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Over the past weeks, the Sicilian Delegation has been constantly working to continue the “Briciole di Salute” project activities, which took place in several cities and places in March and April, including Gibellina in the Community of Piccoli Frati e Piccole Suore di Gesù e Maria, the Real Chiesa Carolina (which received the Gold Medal of Merit by the H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies) in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Prefect herself; San Martino alle Scale, Magione, San Francesco di Paola, in Acireale, Monreale and Nicosia.

On the occasion of the feast of St. George, the Sicilian Delgation has organized solemn Eucharistic Celebrations at the church of the barrack Generale Antonio Cascino of Palermo, Alcamo, Barrafranca, Messina and Magione.



On Friday, 19th January, in Acireale H.R.H. Mons. Antonio Raspanti, Bishop of Acireale, President of the Episcopal Conference of Sicily and Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace has met the Vice Delegate, Noble Antonio di Janni, the Comm. Marcello Cantone, referent for Noto and Nicosia, Father Antonio Cipriano, Archpriest of Capizzi and Vice Prior and Father Gaetano Pulvirenti, Archpriest of Acicatena and Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace. The bishop spoke about charitable initiatives carried out by the Delegation of Sicily in favour of the women and children welcomed in the “Madonna della Tenda di Cristo” community, led by Sister Alfonsina, and about the “P.ssa Maria Carolina” study grant for rehabilitative implantology on disabled patients, in the “S. Marta e S. Venera” hospital in Acireale. Furthermore, a collaboration with Father Orazio Caputo was proposed, as he helps many homeless people and involves them in charitable activities. In line with Vice Prior’s request, Mons. Raspanti found a church to entrust to the Delegation. At the end of the meeting, the latter thanked the Delegation for its commitment towards people in need, both in its diocese and in all Sicily.

On Sunday, 14th January Mons. Gaetano Tulipano, Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace, parish priest of  St. Anthony the Abbot, and Father Giuseppe Iozzia, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, celebrated the Holy Mass in honor of the Saint of the church, by remembering his life and exemplarity. The Municipal police’s choral animated the liturgical celebration. The Mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla, Commander of Merit, and Knight Dario Falzone, responsible for human resources and Palermo municipal police attended the celebration. Before the Holy blessing, the mayor awarded a medal of the city to Mons. Tulipano, and thanked the Constantinian Order for the presence at the event. At the end of the religious function, Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni brought H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon two Sicilies Duke of Castro, Grand Master’s  greetings to the Mayor and Mons. Tulipano.

On Saturday 13th January the Knight Grand Cross of Grace Antonio di Janni and the Comm. Gasperino Como have delivered some medical products of the project “Briciole di Salute”, gifted by the Delegation to Father Bernardo, responsible for Benedictine Caritas. After the donation, the Knights have met the Abbot Father Vittorio Rizzone, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, who thanked the Delegation for the continuous aid to the children of needy families.

On Wednesday 17th January, the donation of garrisons of the project “Briciole di Salute” was held in the adjacent structures of the Constantinian church “Maria SS. degli Agonizzanti”. The project aims at helping vulnerable families with children up to 3 years. The Vice Delegate and the meritorious Sonia Lo Monaco, Antonella Zito and Marco Scolaro joined the event.

During the solemn Eucharistic Celebration which took place in “S. Giacomo Maggiore” Church in Messina last 20th January, the appointment of Most Reverend Mons. Mario Di Pietro, Knight Officer of Ecclesiastical Grace as new representative for Messina and its province was formalized. Knight Mr. Renato Milazzo proclaimed the relevant Decree signed by Vice Delegate Noble Antonio di Janni, Knight Grand Cross of Grace, transmitted by Chancellor of the Delegation of Sicily, Knight Officer Claudio Ragusa. Finally, the new representative thanked the Knights who were there and expressed his gratitude to his predecessor, Mr. Giovanni Bonanno, Knight Grand Officer of Merit for his contribution during his office.

The participation of the Knights to the celebration was led by Knight Felice Alessandro Gambadoro, in the role of Master of ceremonies.

Moreover, also Knight Grand Cross of Justice Giorgio Mirti della Valle, Knight Officer Letterio Sciliberto, Knight of Merit Admiral Giacomo Santi Legrottaglie, Knight of Merit Letterio Donato, Knight of Merit Comm. Lino La Rosa, Knight of Merit Gefr. Antonino Smiroldo, Knight of Office Brig. Pasquale Marchesano, Knight of Office Giuseppe Cirrincione attended the event.

