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Lombardia – Società del Giardino

Lombardia – Società del Giardino

img_5016Giovedì 10 novembre Milano – Società del Giardino.

Alla presenza di Sua Eccellenza il Nobile Dottore Alberto Lembo Grande Inquisitore, Sua Eccellenza il dott. Giancarlo dei principi Rocco di Torrepadula gran tesoriere, il dottor Andrea Imperiali dei principi di Francavilla delegato per la Lombardia, il nobile dott. Giuseppe Rizzani delegato vicario per la Lombardia, mons. Arnaldo Morandi rappresentante per le città di Brescia e Mantova, Priore per la lombardia, segretario generale dell’ufficio del Gran Priore, dott.ssa Veronica Grillo Dama presentante per la città di bergamo, signora Daniela Triboldi rappresentante per la città di Cremona, dott. Luigi Rogliano rappresentante per la città di Lecco, dott. Maurizio Pappalardo rappresentante per la città di Lodi, ing. Giuseppe Perego rappresentante per Monza e Brianza, sig. Vittorio Barella rappresentante per la città di Pavia, mobile Avv. Francesco Alessi Longa rappresentante per la città di Sondrio, sig. Giovanni Mattei rappresentante per la città di Varese, sono convenuti i Cavalieri e le Dame del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio della delegazione di Lombardia.

Nel corso del pranzo svoltosi nell’ elegante cornice delle sale Savoia, hanno proposto i loro interventi presentati dal delegato vicario: il delegato della Lombardia, il Grande Inquisitore e il priore, richiamando ciascuno per le proprie competenze le regole e i valori ai quali si deve riferire l’agire è la vita del Ordine dell’Ordine Costantiniano, in generale e in ciascuno dei suoi membri. I numerosi presenti sono stati invitati con lettera personale a presenziare le prossime investiture della delegazione che si terranno il 3 dicembre 2016 alle ore 19:30 a Rovato, sobborgo di Brescia, nella splendida chiesa parrocchiale Collegiata Insigne di Santa Maria Assunta. Seguirà il pranzo presso l’Hotel Ristorante Touring. La serata è stata particolarmente apprezzata da tutti i presenti e che si sono trovati a condividere un sereno clima di fraternità e di amicizia. Ospite particolarmente gradito il presidente della Società Avv. Massimo Ceruti.

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2016-09-14-photo-00000250Brescia, September 14, 2016. On the occasion of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Crosses a delegation of Knights and Dames of the Constantinian Order, together with H.E. the Grand Inquisitor the Hon Alberto Lembo, the Vicar Delegate of Lombardy Noble Dott. Giuseppe Rizzani and the Prior for Lombardy Mons. Arnaldo Morandi, participated in the solemn ceremony of the Order of the Custodians of the Holy Crosses in the Cathedral of Brescia.

Prior to the ceremony the President of the Order of Custodians of the Holy Crosses, Dott. Gino Trombi, Knight Commander of Merit with Star, donated several publications on the precious reliquaries kept in the cathedral of Brescia, to the Grand Inquisitor. In turn, the Honorable Lembo offered President Trombi a copy of the recently published Constantinian Chronicles. The Knights then participated in the Mass celebrated by Mons. Ivo Panteghini, Episcopal Delegate and Chaplain of the Custodians of the Holy Crosses and of the Constantinian Order.

This was followed by the ceremony of investiture for new members of the Confraternity of Custodians. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the Grand Inquisitor and the Vicar Delegate privately conferred diplomas to Knight Roberto Bertoli and his spouse Dame Silvana Vezzoli. The evening concluded with a fraternal agape offered in honor of the Grand Inquisitor and Brothers by Count Pierfrancesco and Countess Marina Coppola De Almanca.

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20160712_212043-1Bergamo – 24 August 2016
. Dott.ssa Veronica Grillo, Representative for Bergamo, in cooperation with her Delegate, donated to the local Committee of the Italian Red Cross one thousand pieces of clothing to be distributed to the refugee families under the tutelage of the Committee.
Prior to the donation all labels were removed from the clothing and then repacked. This activity also is part of the important operation of release from seizure organized by Major Marco Salvagno, Commander of the Green Berets On-Call force of Torino, with the assistance of the Representatives for Lecco, Dott. Rogliano and Cav. Gaetano Ruocco.
Several days later, thanks to the cooperation of the Representatives for Varese, Cav. Giovanni Mattei and Dott. Valerio Palamini, the Representative for Bergamo retrieved twelve hospital beds from the RSA Foundation of Albino. These were donated to the Queen of Peace Association of Pescate (LC) and will subsequently be transferred to meet the needs of pilgrims to Medjougorie

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image-05-08-16-09-39-1Como, Friday, 5 August 2016 –
The Vice Delegate for Milano and Lombardy, Nobile Dott. Giuseppe Rizzani, Knight Commander of Grace of the Constantinian Order, spoke of their cooperation with the Diocesan Caritas of the Valle Intelvi Zone -Lake and Home of the Annunciation – Somascan Fathers of the Crucifix of Como, for the distribution of 1,000 articles of clothing to the needy.
This activity also was part of the Guardia di Finanza operations releasing confiscated assets. Under the leadership of the Prior, Msgr. Arnaldo Morandi, the Knights of the delegation transported the material to the various locations of the Lombardy Delegation,
The operation is just one of the activities of the program “The Hunger of our Neighbor”, strongly supported by the Grand Master, H.R.H. Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro.

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20160801_151753San Gottardo, Monday, 1 August, 2016 –
The first meeting of Representatives for the Province of Lombardy took place in the Parish of San Gottardo in Brescia. Present was the Grand Inquisitor, H.E. Dott. Alberto Lembo, who introduced the agenda and instructed all on the historical and current reality of the Constantinian Order, providing the Provincial Representatives with interesting news and instructions on how to properly conduct their functions. Also present were Vice Delegate Nobile Dott. Giuseppe Rizzani, the Prior for the Delegations representing Brescia and Mantova Mons. Arnaldo Morandi, Representative for the city of Bergamo Dott.ssa Veronica Grillo, Representative for the city of Lecco Dott. Luigi Rogliano, Representative for the city of Lodi Dott. Maurizio Pappalardo, Representative for Monza and Brianza, Ing. Giuseppe Perego, Representative for the city of Pavia Comm. Vittorio Barella, Representative for the city of Sondrio Nobile Avv. Francesco Alessi Longa, representative or the city of Varese Mr. Giovanni Mattei. The representative for the city of Cremona, Mrs. Daniela Triboldi Rossi, was absent with justification. The day progressed in a climate of cordiality and cooperation and all expressed the desire to serve the Constantinian Order in the best manner possible, in accordance with the provisions and demeanor that must continue to characterize the members and the activities of the Order. The Grand Inquisitor actively participated in the discussions, encouraging the clarification of several complex passages. He stated that he was certain all would work serenely and profitably and wished all the best of luck saying that he would also be available. The meeting adjourned following prayers and benediction.

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