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USA: Visit of the Grand Chancellor to the American Delegation

USA: Visit of the Grand Chancellor to the American Delegation

On Sunday, March 26, 2023, the American Delegation of the Dynastic Orders of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies was honored with the visit of the Grand Chancellor of the Orders, H.E. Don Francesco Ruspoli, Prince of Cerveteri accompanied by his wife, H.E. Donna Angelica Ruspoli, Princess of Cerveteri.
A Solemn Mass to pray for the repose of the soul of the late Grand Master, HRH Prince Ferdinand of Bourbon-Two Sicilies for the Fifteenth Anniversary of his Death, was celebrated in the Dominican Church of Saint Vincent Ferrer in New York, attended by many Knights and Dames assisting in choir presided by the Grand Chancellor, with the Vice Delegate of the Delegation.
Following the Mass, the Knights and Dames were joined by the Delegate of the American Delegation of the Savoy Orders, and the Co-Hospitaller for the New York City area of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, for a ‘Pranzo Costantiniano’ luncheon.
Also present for the Mass and luncheon were three religious of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, a Congregation founded in 1997 now numbering over 150 Sisters. The Sisters, who will begin teaching in the new academic year at Sacred Heart School in Gallup, New Mexico, a challenging Native American mission, received an initial contribution of $5,000 from the Delegation, which is committed in a particular way to the support of Catholic Education and the relief of persecuted Christians.
During the luncheon, the Bronze Benemerenti Medal of the Constantinian Order was conferred upon Prof. Gaetano Cipolla who for over 50 years has promoted the historic culture of the Two Sicilies in the United States, especially with the study of the Sicilian language through the Arba Sicula organization.
The Grand Chancellor was able to address the Knights and Dames present, conveying the closeness of His Royal Highness the Grand Master, the other Officials of the Orders and the Grand Chancery.



On the occasion of the Holy Easter, the Knights and Dames of the Delegation of Emilia-Romagna Piacenza gathered in the Library of the Convent of the Franciscans order of St Mary of the Campaign to donate more than one houndred bags (with the Order’s logo on it) containing various kind of foodstuff, destined to vunerable families. In these hard times, exacerbated by the inflaction on commodities, this concrete gesture of solidarity made by the Knights of the Order is a strong message of support to all these people and families who are going through rough times. The Vice Prior of the Delegation Father Stefano Antonelli, helped by Father Secondo Bellati, Superior of the Friars Minor and guardian of the convent, blessed the bags and said some prays together with the Knights. The Vice Delegate, Knight Pietro Coppelli, wanted to pay his respects to the Delegate Esq. Corrado Sforza Fogliani, Knight Grand Cross, who played an important role in the affirmation of the delegation in area surrounding Piacenza. The Vice Prior Father Stefano Antonelli read the letter that the Grand Prior of the Order, Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, had sent to all Knights and Dames on the occasion of the Holy Easter.

Ferrara, February 18th 2023 – During the first months of this year we have resumed with the charity activities of our Delegation which is already coordinated by the Representative Father Davide Benini. On Saturday, February 18th, 2023, two important donations were made to the voluntary association “Servizio Accoglienza alla Vita” – SAV of Ferrara (Servizio di Accoglienza alla Vita of Ferrara), that provides assistance to mothers and families that are having an hard time. Following the requests during Christmas time, the volounteer Matteo Zaganelli donated toys, accesorizes and children’s clothes for children and their mothers. While, the Knight Davide Zamboni offered a new washing machine which will be used in the new SAV’s appartment for needy people. Also SAV’s representatives and volounteers, that took care of the gifts participated at the ceremony.

Ferrara, March 16th 2023 – A donation was made to the the voluntary association “Servizio Accoglienza alla Vita” – SAV of Ferrara, that provides help to needy mothers and families. The volounteer Matteo Zaganelli, together with the Knight Davide Zamboni and the Knight Father Davide Benini, donated toys, children’s clothes, foodstuff and, awaiting for the Holy Easter, Easter eggs and other typical Italian desserts. Furthermore, they also donated a particular lamp and some forniture for the SAV’s appartment for needy people.



Avenza – Massa Carrara, March 18th, 2023. After the official visit of the Delegation of Tuscany, that took place on October 18th and 19th, 2022, on March 18th the Delegation hosted the Magnificent Rector of La Sapienza University in Goma, Professor Innocenzo Nyirindekwe, who was in Tuscany for institutional meetings. In collaboration with the school Zaccagni-Galilei, that kindly hosted us in one of its rooms, the Delegation organized a conference, with the title Studiare in tempo di guerra, helded by the Magnificent Rector Professor Innocenzo himself. At the end of the conference Father Modestus Ben Subwanone, Vice priest in Massa Carrara-Pontremoli diocese, explained the educational activity that he carried out in Goma the previous year with more than 3,000 young people.