Before the blessing, Mr. Bonanno led the choral recitation of the Constantinian Knight prayer.

A solemn Pontifical was held in Acireale, on the occasion of St. Sebastian in the homonymous. The rite was presided over by H.E. Most Rev. Mons. Renato Boccardo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Spoleto. H.E. Most Rev. Mons. Antonino Raspanti, Bishop of Acireale, Knight Grand Cross  of Ecclesiastical Grace, H.E. Most Rev. Mons. Domenico Mogavero, Bishop Emeritus of Mazara del Vallo, Knight Grand Cross  of Ecclesiastical Grace, and Bishops Mons. Salvatore Cristina, Mons. Salvatore Pappalardo, Mons. Carmelo Cuttitta, Mons. Vincenzo Manzella, and Canon Don Alessandro, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace. Also a group of knights representing the Delegation of Sicily attended the event.



Throughout the month of January 2024, the Sicilian Delegation once again has donated through the initiative Briciole di Salute (lit. “Crumbs of health”) in the cities of Carini, Alcamo and Palermo, where Father Serge, pastor of the church of S. Francesco di Paola, received powdered milk which will be destined to the orphanage of the Padri Minimi mission in Congo.

In December 2023, the initiative Briciole di Salute was held in Acireale, San Martino delle Scale, Monreale, Palermo (San Francesco di Paola), Patti and Noto; this last donation was held in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Prefect.

On Saturday, January 6th, a solemn mass in occasion of the Epiphany was held by Mons. Salvatore Grimaldi at the Constantinian Basilica La Magione. Amongst the participants, there were children of the catechism and many constantinian Knights such as: Papas Luigi Lucini, Commander of Ecclesiastical Grace, Emanuele Mancini, Coronel of the Italian Army and commander of the Turba station of Palermo, the Noble Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni, the Noble Manlio Corselli, the Commander Gasperino Como, the Knight Officer Claudio Ragusa, Chancellor of the Delegation, the Knights Fabio Marino, Giovanni Messina Spina, Giulio Pillitteri and Dame Maria Antonia Spagnolo. After the celebration, the latter distributed Epiphany stockings to the children.

On December 19th at the church of Mary Most Holy of the Agonizing in Monreale, a ceremony was held for the awarding of the best nativity scene. The winner was the nativity scene of Sonia Lo Monaco, both for its complexity and its beauty.

On December 29th, Mons. Thierry Laurent, member of the Apostolic Nunciature of France, along with Father Gabriel Sampré and Father Mathieu de Warren, visited the nursing home Benedetto Balsamo in Monreale, accompanied by the archbishop H.E. Mons. Guglielmo Isacchi. They later visited the Abbey of S. Martino delle Scale, accompanied by the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni. The group was greeted by the Most Reverend Father Abbot Vittorio Rizzone.

On December 22nd, the Holy Christmas Mass for the Knights of the Sicily Delegation was held at the Basilica Costantiniana della Magione.

On December 21st, the Holy Christmas Mass was held in Mazara del Vallo at the Parish Church Saint Gemma Galgani.

On December 29th, the traditional Christmas lunch offered by the Sicily Delegation was held in Monreale, at the nursing home Mons. Benedetto Balsamo.

On December 22nd, concurrently with the charity lunch of the Diocesan Shelter Sacra Famiglia of Patti, Knights Tony Zarrillo and Antonio Smiroldo donated 60 small portions of pandoro.

In Enna, the volunteers of Briciole di Salute worked along with the scouts of the Italian Catholic Scout Movement for Adults (MASCI) congregation Father Cannizzo Enna 1. A religious function was held by Father Sebastiano Rusignolo at the church of St. Bartholomew, where toys, school equipment, baby clothes and groceries were donated to needy families.

On December 21st, the Goethe Choir performed in a charity concert at the Church of Mary Most Holy of the Agonizing in Monreale. The money raised was donated to the Joy for Children Association.



On monday, November 13, the Noble Antonio di Janni, Vice Delegate for Sicily, accompanied by the Noble Knight of Grace Prof. Manlio Corselli, was received in the Palazzina of the 4th Flight Department of the State Police allocated within the Airport ‘Boccadifalco’ of Palermo by Superintendent Dr. Antonio Molinaro, First Head of the State Police, Pilot Commander of the Department.

He was accompanied by the Senior Pilot Officer Dr. Paolo Bulgarella and the Officer of S.P. Dr. Fabio Melchiorre.

