On January, 9th the first distribution of the month took place in Monreale, at Maria SS degli Agonizzanti church. The vice Delegate and some volunteers donated food, biscuits, milk and clothes to 40 needy families.
Brescia, January 10th 2019. Mr. Stefano Villotta delivered different kinds of materials for children to the Cinofili Leonessa Protezione Civile ONLUS group in Brescia. This is the third delivery of equipment for children who are assisted by the provincial emergency group.
On January 6TH , as usual, the Sicilian delegation distributed socks with sweets and toys to the children at the Basilica la Magione and the church of Maria SS della Pietà. The Vice Delegate, Mr. Antonio di Janni, Mr. Gasperino Como and Mr. Gaetano Giarrusso helped Mrs. Giovanna Galli and Mrs. Eugenia D’Alessandro to distribute the gifts to the children. Shortly after, the knights gave some toys and socks with sweets to the children hosted by the Mission “Speranza e Carità”.
On January 5th a meeting between the President of the Red Cross of Castelvetrano, Mr. Giuseppe Cardinale, and a delegation of local knights took place. The meeting, which was held on the eve of Epiphany, motivated one of the Knights, Mr. Carpinteri, to donate on behalf of the Order “a bag” full of more than 50 toys for the children assisted.
On January 5th, gifts were distributed to forty children at the church of Maria SS degli Agonizzanti in Monreale . The volunteer Sonia Lo Monaco, the Vice Delegate, Mr. Vincenzo Nuccio and the members of the MCL club Fabio Billetta, Pamela Russo, Renato Galano, Luigi D’Eliseo and Flavio Pillitteri took part in the donation.
On January 2nd , the Sicilian delegation donated 140 liters of milk to Banco Alimentare of S. Caterina Villermosa. Mr. Michele Tramontana (local representative) and Mr. Giovanni D’Agostino participated. Basic needs are distributed monthly, especially for children from 0 to 3 years.
On January 4TH , a donation was made in Alcamo. It is part of the project “Briciole di Salute”. Mr. Antonio Fundaró, Mr. Pietro Francesco Mistretta, Mr. Giancarlo Martorana, Mr. Vincenzo Bussa and Mr. Antonio Mario Vitiello gave the products to Msgr- Aldo Giordano, archpriest of the Maria Assunta church (Mother Church).
In Alcamo some Knights and Dames also participated in the solemn mass in preparation for Christmas at the Basilica Maria Assunta, held on December 22nd .
Pian di Scò – Arezzo, January 5th, 2019 – The Vice Delegate, Mr. Edoardo Puccetti, accompanied by the Vice Prior Father Rodolfo Rossi and Mr. Luca Templari, gave to Sr. Letizia Dei, in charge of the reception house “Fraternity of the Visitation “, which helps women and children victims of violence, some educational materials and clothing. This donation is part of the new project of the Tuscan delegation, named “Albarosa”, born to support all women who have been victim of violence.
Brescia, January 5th, 2019 – Mr. Francesco Spada and Mr. Daniele Gavezzoli, having proceeded to the usual collection of food products in the various market stands of Brescia, delivered to the Prior Father Benedetto Toglia about 200 kg of fruits and vegetables in favour of the disadvantaged families and the elderly of the place and the Sisters of Santa Marta, who run the parochial primary school “Casa San Giuseppe” in Rodengo-Saiano.