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Christmas Mass at the constantinian Basilica della Magione

Christmas Mass at the constantinian Basilica della Magione


Palermo – December 23, 2014.  Monsignor Gino Lo Galbo, chaplain and pastor of the Constantinian Basilica della Magione,  celebrated Mass for the Sicilian delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George on the occasion of Christmas.

Monsignor Lo Galbo thanked the knights of Sicily for having restored the monumental organ of the church that has 19,000 pipes. It was the occasion for the knights to to congratulate the  priest who celebrated 53 years of priesthood. The Mass was celebrated by Don Giuseppe Di Giovanni, constantinian  chaplain and nephew of Monsignor Lo Galbo.

Maby knights were present: Antonio Janni, Salvatore Orobello, Vincenzo Nuccio, Carmelo Sammarco, the  Prefect Gianfranco Romagnoli, Umberto Mendola, Francesco Paolo Guarneri, Claudio Ragusa, Manlio Corselli, Fabrizio Ippoliti,  Rosario Palermo, Rosario Tantillo, Pietro Macaluso and  the Ladies Carmela Munda and Carla Amirante.


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Castelvetrano – December 23, 2014. It has taken place in Castelvetrano, last December 23, the Mass of Christmas for the Knights of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, who found themselves in the locals of the non-profit associationAIAS – section of Castelvetrano, Equestrian Center of Rehabilitation for disabled children.

The Mass, which was attended by many families who use the services of the rehabilitation center, as well as by  the staff  working there, was celebrated by Don Gaspar Tortorici, knight of Ecclesiastical Grace.

The constantinian chaplain  praised the leadership of the Association AIAS : the President, Dr. Angela Puleo, and dr. Elio Zuccarello, Director of C.R.E. and knight of the Constantinian Order, for the efforts in helping  disadvantaged children and their families.

Commitment to help the less fortunate near us  must be exercised by each Constantinian knight, as mentioned in the prayer of the Constantinian Knight read before the conclusion of the Eucharistic celebration.

During the mass it  was blessed a precious crucifix gift of the knight Salvatore Notarianni to the Church of Maria SS. Agonizzanti of Monreale, where the masses of the  Sicilian  Delegation of the Constantinian Order of St. George are celebratee.

After the Mass, in a nice atmosphere of solidarity, the Constantinian knights attended the banquet and the funny activities organized dall’AIAS for all children, who have received gifts from Santa Claus arrived on horseback.

Present the knights Elio Zuccarello, Giuseppe Grandinetti, Michele Salerno, Giuseppe Lipari, Salvatore Notarianni and Baldassare Cacioppo.


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Lunch before Christmas for 120 persons in need  at Caritas in Livorno

Lunch before Christmas for 120 persons in need at Caritas in Livorno

Livorno 22-12-14 c

Toscana- 22 December 2014. On 22 December, it was organized by the Delegation of Tuscany, a pre-Christmas lunch, in favor of 120 poor and needy, on the occasion of the advent of the holiday season. Present at the lunch, the Bishop Monsignor Simone Giusti, directed  by Sister Raffaella Spiezio, President of the Foundation Caritas who welcomes all the guests: with a nice word and  attention. Thanks also to Don Placido Bevinetto who, together eith the Constantinian Order, has contributed to the organization of this Christmas dinner, of solidarity and sharing.



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December 21, 2014, meeting between Knights and volunteers at Orta di Atella

December 21, 2014, meeting between Knights and volunteers at Orta di Atella


Orta di Atella – December 21, 2014.  At 17:30 ot was held – in the square outside the Diocesan Sanctuary of San Salvador da Horta, at  Orta di Atella – a meeting between some of our Knights and volunteers.

The solemn Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rev. Gaetano Franzese O.F.M.

It has also taken place a training for the Knights and volunteers on the theme of “Poverty and Solidarity”, followed at 20.00  p.m. by a solidarity dinner for the less fortunate inhabitants  of Atella. The evening ended with a tombola.

The dinner was offered by the Lawyer Pasquale Ragozzino, on behalf of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, which was attended by fifty indigent guests indigent; twenty-five volunteers from the Emergency Corps of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George belonging to  the Civil Protection of the City of Atella and the Secular Franciscan Order; Father Superior of the Convent of the Friars Minor, very Rev. Ferdinando Cimmaruta O.F.M.; and  the Rev. Gaetano Franzese O.F.M.

There were also the Knight of Merit  Damiano Onorato and his wife, the Knight of Merit Antonello Amaddeo, the Knight of Merit Luigi De Angelis, the Knight Maurizio Barbato, the Attorney Pasquale Grasso and many others.


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San Giorgio a Cremano: distribution of gift packs

San Giorgio a Cremano: distribution of gift packs


San Giorgio a Cremano – December 20, 2014. An important event for the distribution of gift packs to those who live in a state of strong economic difficulty. The Knight Ciro Di Giacomo, assisted by a group of his associates, provided for the collection of food, at supermarkets DECO of San Giorgio a Cremano and grocery stores of the Ciccarelli and Festante Groups.

They were collected, pasta, rice, cereals, flour, long-life milk, baby food, biscuits and baby products, canned and dried vegetables.

These packaged products have been distributed during a ceremony at the presence of our Delegate and the city authorities. The program was held with the meeting between the Marchese Pierluigi Sanfelice di Bagnoli and the mayor; the mayor of San Giorgio a Cremano Dott. Domenico Giorgiano, at the headquarters of the CAF association in Painter street  where there was a  greeting toast  followed by the distribution of  gift packs.

San Giorgio a Cremano is a town of about 4 square kilometers, and a population density of 49,000 inhabitants resident. Its origins are in the ancient village of Cambrano where it  was built a church dedicated to Saint George, while another village of the town was developed around the Church of Santa Maria del Principio. In the second half of the 600 the two villages were joined  creating the city of San Giorgio a Cremano. The many devotees of St. George carried the statue in procession at the foot of the erupting Vesuvius to get its protection and have saved their city. Every year the feast of the lava commemorates the intercession of the saint.

An area highly valued its past as resort where very beautiful and  important villas and palaces were built also  thanks to the presence not far of the Palace of Portici, where the Bourbon family spent her summers.


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