Some Knights of the Delegation of Massa Carrara and Versilia participated in the conference, together with the Delegate of Tuscany Ranieri Gastone Adorni Braccesi. In addition to some students of the school also the school principal Professor Silvia Arrighi, the Professor Marta Castagna of the Inspection Corps of the Tuscany School Office (former I.I.S. Headmaster), the Vicar General of the diocese of Massa Carrara Father Marino Navalesi, the Director of the Missionary Office Gianni Lazzarotti, the Director of the Diocesan Communications Office Father Alessandro Biancalani and the Parish Priest of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Quercioli, Father Mario Amadi, participated in the conference. To follow, in the Church of Mary Most Holy Mediatrix, two speakers celebrated the Holy Mass in honour of the victims of the Democratic Republic of Congo and for peace in that area. The event finished with a joyful lunch.

CLICK HERE to read the press release on the donations that the Delegation of Tuscany did during the first trimester of 2023.



Cosenza, March 2023 – In the kitchen of the Association “Casa Nostra” at the Archiepiscopal Curia of Cosenza, together with the Lions Club Cosenza Castello Svevo, some hot meals were prepared and served to 27 needy people of the territory. Such initiative was organized by the Knights Gaetano Liguori and Franco Vollaro.



Brescia, February 24th, 2023 – Our partnership with the Italian Red Cross continues. The Knight Daniele Gavezzoli donated 2000 surgical masks to the Italian Red Cross – Brescia Committee. Such medical devices, received with joy and gratitude, will be used by the medical personnel of the Italian Red Cross.

Verona, March 18th 2023 – The Knights Luciano Mazzola and Claudio Gaole together with the honoured Giuseppe Lategola and with the meritorious Vincenzo Porzio and Nicola Schiavone, purchased and donated to an elderly person with mobility problems in Verona a motorised armchair with electrical controls.

Mantova, March 18th, 2023 – The Official Knight Maurizio Mirandola, Representative of the city of Mantova, together with the Official Knight Benedetto Magro and the Knight of Merit Fabio Serravalle and the aspiring Knight Stefano Solci, participated in the solemn pontifical ceremony presided by His Excellency the Cardinal Oscar Cantoni, together with the Bishop of Mantova His Excellency Marco Busca and numerous priests and worshippers, on the occasion of the celebration of Saint Anselmo, patron of the city and of the diocese. The highest civil and militar authorities were present at the ceremony.

Nave, March 6th 2023 – The Knight Luciano Mazzolla and the honoured Giuseppe Lategola, Vincenzo Porzio and the meritorious Nicola Schiavone, purchased, donated, and placed a recovered forniture in the noursing home Villafiori in Nave (BS). Forniture destined to elderly guests living in the structure.

Brescia, March 18th 2023 – The fifth expedition organized by the Dame Katia Chiari, President of the Foundation Tanghetti & Chiari Onlus, with the collaboration of the Costantinian Order in favour of Ukranian people is ready to start. A big camion was filled with forniture that will be used for the reconstruction of destroyed houses. Volouteers will also carry fudstuff, clothes, medicines, medical devices and other commodities.

Lumezzane (BS), March 21st 2023. The Knight Romano Savi and the meritorious Francesca Ghidini purchased some foodstuff for the Lumezzane Caritas. Fudstuff was donated by Roberto Zampedri’s Pataro’.

Brescia, March 21st, 2023. With the collaboration of the Cynophile Group of Brescia the Knight Luciano Mazzola purchased and delivered to Parish of Buon Pastore of San Vincenzo pasta and foodstuff for needy people and families.

Brescia, March 21st, 2023. The Colonel Vittorio Fragalà received the Nob. Giuseppe dei Conti Rizzani, Delegate of the Lombardy, with the Prior Arnaldo Morandi and the Official Knight Maurizio Mirandola at the headquarter of the Carabinieri Provincial Command. During the cordial meeting the Delegate awarded the Colonel Fragalà with the diploma of promotion to Official Knight. The Colonel, pleased for the collaborative and friendly atmosphere, claimed to be honoured of the recognition he had received hoping for more initiatives in favour of the territory and needy people.

Brescia, March 22nd 2023. As part of the collection of medicines for the Lebanon emergency organized by the Delegation of Lombardy, and as a response to Father Charbel from the Maronite Fathers congregation, the Knight Father Faustino Pari, Archbishop of the Santa Maria Assunta in Bagnolo Mella Parish, donated to the Prior of Lombardy a lot of pharmaceutical and medical devices.

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