Rome-8th January 2015. New Year’s celebrations were really intense at the Vice Delegation for Lazio. In respect of H.R.H. Prince and Grand Master Carlo di Borbone delle Due Sicilie’s orientation, “the hunger of our neighbour”, several charity events were held and a lot of activities were carried out abroad as well, in warring territories where a lot of our brothers are serving in temporary missions.
In South Lazio where there is a high number of exiled families or in need, over eighty quintal food supplies were collected and handed out to about three hundred families. These activities have had a strong media impact with the public Authority’s acclaim and complacency.
We have contributed to the starting up of soup kitchens together with Caritas Diocesana, who we always cooperate with all year long, remembering that poor people, as anyone else does, “need to feed every day”. Important aids have been sent also to warring territories. Some of our brothers in the army who were in peace mission in Afghanistan, have carried on their voluntary service, which they usually do in the Delegation, with these people tormented by a long and cruel war. The humanitarian operation took place in the village of Jibrhil coordinated by our applicant who is finalizing his training to receive the constantinian Grand Cross, Cap. Cosimo Epifani, member of the Italian contingent in Herat.
The end of the year’s activities included also the attendance to the liturgical ceremonies and the organization of performances. In St.Pietro cathedral in Minturno these events were held: the concert of the Little Wind Band composed of several from 5 to 16 year old children who performed a rich international repertoire of Christmas carols, an opera concert based on musical Christmas topics, a festival of Choirs from the district of Aurunco. In the organization of these events our Delegation was supported by the National Association of the Italian constantinian Knights, at whose head is the lawyer Marquis Giuliano Buccini Grimaldi who has also given his high patronage.
Moreover, the Epiphany event in Formia was highly attended and broadcast on Lazio channels including a show of comedians, magicians and singers followed by the distribution of presents to the children.
Aid activities to poor people and activities supporting religious bodies have been carried out by Puglie Delegate, nobleman Prof. Ugo Patroni Griffi together with the Abruzzi Delegate, Marquis Dr. Baldassarre Castiglione who we thank for his fondness and friendship.
A lot of other activities less noticeable but definitely successful, have been carried out by our brothers in the city where they live also in cooperation with Caritas and with the other local religious communities who don’t receive humanitarian aids by the central organisations and must provide to the needs with unsolicited raisings and personal donations.