The Commander Molinaro met cordially with the Vice Delegate, thanking him for this pleasant visit. He had the pleasure of leading him to the helicopter shed supplied to the department, where the operator of the aeroplane and its technical characteristics were described.

The Vice Delegate, Dr. Di Janni, followed carefully the explanations of Commander Molinaro and was pleased with the efficiency of the service of the 4 Flight Department of the State Police that monitors with abnegation on the safety of citizens of the Palermo area.

After returning to the Commander’s office, Dr. Molinaro, together with his colleagues present, expressed significant appreciation for the work of solidarity carried out by the Constantinian Order of St George and asked the Delegate to greet the Grand Master of the Order.

Before welcoming the guests, the First Manager, Dr. Antonio Molinaro, wanted to pay homage to the Vice Delegate with the gift of a publication on the service activity of the Command Post Department.

On Wednesday, November 15, the Vice Delegate went to the “House of Smiles” to donate several hundred notebooks for the first classes of the primary school. The teaching material was delivered to the volunteer Andrea. The structure, present not only in Monreale but also in Partinico, welcomes children of various ages from families at risk. It is run by the Franciscan Father Francesco Biondolillo.

On wednesday, November 15, the usual donation of presidia for early childhood of the Project “Briciole di Salute” was held in Monreale. The distribution was held in the rooms attached to the Constantinian church of Maria SS degli Agonizzanti in Piazza Guglielmo II. The Vice Delegate with the meritorious Antonella Zito and Marco Scolaro, donated clothes for children, homogenized, biscuits, pastina, milk and even cakes. As every year, even older children received pandoro. Notebooks for primary school children were also donated.

On saturday, November 25, at the Benedictine Abbey of S. Martino delle Scale, the Vice Delegate has donated to the Benedictine Caritas several early childhood principals and notebooks for children of needy families attending elementary school, before the visit organized with several guests to learn more about the wonders of the Abbey. The Vice Delegate with the Dames Eugenia Ferro and Patrizia Biagi, handed over the presidios to Father Bernardo, in charge of the Benedictine Caritas. Immediately after the visit to the Abbey, Father Abbot Vittorio Rizzone met the Knights for lunch with their guests, amazed and fascinated by the beauty of the Abbey with its seven cloisters.

At the end of the distribution of the presidios for children, in the Constantinian church of Maria SS degli Agonizzanti of Monreale, the Vice Delegate for Sicily, Noble Antonio di Janni, Knight Grand Cross by Grace, has handed the silver medal of merit to the meritorious Marco Scolaro, who for years has helped and collaborated with the Project “Briciole di Salute”.

On November 14, a Solemn Pontifical was celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of Acireale on the occasion of the Feast of the Translation of the relics of Saint Venus Virgin and Martyr, patron saint of the city. The Solemn Mass was celebrated by H.E. Cardinal Paolo Romeo, and saw the participation, in addition to the faithful gathered, of the highest civil and military offices, representatives of the Royal Chapel of Santa Venera, and a representation of the orders of chivalry present in the territory. For the Sicily Delegation, Knights Paolo Bella, Massimo Putrino, Giuseppe Longo, Giuseppe Di Gregorio, Giovanni Brachitta, Diego Bellia were present . At the end of the Solemn Pontifical, the Pastor of the Cathedral Basilica, Father Mario Fresta, in agreement with H.E. Cardinal Paolo Romeo, thanked the orders of chivalry for their participation, renewing the invitation to work with charity and a sense of Christian spirit.



On Tuesday, October 17, at the church of Santa Gemma in Mazara del Vallo, the Solemn Investiture Rite of Colonel Daniele Donati, commander of the military air base of Birgi, took place. The Solemn Investiture was presided over by H.E. Mons. Angelo Giurdanella, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo and Knight Gr. Cr. of Ecclesiastical Grace, in the presence of H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect. Mons. Giurdanella, who got to know Colonel Donati, praised his professionalism and his humanity in commanding a base as important as that of Birgi, especially in this time of world crisis. Immediately after the rite of investiture, H.E. Mgr. Giurdanella presided over a Solemn Pontifical in the presence of many Knights. Concelebrated by Father Gerardo Franco Caruso, pastor of S. Gemma and Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace. At the end of the Solemn Pontifical, immediately after the prayer of the Constantinian Knight, the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Nobile Antonio di Janni, brought to the Bishop the congratulations and thanks for the investiture ceremony, the first in the Diocese of Mazara, from H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Grand Master and Head of the Royal House. Knight of Justice Marquis Mirti della Valle, Noble Knight of Grace Manlio Corselli, Commendators Michele Salerno and Vito Quattrocchi, Knights Officiers Claudio Ragusa, Baldassare Cacioppo and Antonino Patti, Knights Maurizio Di Stefano, Giuseppe Lipari, Nicola Saladino and Dame Carmela Munda were also present.

