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New Royal Investitures in Monreale

New Royal Investitures in Monreale


Monreale, 27 October 2015. Having elicited the choral response “In nomine Christi, amen” from the clergy and the illustrious Knights and Dames, Don Antonio Cipriano’s pronouncement “Procedamus in pace” marked the beginning of the procession which took place in the Duomo of Monreale on Tuesday 27 October and which was followed by a Eucharistic celebration heralding new knightly investitures into the Order. The religious ceremony was officiated by His Most Reverend Eminence Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino, Grand Prior, and concelebrated by the Archbishop of Monreale HE Mons. Michele Pennisi, Prior of Sicily and by HE Mons. Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro, Bishop for the Italo-Albanian communities across Sicily and the Isles of Italy, together with Don Calogero D’Ugo, parish priest of the Chiesa Madre “SS. Crocifisso” at Belmonte Mezzagno, Don Giuseppe Scrivano, parish priest of the church of San Francesco di Paola alla Civita at Catania, and Don Porfilio Traficanti, parish priest of the Latin church of “Santa Cristina Gela”. While delivering his sermon, the Grand Prior – clearly inspired by the Crucifix donated by the “Accademia Internazionale Giuseppe Pitrè” of Palermo, which was here represented by the President of the association, Professor Giovanni Gianpino – thought it worthwhile to remind all new appointees, most notably Mr Salvatore Vassallo, Mr Antonino Smiroldo, Mr Felice Alessandro Gambad’Oro and Mr Renato Milazzo, along with the Ecclesiastical Knights, Don Porfilio Traficanti and Don Calogero Falcone, of how the Order is historically committed to the delivery of the following principal duties: the Glorification of the Cross, the dissemination of the Faith, and the defence of the Holy Roman Church. For this reason, Knights and Dames are not only required to lead perfectly Christian lives but it also expected that they will affiliate themselves with all initiatives directly contributing to the furtherance of religious principles among people, and that they will establish – by all available means – close cooperative ties with the purpose of reviving Christian religious practice. At the close of the ceremony too, as HE Mons. Pennisi, HE Don Augusto Ruffo di Calabria dei Principi di Scilla and the Vice Delegate proceeded to express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude, there were further opportunities for the Order’s charitable activities currently ongoing across Sicily and in the Norman city to be brought into sharp focus, over and above what remains a part the Order’s foundational guidelines. Deserving of a special mention was the commendable work performed in connection with humanitarian project “Nuove Briciole di Salute”. Quite aside from the Grand Prefect, also attending the event were HE Don Augusto Ruffo di Calabria dei Principi di Scilla, who gave a reading of the Prayer of the Constantinian Knight, the Grand Chancellor HRH The Princess Beatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, the Grand Master of Ceremonies Mr Piero Cutellè, the Vice Delegate for Tuscany Mr Edoardo Puccetti (Commander), the Vice Delegate for Calabria Mr Aurelio Badolati, the representative for the city of Brescia Don Arnaldo Morandi along with the Tuscan clergy, numerous knights and dames, coming from Lombardy, Tuscany, Campania, Calabria and from all over Sicily. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta was represented by the Delegate for Western Sicily Baron Vincenzo Calefati di Canalotti who received the parchment certificate of investiture into the Constantinian Order in the capacity of ‘Knight Grand Cross of Justice’ whilst acting on behalf of HE Fra’ Luigi Naselli of Gela, Grand Prior of Naples and Sicily of the S.M.O.M.. Other parchment certificates of investiture were handed over to HE Mons. Pennisi on the occasion of his appointment to the rank of Ecclesiastical Knight Grand Cross of Grace and to Mr Giuseppe Grandinetti, Mr Vincenzo Nuccio and Mr Carmelo Sammarco who were created Commanders of Merit. The solemn ceremony was further enlivened by the Choir of the Cathedral of Monreale which featured the addition of Mother Eleusa, Sister Tenerezza and Sister Dolce Nombre, Sister Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matarà. At the end of a very hectic day, a celebratory luncheon was held at a panoramic restaurant on the 14th floor of the Hotel San Paolo in Palermo.




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Monreale, 27 October 2015. A launch party for the book “Histories and Memoirs of the Archbishops of Monreale” written by Antonio di Janni, Vincenzo Nuccio and Don Giovanni Vitale and edited by CE.ST.E.SS., was held in the stunning halls of the Palazzo Arcivescovile in Monreale on 27 October 2015. This publication is concerned to provide a historical and biographical account of the high prelates who have performed duties of pastoral care in the Episcopal See of the Norman dioceses over the years. The book was introduced by Professor Manlio Corselli in the presence of the highest-ranking Dignitaries of the Constantinian Order; His Eminence Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino; the Archbishop of Monreale, Michele Pennisi and the Eparch of Piana degli Albanesi, Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro. The event attracted great audience participation with several attendees showing a keen interest in the new publication. Also present on the day were numerous Constantinian Knights as well as many state and military officials.



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Monreale, 27 October 2015: All the highest dignitaries of the Constantinian Order, along with the Vice Delegate for Sicily and HE Mons. Michele Pennisi, took part – accompanied by a Delegation of Knights and Dames of the Order – in a breakfast charity event held at the Balsamo Institute, founded by Mons. Benedetto Balsamo. The event saw the Delegation providing support to the staff from the Institute and to the nuns from the Archdiocese of Monreale. A great amount of aid was donated in order to create better living conditions in the hospice and to help with the handling of meal provision programmes catering for in-patients.

HRH Princess Beatrice, Grand Chancellor, donated a painting of the Institute’s founder, Mons. Balsamo and, together with the whole Delegation, was busy waiting on tables serving food for a group of charming elderly ladies.




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Flood in Milazzo – Province of Messina

Flood in Milazzo – Province of Messina

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Milazzo, 10 October 2015. On Saturday 10 October, Bastione, a small village under the jurisdiction of Milazzo in the province of Messina, was hit by severe weather conditions. Heavy rains flooded the streets with muddy waters causing widespread damage. The Delegation of Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George was quick to spring into action by sending out a volunteer team, headed by the Knight Giuseppe Matranga. After dropping off 200 Kg of food supplies at the local Parish of Santa Marina, the volunteers carried out relief operations, helping with the city’s clean-up efforts alongside distressed and fearful villagers, working hard to remove mud from the streets and trying to recover personal belongings and furniture along with other relief squads from the Italian Civil Defence.



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Palermo, 27 October 2015. The Delegation for Sicily is to donate an electric motorised wheelchair, a mobility aid for both the aged and individuals with disabilities, to the ‘Balsamo’ old people’s home at Monreale. A book launch event for Mr Antonio di Janni, Mr Vincenzo Nuccio and Mr Giovanni Vitale, “Histories and Memoirs of the Archbishops of Monreale” is to follow shortly thereafter. At 5pm a celebration of the Holy Eucharist is to take place officiated by the Cardinal Grand Prior of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, His Eminence The Most Reverend Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino, along with co-celebrant His Excellency The Most Reverend Monsignor Michele Pennisi, Prior of the Delegation. Senior and high-ranking officials of the Order are also scheduled to take part.




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