Rome, March 14th, 2022 – H.R.H. the Duke of Castro has decided to appoint Noble Giuseppe Ferrajoli, Marquis of Filacciano, Commander of Justice, as the new Delegate for Rome and Latium.
Rome, March 14th, 2022 – H.R.H. the Duke of Castro has decided to appoint Noble Giuseppe Ferrajoli, Marquis of Filacciano, Commander of Justice, as the new Delegate for Rome and Latium.
As scheduled, on Saturday, February 12th, the celebration of the 161st Anniversary of the end of the Siege of the “Fedelissima” (faithful) Gaeta of 1860 – 1861 was held, in whose defence, together with the Neapolitan army, T.M. King Francis II and Queen Maria Sofia of Bourbon Two Sicilies took part as well.
Among the participants at the ceremony, we mention: H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate for Rome and Latium of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, together with the Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, the Representative for the City of Gaeta Comm. Esq. Salvatore Scafetta, the Counsellor of the Ceremonial of the Sacred Functions, Knight Officer Dr. Rocco Marco Massara Ferrari, the Vice Prior for the City of Rome, Father Ettore Capra and the Vice Prior for Latium, Father Teodoro Beccia; Counsellor Dr. Cristian Leccese, representing the Mayor of the Municipality of Gaeta; Col. Ermanno Lustrino, Commander of the “Nunziatella” Military School; Dr. Giuseppe Catenacci, Hon. President of the “Nunziatella” ex-students Association together with Gen. Antonio Ricciardi, President of the regional section. Moreover, the Commander of the Company of the Carabinieri of Formia Maj. Michele Pascale, Ten. Franco Franchi as well as the representative of the Port Authority of Gaeta C.F. Angelo Napolitano participated, too.
The Rector, Father Nevio Viganò welcomed the numerous participants at the Sanctuary of SS. Trinity at the “Montagna Spaccata” at 11 am. After recalling all the victims of the Siege, the Prayer for Peace written by His Holiness Pope Francis was read out.
Afterwards, the participants in the event went up, along the garden overlooking the stands of the “Trinità Superiore” Battery, towards the southern end of the Gaeta promontory, reaching the pitch overlooking the sea where the Transilvania Battery exploded on February 13, 1861 under the Piedmontese fire.
In that highly suggestive place from a religious, historical and naturalistic points of view, Counselor Dr. Cristian Leccese welcomed the participants and spread the Mayor Dr. Cosimo Mitrano’s greetings; Esq. Salvatore Scafetta, Prince Orsini d’Aragona and Gen. Antonio Ricciardi then took the floor and recalled the moments of the defense of Gaeta underlining the high values of unconditional loyalty, heroism and love for the homeland that animated the Neapolitan soldiers, including several students of the “Nunziatella”, and the citizens of Gaeta. It was highlighted how the citizens of Gaeta, although King Francis asked them to leave the city during the bombing, bravely decided to stay within the walls of the fortress to share their tragic fate during 103 days of the Siege.
At the end of the speeches, the now thirty-year ceremony of the re-enactment of the flag-raising was carried out and the subsequent throwing into the sea of the wreath offered by “Nunziatella” ex-students Association, previously blessed by Vice Priors Father Ettore Capra and Father Teodoro Beccia.
During the afternoon the participants were received at the Diocesan Museum by the Director Gennaro Petruccelli, who described the main works exhibited in the museum, including the banner of the Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, hoisted on the flagship of the papal fleet which left the harbour of Gaeta, which after the victory was donated to the City Cathedral.
At the end of the day, the Holy Mass in suffrage of the Fallen of 1860-61 and of T.M. the Servant of God King Francis II and Queen Maria Sofia of Bourbon Two Sicilies was celebrated at 5:30 pm at the Cathedral by H.E. the Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari.
The liturgy was concelebrated by the parish priest Father Antonio Centola and by Father Alessio Tomao, assisted by Father Ettora Capra and Father Teodoro Beccia. During the homily, while emphasizing the current need for peace, the Celebrant also highlighted the Christian virtues of the Sovereigns and their sincere love for the people. At the end, a suffrage prayer was read in front of the Neapolitan Officers’ Shrine kept in the Cathedral. Among the Constantinian Knights who attended, we mention Knight of Justice Nob. Massimo Patroni Griffi Duke of Roscigno, Comm. Pres. Vincenzo Zottola and Esq. Giuseppe Gallinaro.
An indelible memory of the day remained in the hearts of all the participants. All the events took place in the name of sobriety and respect for those who, thanks to their actions, left to future generations a perennial patrimony of spiritual, human and military values 161 years ago.
Delegation of Rome and Latium
On the occasion of the 161st Anniversary of the end of the siege of Gaeta in 1860-1861, which marked the decline of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the Delegation of Rome and Lazio wishes to continue celebrating the memory of that heroic defense during which, in the presence of the T.M. King Francis II and Queen Maria Sofia of Bourbon Two Sicilies, many soldiers and citizens courageously sacrificed their lives within the ancient walls of the “Faithful” city, animated by unconditional loyalty and love for the country.
