On the occasion of Epiphany, the well restored wooden St George and the Dragon statue was officially presented in Scapoli parish church. The artwork was realized by the sacred art sculptor Paolo Saverio Di Zinno (1718-1781), in respect of the traditional legendary worship of such Saint Martyr. Since Middle Age, entire nations were devoted to him: he was invoked during plagues and became patron of some towns in Molise too. The Delegate for Molise, Duke Ettore d’Alessandro di Pescolanciano, supported by Secretary Commander Giuseppe D’Amico, by the Vice Delegate Giulio de Jorio Frisari, and by many postulants, namely Cristian Di Paola, immediately accepted Scapoli mayor’s collaboration to the restoration project of such an important artwork, ended last november. In fact, he is particularly interested in those initiatives enhancing municipal heritage. The Delegation of Molise wishes to support that religious community, also by celebrating a ceremony for the knights of the Delegation in the local church.
On thursday, December 7, the Delegation of Molise, represented by its Secretary Commander Giuseppe D’Amico and Knight Off. Francesco Lupo, along with other postulants, provided for the delivery of a significant donation of sports clothing and shoes to the “Community of welcome of San Giorgio” of Chiauci and Pescolanciano. The charitable prefestive operation has collected the most heartfelt thanks from the coordinator of the aforesaid structures, Ms Antonietta Bani, with the Dr. Angela Berardinelli and Mariana Ciavarro and the Dr. Roberto Rosas, in charge of the structures, to whom came the fraternal greetings of the Delegate, Duke Ettore d’Alessandro di Pescolanciano, very close to these territorial realities of social assistance. The group of Constantinian confreres who participated in the initiative was welcomed with a joyful spirit by the guests of the communities, who expressed evident gratitude with smiles and repeated thanks. On 12 December, a further delivery of various clothing and sports shoes to Francesco Fagnano, well-known athletic trainer for years engaged in the sports and social world, in order to send this goods to less well-off people. The Constantinian team will continue to operate with other donations on Molise territory in these weeks before Christmas.
Molise: collection and distribution for clothing and shoes donation
Molise: collection, distribution and donation of clothing and shoes on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November. The Delegate Duke d’Alessandro di Pescolanciano and Knight Comm. Giuseppe D’Amico, assisted by Knight of Grace Giulio De Jorio Frisari and other postulants of Molise, have provided the recovery of a truck with a load of clothing and shoes from donor organizations, which will be delivered to the territory’s parishes, lay-religious communities and needy families during these weeks before Christmas. On Sunday, a large amount of sports shoes was donated to the Ukrainian community of Campobasso, in the presence of Father Mikola Chapliuk at the conference hall of the church Mater Ecclesiae of the capital, receiving heartfelt thanks. On the same day, the delivery of other clothing material to the community of Scapoli (IS) took place through the Mayor Knight Renato Sparacino, with whom began a constructive collaboration.
On Saturday, November 11, the Delegation of Molise was invited to participate in the ceremony of oath of the students Carabinieri of the 142° training course at the school Allievi Carabinieri in Campobasso. The Delegate Duke Ettore d’Alessandro di Pescolanciano, assisted by Knight Comm. Giuseppe D’Amico, brought the greetings of H.R.H. the Grand Master, wishing a good job to the many students present, with the hope of being able to reward with a Constantinian honor the next most deserving students. The group of Delegates, with Father Giuseppe Graziano, was so entertained for due thanks with the Commander Legion Allievi Carabinieri, General Division Carlo Cerrina, General Giuseppe Crisà, the Commander Carabinieri school of Campobasso, Col. Bruno Capece and the Provincial Commander, Colonel Luigi Dellegrazie. Formal greetings on behalf of the Order have reached the President of the Molise Region, Dr. Francesco Roberti, and the President of the Regional Council of Molise, Dr.Quintino V.Pallante, and the Senator of the Republic Dr. Costanzo Della Porta, that were all present at the event along with other local authorities. After the military ceremony, the Delegate Duke d’Alessandro was able to visit the new administrative headquarters of the Delegation of Molise, at the “Government Palace” in Piazza Pepe, managed by Comm. D’Amico.