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His Most Reverend Eminence Mons. Ignazio Zambito Bishop of Patti receives medal on the XVII centenary of the Edict of The Emperor Constantine

His Most Reverend Eminence Mons. Ignazio Zambito Bishop of Patti receives medal on the XVII centenary of the Edict of The Emperor Constantine

S.E Mons. Zambito

Patti (ME), November 2015. The Vice Delegate for Sicily, Mr Antonio di Janni, escorted by Commander Carmelo Sammarco and Constantinian Chaplain Don Antonio Cipriano, Archpriest of Caronia, Constantinian Chaplain of Ecclesiastical Grace and Head of Religious Ceremonies for the Delegation of Sicily, were received by His Most Reverend Eminence Mons. Ignazio Zambito, Bishop of Patti (ME) and Ecclesiastical Knight Commander of Grace. During the meeting, at which plans for future events to be held in the Dioceses of Patti were discussed, the Vice Delegate presented the Bishop with the book “Memoirs and Histories of the Archbishops of Monreale” and a medal commemorating the XVII centenary of the Edict of Constantine which ushered in religious freedom. The relevance of the Edict cannot be overstated at a time when freedom of religion is under considerable threat as the terror attacks in France recently demonstrated.


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The Saving Word – Liturgical Year ‘C’

The Saving Word – Liturgical Year ‘C’

La parola che salva 17-11-15 023

Palermo, 17 November. A book launch event for ‘The Saving Word – Liturgical Year C’, written by Don Michele Antonino Crociata (historian, theologian and Ecclesiastical Knight of Grace of the Constantinian Order from Castellammare) was hosted – under the high patronage of the University of Palermo, the Faculty of Divinity for Sicily  and in the presence of the Castellammare affiliate branch of the Rotary Club – by the Delegation of Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George and the National Academy of Politics, currently chaired by Professor Bartolo Sammartino, in the Lecture Hall of the Faculty of Divinity for Sicily on the Corso Vittorio Emanuele in Palermo. The publication is a follow-up from his previous brilliant studies of ‘Liturgical Year A’ and ‘Liturgical Year B’. Also joining in the general praise for the work were, among others, the event organisers Professor Bartolomeo Sammartino, President of the National Academy of Politics and the Vice Delegate for Sicily of the Constantinian Order, Antonino Di Janni, Knight Grand Cross of Grace, alongside the (Magnificent) Rector of the University of Palermo, Professor Fabrizio Micari, and the Faculty Dean for the Palermo Department of Divinity, Mons. Francesco Lo Manto. The book was presented by Mons. Rosario La Delfa. In his introductory speech, the Vice Delegate for Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George emphasised the deeply meditative and intimately personal nature of this catechetical work which he highlighted as a balanced and insightful approach providing ‘a liturgical itinerary’ for each and every Sunday in the Liturgical Year C. Resulting from his untiring commitment to academic work, Don Michele Crociata, Knight of the Constantinian Order, developed a remarkable excursus offering guidance in meditation, in the handling of group relationships, in order to bring to the fore the importance of the Holy Word within the family and to afford oneself the privilege of spending a few quality moments during the week. The thematic concern of the book is of a piece with the evangelical journey as outlined by the Church, and it aims to provide spiritual aid both to the individual believer and to ecclesiastical groups with the purpose of rediscovering the human face of God. “Yet, without any questions from us, those very questions we’re bound to be asking after a close reading of this text, the Bible will not speak to us. Of course, it is not always a straightforward task to be formulating all the relevant questions. Only very rarely do we ask ourselves, ‘in terms of what should this be understood?’ when engaging with an evangelical work. What is the text actually responding to? Identifying the leading question central to the biblical narrative with the help of Don Michele Crociata will enable us to look deeper beneath the surface. This book is concerned to provide a roadmap to understanding the evangelical text whilst letting the liturgical practices of the Church, constantly referring back to the Holy Bible, guide us along in our analytical task. This is what traditional accounts have established before us: the underlying message of the Word can be developed by placing the experience of faith as shared by the religious community alongside the most intimate questioning within our hearts. And relying on our strong personal convictions, clinging to our firm beliefs, as we express our heartfelt thanks to our dear friend Don Michele Crociata, we urge you to read this book so that the Word can become reality, spurring us on to action in our everyday life.” At the end of his speech, Mr Antonio di Janni explained how the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George is “an Order of Knighthood whose origins can be traced back to the time of the emperor Constantine following the apparition of the Cross at Saxa Rubra and for this reason is regarded as one of the oldest equestrian orders. The aim of the Order is to ensure the propagation of the Faith and the Glorification of the Cross. Providing a vital contribution to humanitarian and hospitaller initiatives in the context of social welfare and medical care, it is currently headed by the Grand Master, HRH The Prince Charles of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. The Constantinian Order is legally recognised by the Italian State and its members have been allowed to wear its insignia since 1963 under Act 178, art. 3, dated 3 March 1951. The Order is also registered as ‘a legal entity’ at the Chancery Chamber of the Naples High Court of Justice.” The book is prefaced by a brief essay written by Mons. Rino La Delfa, an excellent letter coming from the pen of HRH The Prince Charles of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George as well as an epistle by His Most Reverend Eminence Domenico Cardinal Calcagno, Director General of the Treasury of the Holy See. A remarkable afterword was also contributed by The Knight and Professor Antonio Fundarò, a historian, journalist and a writer in his own right, in which we are told how the title of the book, ‘The Saving Word’ wholly rests upon the following ideas: a feeling of trust in God, ‘encouraging us to pick ourselves up and start afresh as our hearts become infused with that unfailing kindness that knows no bounds” and our bonds of trust with men and women whose resplendent hearts shine a beacon of light in the world. Our obstinate belief in the power of love alone leading the way to victory in this world stems precisely from this double conception of trust. “I know full well that we’re bound to be pounced upon for the darkest shadows of the night are upon us but I also firmly believe that love will ultimately be able to withstand all opposition and danger.” In this volume, we are actively encouraged to seek reasons for hopefulness right where many others have rediscovered their zest for life and had their feelings of hope reawakened. There is a highly anticipatory quality to our sense of hope, full of expectancy and a desire to be of service to others, to take care of them, in order to lay the foundations for a world based on brotherhood, justice and peace. ‘Ad maiora semper’, dear Father Crociata, and happy reading to all of you who will embark on a new journey in your life taking your cue from this book.”