The detailed program can be downloaded by clicking here. The Delegate H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona and the Representative for the City of Gaeta Com. Avv. Salvatore Scafetta will attend. During the morning, the suggestive ceremony of raising the flag and throwing a wreath into the sea for the Fallen of the Siege, offered by the Ex Allievi Nunziatella National Association, will take place near the cliffs of the so called “Montagna Spaccata”.
In the afternoon, a visit to the Diocesan Museum is planned. Afterwards, a solemn mass will be celebrated by H.E. the Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari.
The Mayor of Gaeta Dr. Cosimo Mitrano, the Vice Delegate of Rome of the Constantinian Order Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, the Commander of the “Nunziatella” Military School Colonel Ermanno Lustrino, the Honorary President of the National Association of Nunziatella Alumni Dr. Giuseppe Catenacci and the President of the Lazio Section Gen. CA Antonio Ricciardi will take part in the events.
In compliance with the provisions in force regarding the prevention of the spread of Covid-19, entry to the Diocesan Museum and the Basilica will be limited and regulated in order to encourage participation in a safe manner. All those interested in participating are requested to reply within 12:00 noon- Thursday, February 10, at the address: cerimonialeinchiesa.romaelazio@ordine-costantiniano.it
On Tuesday, December 21st, upon the impetus of H.H. Prince Orsini d’Aragona our Delegation – responding to a request for assistance made by the Italian Red Cross – acquired and donated 200 woolen blankets to the Red Cross’ Committee of the Metropolitan Area of Rome to be distributed to those “of no fixed abode” in the city. A part of these blankets was given to the Street Unit and to the Welcome Facility of the Villa Maraini Foundation, excellence of the Italian and International Red Cross in fighting drug addiction, founded in 1976 by President Massimo Barra.
The donation was made as part of the national agreement of cooperation between our Constantinian Order and the Italian Red Cross, and it was made possible by the ordinary donations to the Order by the Knights and Dames of the Rome-Lazio Delegation, who thus deserve the credit for this effort.
Ms. Debora Diodati attended the delivery as President of the Italian Red Cross in Rome, whereas the Order was represented by the Delegate Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, the Vice Delegate Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, the Subprior Fr. Ettore Capra and Professor Massimo Barra, Representative for the city of Castel Gandolfo and former president of the Italian Red Cross. On the same night, they joined the Red Cross’ Street Unit in assisting those “ of no fixed abode” (abbreviated as SASFID), participating in the distribution of hot meals and other necessities (such as clothes, toiletries and blankets) as well as offering spiritual comfort to those who asked for it, by Fr. Ettore Capra.
Despite the Italian Red Cross and the Constantinian Order have always carryied out these kind of activities in different ways and times, since the beginning there has been a strong feeling of common sharing among the volunteers of the Red Cross and the Knights, which made for an especially fruitful experience for both parties. It was likewise highlighted the great dignity with which the people assisted live their difficult condition, thus succeeding in conveying to us a great sense of humanity that has contributed to increasing and consolidating once again our feeling of Christian charity in the run-up to the Holy Christmas.
This led to speaking about the possibility of developing a more stable collaboration within the SASFID service, through the regular participation of the Knights and Dames of the Order to the Street Unit of the Red Cross Volunteers. In order to better evaluate what can concretely be offered in the future, those who are interested are invited to write to delegazione.romaelazio@ordine-costantiniano.it, expressing their future availability. In this regard, it should be noted that the service takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 7 p.m. and 1 a.m., and that a commitment of one evening a month could be envisaged for the Knights and Dames of the Order.
Sunday 12 December 2021, III Sunday of Advent called “Gaudete”, the Vice Prior of the City of Rome, Father Ettore Capra, officiated a solemn Holy Mass in the presence of the Delegate, HH Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, the Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco, the Delegate Council, and several Dames, Knights and guests who attended the celebration at the Church of Sant’Eligio de ‘Ferrari in Rome, kindly granted by the Rector, Msgr. Sandro Corradini, former General Promoter of the Faith of the Congregation of Saints.
The solemn function was enriched by the singing of the Musical Chapel of the Delegation of Rome and Lazio, directed by the Councilor for the Ceremonial and Music of the Sacred Functions, Rocco Marco Massara Ferrari, who performed motets in polyphony in addition to the Gregorian repertoire.
H.R.H. Princess Khetevane Bagration de Moukhrani, Don Guglielmo de’ Principi Giovanelli Marconi and Donna Vittoria de’ Principi Giovanelli Marconi; Donna Sveva Colonna, Prince Gonzaga, Don Marcantonio de’ Principi del Drago, Marquis of Riofreddo, H.E. Ambassador Stefano Palumbo, Don Francesco Marigliano, Countess Langosco, President Massimo Barra, Representative for the City of Castel Gandolfo, Prefect Lucchetti, Adv. Scafetta, Representative for the City of Gaeta and lawyer Valensise.