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Liturgical feast of the Blessed Maria Cristina, Queen of the Two Sicilies

Liturgical feast of the Blessed Maria Cristina, Queen of the Two Sicilies

31gen2015 invito beata maria cristina regina delle due sicilie

Marsala, Saturday, January 31, 2015.  At the Parish of San Francesco di Paola, in the contrada of the Holy Father of the Perriere of Marsala in the province of Trapani, there was the  Mass on the occasion of the anniversary of the liturgical feast of the Blessed Maria Cristina, Queen of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, wife of Ferdinand II of Bourbon.

The beatification of “Reginella Santa” took place in Naples on 25 January 2014 in the Basilica of Santa Chiara, pantheon of the family of Bourbon Two Sicilies. The Knights of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order fo St George, represented by Comm. Elio Zuccarello, by the Knight  Giuseppe Lipari and the Knight  Baldassare Cacioppo, were joyfully welcomed by the parish priest Don Gaspar Tortorici, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace and by the many believers, who demonstrated, at the end of the celebration, their appreciation with warm applauses for the human qualities of the Blessed Maria Cristina, virtues repeatedly praised by the words of the constantinian chaplain.

The Celebration was preceded by the prologue of the Knight Cacioppo, who traced  in brief  the life and the beatification process of Reginella Santa.

Profound  words of moral teaching have crowned the homily tracing the steps of the Holy Scriptures, highlighting the call of every persont to a common vocation to holiness; like Blessed Maria Cristina, named mother for her love of the family and Queen for her love of her People and the poor and, as the Knights of the Constantinian Order, called to the Christian choice of the Cross to witness faith and solidarity.

After the Communion the brothers of the Order, facing the image of S. Francesco di Paola, patron of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, recited the prayer to Blessed Maria Cristina.

At the end of the Mass, the Knights  received a special present  by Don Gaspare: a volume containing some writings of the great religious thinker Blaise Pascal, as strong support for their spiritual  growth.


Before the fraternal agape the Constantinian Knights have supported with their offers

the parish  initiative  titled  “National Day for Life 2015”, an event to increase awareness about the importance of the family, the welcoming and  the value of life.


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H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, visiting the exhibition of San Gaetano

H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, visiting the exhibition of San Gaetano


Monreale – 14/21 March 2015 – Saturday, March 14  it was opened, at the Church of San Gaetano, in the presence of H.R.H. Princess  Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, the exhibition of historical documents and coins dating back to the time of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, to mark the 280th anniversary of the coronation of Charles III of Bourbon (1735-2015), by the  collectors Antonio di Janni and Salvatore Romano .

A parallel section dedicated to the artist Pinella Imbesi awarded by a recognition that the princess wanted to assign her.

The exhibition was organized by the Constantinian Order of St. George in collaboration with the cultural association Monseigneur Realis.

Special presence of H.R.H. Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies who was pleasantly entertained for about an hour, especially attracted  by ancient finds dating to a period before the unification of Italy and really fascinated by the location, the prestigious church of San Gaetano,  she listened  with interest to the explanations about the origins and history of the monument described by the president of Mons. Realis. Angelo Granà.

The representative of the house Bourbon  received as gift  the famous biscuits of Monreale, a symbol of the culture of the district confectionery, prepared by  Enza Scala from Monreale.




foto consegna materiale San Vincenzo

Turin, Wednesday, 11 March 2015. it took place the delivery of food to poor people  at the Association of San  Vincenzo of the  Church Gesù Nazareno, at the  presence of H.E.  the Illustrious Notary Limontini and of a large numbers of Knights of the Constantinian Order of St. George.

About 350 kg of food  such as  pasta, rice, flour, oil, coffee, sauces as well as some money have been distributed.

The initiative is part of the project  “the hunger of our neighbour” promoted by the Order and strongly supported by the Grand Master,  H.R.H Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, and was coordinated by the representative of the Order of Turin, knight Dr.. Mario Rodolfo Baschirotto, who declares: “I sincerely thank all the Knights who contributed with enthusiasm and generosity to the success of this initiative with  their offerings both in  food as in money and with their  personal participation at the event. I really felt the power of their sincere cooperation”. ”



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Rome – March 11, 2015- The Vicar Delegation  of Rome, according to  the project “The hunger of our neighbour “, created by our Grand Master of the Constantinian Order of St. George, after offering a lunch to 500 poor persons on December 8, 2014, along with a service of showers and change clothes,  has launched a project to provide food to poor people living in the districts  Prati-Trionfale Rome.

The Vicar Delegate of Rome Marquis Lawyer Giorgio Mirti della Valle, charged  the Chancellor of the Vicar Delegation, Dr Noble. Fabrizio Ratto-Vaquer, to start a new project of assistance to poor people  within the program “The hunger of our neighbour” which includes the donations of about 500 kg. of food, such as pasta, bread, biscuits, fruit and soft drinks, as well as other basic necessities.

Everything is coordinated and organized by Dr. Vincenzo Gaglione, knight of merit, who has found the people able to donate the necessary  food to the Parish of San Giuseppe al Trionfale for all those people who are below the poverty line and also for families with serious economic difficulties.

Within this project, the delegation also offered a stock of 100 pullover.

The parish of San Giuseppe al Trionfale is situated a few hundred meters from the Centre for Health,COS, of the Vicar  Delegation of Rome (coordinated by Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Giuseppe de Lorenzo) inaugurated on February 16, 2015, in the presence of  the Grand Treasurer H.E. Notary Claudio Limontini. Thus the Vicar Delegation of Rome is able to offer to the poors living in the  districts Trionfale-Prati and the surrounding areas a service of food and health, helping the parishes of the Prefectures of reference of the Vicariate of the Diocese of Rome.

For the month of March, there is also the ” Charity lucky dip in occasion of St. Giuseppe day”, organized by the Parish in the week going from 15 to 22 March 2015. The intention of the Vicar Delegation of Rome is making an offer in support of the “charity lucky dip” to  purchase one or more prizes (payable by the Constantinian Order) fundable with some great offers, specially designed by donors in favor of charitable works of the Order.

Several valuable objects will be personally offered  by the Vicar Delegate of Rome, Marquis Lawyer Giorgio Mirti della Valle and by the Chancellor the  Noble Dr  Fabrizio Ratto-Vaquer.

On Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 16:00  H.E. the very Reverend Cardinal Severino Poletto, presbyter of S. Giuseppe, in Trionfale street, will preside at the solemn Mass and procession, in the presence of the Representatives of the City of Rome and of the Vicar Delegation of Rome  of the Sacred Military Constantinian order of Saint George.

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“Our neighbour’s starvation”: presentation of the “shopping bag” to the families in need

“Our neighbour’s starvation”: presentation of the “shopping bag” to the families in need


Novara 2015-  This year again Novara Delegation promotes the project “Our neighbour’s starvation” by the presentation of the “shopping bag” to the families who are not well off and are in need.

Since 2008 through events Novara and V.C.O. delegation has monthly bought  quality essential goods according to the aided family, helping several families in serious financial straits.





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