanelli Marconi, Donna Edoarda Crociani, Count Roberto Giustiniani, Countess Milena Von Rex and Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco.



Rome, 26 October 2022 – H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, expresses his deep sorrow for the death of H.E. Don Sforza Marescotto Ruspoli, dei Principi di Cerveteri, Bailiff Knight Grand Cross of Justice and Member of the Royal Deputation of the Order. H.E. Don Sforza Ruspoli has long served  the Constantinian Order, joining it as Knight of Justice in 1986, then promoted to Grand Cross in 1999 and Bailiff in 2006. Between 2009 and 2014, H.E. Don Sforza held the role of Delegate of Rome and Lazio of the Order, boosting an important growth in terms of numbers and prestige, and directing its activities taking into account the deep bond with the Holy See. This morning His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Martino, Protodeacon of the Holy Roman Church and Grand Prior of the Order, prayed for his soul.

Delivery of diplomas to the new Knights and Dames at Palace Ferrajoli in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Master

Delivery of diplomas to the new Knights and Dames at Palace Ferrajoli in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Master

On September 14th at 7:00 p.m., the ceremony of awarding the diplomas of the Constantinian Order was held at the Palace Ferrajoli in Rome, in the presence of H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master.

After the blessing of the diplomas, H.R.H. the Duke of Castro, accompanied by T.R.H. Princesses Maria Carolina, Duchess of Calabria, and Maria Chiara, Duchess of Noto, of H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, by Mrs. Edoarda Crociani, by the Grand Chancellor H.E. Prince Don Francesco Ruspoli, by the Grand Treasurer H.E. Gian Carlo dei Principi Rocco di Torrepadula, by the Secretary General Dr. Giampaolo Grazian and by Marquis Giuseppe Ferrajoli, Delegate of Rome and Latium, with the support of Esq. Gualtiero Ventura, Vice Delegate of Rome and Latium, delivered the appointment/promotion diplomas, together with their corresponding decorations, to: Count Antonello del Balzo, Duke of Presenzano, H.E. Don Oddone Colonna dei Principi di Paliano Duke of Saint Cesareo, Prince Vicktor von Thurn und Taxis, Don Giovambattista Paternò, Duke of Roccaromana, Countess Milena Grafin von Rex, Mr. Bertrand de Vivies, Count Goffredo Ceglia Manfredi, Dr Naguib Sawiris, H.E. Ambassador Sergio Mercuri, Italian Ambassador to the Republic of San Marino and Professor Werner-Édouard de Saeger van Nattenhaesdonck.

Among the more than 150 guests who attended the reception, which took place in the elegant halls of the Palace located in Piazza Colonna, many illustrious personalities belonging to the institutional, diplomatic and military world participated, including H.E. Constitutional Judge Filippo Patroni Griffi, H.I.R.H. Archduke Edward of Habsburg, Ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See, H.E. Ambassador Inigo Lambertini, H.E. the Minister Counselor Max-Olivier Gonnet, Chargé d’Affaires of the French Embassy to the Holy See, H.E. the Prefect of Rome, Dr. Matteo Piantedosi, Admiral Nunzio Martello, Admiral Jerome Theillier, Rear Admiral Filippo Marini, H.E. Honorable Michele Vietti, H.E. Ambassador Umberto Vattani, H.E. Ambassador Pietro Sebastiani and H.E. the Prefect Francesco La Motta.

Several Delegates and Vice Delegates of the Constantinian Order, who came to Rome for the occasion from all the Italian regions and from Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Spain, attended as well.

Appointment of Vice Delegate for Rome and Latium

Appointment of Vice Delegate for Rome and Latium

Rome, May 11st, 2022 – H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master, has decided to appoint Esq. Gualtiero Ventura, Knight Officer of Merit, as Vice Delegate for Rome and Latium. The Vice Delegate can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

H.R.H. the Grand Master thanks H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona

H.R.H. the Grand Master thanks H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona

Rome, March 14th, 2022 – H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master, wishes to express his deepest appreciation and gratitude to H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Knight Grand Cross of Justice, for his commitment during the six years in which he held the position of Delegate for Rome and Latium of the Order.
The Duke of Castro also expresses his sincere gratitude to the Delegation Council that supported Prince Orsini d’Aragona in this period: Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, N.H. Paolo Costantino dei Principi Borghese, President Massimo Barra, General Francesco Diella, Esq. Salvatore Scafetta, Hon. Annagrazia Calabria, Dr Fabiano Forti Bernini and Dr Marco Rocco Massara Ferrari.

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