Thursday, October 12, at the hall S. Cecilia, the concert of the seventeenth concert season organized by the delegation Sicily was held. The artistic director of the concert seasons, Maestro Alberto Giacchino, thanked both the delegation and the pastor Mons. Salvatore Grimaldi, Comm. of Ecclesiastical Grace. The musicians present were Gianfranco Giordano, Valeria Giordano, Giulia Abbruscato on the piano and Debora Puleo on the violin. Works by Beethoven, Mozart, Bellini and other composers from the 19th century were performed. At the end of the concert Mons. Grimaldi has delivered the certificates of participation to the concert to the musicians.

Friday 13 October has carried out, near the port of Palermo, the inauguration of the new trapezoidal pier restructured. The communal administration of Palermo and to the President of the harbour Authority Dr. Pasqualino Monti wanted to redevelop this area, abandoned after the war, and return it to the city. The inauguration ceremony was held in the presence of the President of the Republic, Prof. Sergio Mattarella, the Minister of Infrastructure and Vice President of the Council of Ministers Matteo Salvini, the President of the Sicily Region Hon. Renato Schifani, the President of the Regional Assembly Hon. Gaetano Galvano, Knight Officer, of H.E. the Prefect Dr. Maria Teresa Cicinotta, Dame Commander, the Commander Mayor of Palermo Prof. Roberto la Galla, the City Council and the civil and military authorities.
The President of the harbour Authority Dr. Pasqualino Monti had the pleasure of inviting to the prestigious inaugural ceremony H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of the Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, and sister of the Head of the Royal House of the Bourbons of the Two Sicilies H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon, Duke of Castro.
The Presence of the Royal Family marks the unbroken bond between the ancient rulers and the City of Palermo, the capital of Sicily.
During the event H.R.H. Princess Beatrice, accompanied by the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Noble Knight of Gr. Cr Antonio di Janni and the Chancellor of the Delegation Knight Off. Claudio Ragusa, had the opportunity to talk with the Deputy Mayor of Palermo and Deputy National Hon. Carolina Varchi, with the Knight Hon Dr. Dario Falsone, Councillor for Demographic Services of the Municipality of Palermo, with Honorable Marco Intravaia, Knight and President of the City Council of Monrale, and Alessandro Aricò, Councillor for Infrastructure Sicilian Region, with the Hon. Francesco Paolo Scarpinato, Councillor for Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity, with the MEP Hon. Giuseppe Milazzo and with the General of Division Maurizio Scardino, Commander of Merit.
Princess Beatrice expressed her pleasure to Noble Mr. Robert Solomon, a member of the Barons of Nicosia, and to Dr. Dario di Vincenzo, whose family owns the Church of San Giorgio in Piana degli Albanesi, for his beautiful work.

Immediately after the Solemn Pontifical, presided by the Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, H.E. Mons. Angelo Giurdanella Knight Gr. Cr. of Ecclesiastical Grace, H.R.H. the Princess Beatrice of Bourbon of the two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, has delivered, together with the new Knight Colonel Donati, to the parish priest of S. Gemma, Father Franco Caruso, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, in the presence of the Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Mons. Giurdanella, some garrisons donated by the Sicily delegation. The parish priest thanked the Order for the constant help it provides to the needy people of his parish.

On friday, October 27, at the premises annexed to the Mother Church of Carini, Archdiocese of Monreale, the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni and Knight Giulio Pilliteri, handed over to the Archpriest of the city, Father Giacomo Sgroi, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, several principals for early childhood, toys, diapers, shoes and clothing, all new. Ftaher Giacomo warmly thanked the Order for the generous donation received.

On Thursday, October 26, the usual monthly donation to the Benedictine Caritas of the Abbey of S. Martino delle Scale of garrisons for children aged between zero and three years of the project “Briciole di Salute” took place. The Vice Delegate of Sicily gave to the head of the Caritas, Father Bernardo, homogenized diapers and pastina. Immediately after the delivery, the Vice Delegate had a cordial conversation with the Father Abbot, Father Vittorio Rizzone, Knight Grand Officer of Ecclesiastical Grace.

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