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Palermo, 6 November 2015. Holy Mass was celebrated in the parish church of St Basilio Magno to mark the fifth anniversary of the dedication of the church. The religious service was preceded by a conference, which aimed to explore the symbolic significance of architectural features within churches and was presided over by Mons. Salvatore Lo Monte, Archbishop Delegate for charitable institutions and Chancellor of the Curia of Palermo. The Delegation of Sicily of the Constantinian Order remained a keen participant in the proceedings for the entire duration of the event. In attendance were the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni, along with the knights HE The Prefect Gianfranco Romagnoli, Carmelo Sammarco, Francesco Paolo Guarneri, Fabrizio Sailis, Salvatore Vassallo and the dame Ms Carla Almirante. Also present on the day were the following Constantinian Chaplains: the Right Reverend P. Giuseppe Di Giovanni, parish priest of the church, and Mons. Gino Lo Galbo. Based on the interesting analysis put forward by Mons. Lo Monte, the ‘church’ is to be regarded as a ‘temple’, whose interior is rich in crucially important features: in the first place, the altar and tabernacle which are the sites where communication between the human and the divine planes can be established; the confessional booth; the rectory of the parish priest; the Ambon, seen as a place from which the Word of God emanates, reaching out to both the clergy and the congregation; the statues no longer interpreted as mere objects of veneration but as effigies bearing witness to the transcendent sphere; the Stations of the Cross; the candles placed at the main corners of the temple marking the spots consecrated by the bishop on the day of the dedication and only ever lit up on the anniversary of the consecration ceremony. During his presentation, Mons. Lo Monte also delivered an impassioned speech peppered with many inspirational thoughts and teachings, calling on all Catholics to stand united around the spiritual legacy of the ‘temple’ and encouraging them to keep fighting for a fairer world. At the end of such an inspiring talk, Holy Mass was officiated by Mons. Lo Monte himself, together with Don Giuseppe di Giovanni and Mons. Gino Lo Galbo. This key event was for all Constantinian Knights participating yet another opportunity for personal growth, strengthening their grasp of Christian culture and values. Such values are unquestionable foundational principles for the Sacred Militia whose primary task is to defend the Christian faith in the shadow of the Cross.




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Monreale, 28 October 2015. Subsequent to the Order’s donation of an electric mobility aid to the local Caritas diocesan branch, HE The Grand Prefect, HRH The Grand Chancellor, the Secretary of the Royal Deputation along with the Archbishop of Monreale, accompanied by the Vice Delegate, took part in the fortnightly charity distribution of childcare products which was held in the annex of the Constantinian church of Maria SS. degli Agonizzanti as part of charitable project “New Crumbs of Health”. Products for 60 children were distributed during the event. The presence of the highest-ranking Dignitaries thus served as a strong reminder of the Order’s unfaltering commitment to providing humanitarian assistance to needy individuals and vulnerable members of our society.



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Monreale, 28 October 2015. To ensure maximum mobility and safety for disabled and elderly people or individuals with limited mobility, the Delegation of Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George has donated a four-wheel electric scooter to the Caritas branch in Monreale, headed by Don Ferdinando Toia. The event was held at the behest of the Vice Delegate Mr Antonio di Janni, Mr Vincenzo Nuccio, Commander of Merit and Mr Carmelo Sammarco, Commander of Merit, in coincidence with the visit to Palermo made by His Eminence Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino, Grand Prior of the Constantinian Order; the Grand Prefect, HE The Ambassador Don Augusto Ruffo di Calabria dei Principi di Scilla and HRH The Princess Beatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Resulting from long-established collaborative relations with the Archdioceses of Monreale, currently under the spiritual leadership of His Most Reverend Eminence Mons. Michele Pennisi, Prior of the Constantinian Order, the initiative forms an integral part of the new charitable project ‘New Crumbs of Health’. The electric motor will ensure the highest degree of safety for users, allowing them to move around safely and carry their own daily shopping too thanks to its purpose-built design.



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