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On 12 December, Dames, Knights, worthy people and volunteers of the Delegation of Calabria gathered in Reggio Calabria, at the Candlemas Church, to take part in the Eucharistic celebration presided over by H.E. the Most Reverend Msgr. Vittorio Luigi Mondello, Archbishop Emeritus of Reggio Calabria – Bova, Prior of the Delegation. The religious function was celebrated by the Vice Prior, Commander of Ecclesiastic Grace Father Luigi Cannizzo and Knight of Ecclesiastic Grace Father Nicola Commisso Meleca. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, thanks to Knight Officer of Merit Carlo Parisio, the Delegation donated a freezer to the parish Caritas of Candelora. The new appliance, together with the refrigerator already donated by the Delegation on 18 September, will assist the volunteers in preserving the foodstuffs for the deserving and important work. After the donation, people who had distinguished themselves for their contribution to the Delegation’s good works received a number of merits. Afterwards, a fraternal agape was excellently organised by Dame of Merit Marianna Foti in a famous place of the city, at the end of which a painting donated by Knight of Merit Giuseppe Buggè was raffled off.

On Friday 17 December, a group of Knights of the Delegation of Calabria spent the afternoon at the Family House Villa Bethania. Thanks to the love and dedication of the Congregation Daughters of Mary, the Most Holy, Co-Redemptrix, through the work of 15 nuns, coordinated by Sister Carla and assisted by volunteers, the facility hosts socially disadvantaged minors, minors at risk and those in recovery programmes ordered by the judicial authorities. The attention paid to these children inspired the initiative of Noble Dame of Justice Sveva dei Principi Sanseverino dei Baroni di Marcellinara, who was happy to offer the gifts requested by the children. Accompanied by Delegate Gianpietro dei Principi Sanseverino dei Baroni di Marcellinara, Vice Delegate Dr Aurelio Badolati, Knight Officers Dr Roberto Bendini, Dr Carlo Parisio and Corrado Savasta, Knight Dr Giuseppe Tripodi and Dame Marianna Foti, the Princess won the hearts of the children. After presenting the Order and its aims, Mother Superior received a publication illustrating the activities carried out over the years in Calabria. Then, one by one, the names of each child echoed through the large reception hall. As they rushed to receive the personalised gift prepared for each one, the hearts of those present were filled with joy.



In the presence of Raffaele Piemonte, coordinator of Caritas in Nola, and Knight Commander Giannangelo Marciano, the Delegation of Naples and Campania donated 1000 kilograms of pasta, 500 kilograms of tomatoes, 5500 kilograms of rice, 1000 kilograms of flour and 1000 kilograms of various canned goods, including beans, chickpeas and peas, to be distributed to the needy in the parishes Sant’Anastasia.

A letter of appointment as Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace was handed over to H.E. Monsignor Francesco Marino, Bishop of Nola.



Sunday 12 December 2021, III Sunday of Advent called “Gaudete”, the Vice Prior of the City of Rome, Father Ettore Capra, officiated a solemn Holy Mass in the presence of the Delegate, HH Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, the Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco, the Delegate Council, and several Dames, Knights and guests who attended the celebration at the Church of Sant’Eligio de ‘Ferrari in Rome, kindly granted by the Rector, Msgr. Sandro Corradini, former General Promoter of the Faith of the Congregation of Saints.

La Chiesa di Sant’Eligio de’ Ferrari durante la celebrazione della S. Messa nella III Domenica d’Avvento

The solemn function was enriched by the singing of the Musical Chapel of the Delegation of Rome and Lazio, directed by the Councilor for the Ceremonial and Music of the Sacred Functions, Rocco Marco Massara Ferrari, who performed motets in polyphony in addition to the Gregorian repertoire.

Vista della Chiesa dalla Cantorìa

H.R.H. Princess Khetevane Bagration de Moukhrani, Don Guglielmo de’ Principi Giovanelli Marconi and Donna Vittoria de’ Principi Giovanelli Marconi; Donna Sveva Colonna, Prince Gonzaga, Don Marcantonio de’ Principi del Drago, Marquis of Riofreddo, H.E. Ambassador Stefano Palumbo, Don Francesco Marigliano, Countess Langosco, President Massimo Barra, Representative for the City of Castel Gandolfo, Prefect Lucchetti, Adv. Scafetta, Representative for the City of Gaeta and lawyer Valensise.

In prima fila, de sinistra verso destra: l’Ambasciatore Stefano Palumbo, S.A.R. la Principessa Khetevane Bagrationi de Moukhrani, S.A. il Principe Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, il Conte Riccardo Langosco di Langosco
Un momento della celebrazione
Il Priore Vicario per la Città di Roma, il Reverendo Cavaliere di Grazia Ecclesiastico D. Ettore Capra, assistito dai Ministri; Antonio Ferraro e Giorgio Campelo, dei Frati Minori Conventuali
Dietro il Principe Orsini, il Principe Gonzaga; dietro il Conte Langosco, il Prefetto Pietro Lucchetti
Don Ettore Capra, Priore Vicario della Delegazione Roma e Lazio, tiene l’omelia
Il Delegato di Roma e Lazio, D. Lelio Orsini d’Aragona, proclama la Lettura.
Particolare della cerimonia vista dal centro della Chiesa; sono visibili due degli altari minori laterali.
La cerimonia, vista dal fondo della Chiesa.
La chiesa vista dall’alto; foto scattata dalla Cantorìa
Un particolare momento della Funzione
Un momento della Santa Messa
Don Ettore Capra, Mons. Sandro Corradini, S.A.R. la Principessa Bagrationi
Il Consigliere Marco Massara Ferrari, la Principessa Bagrationi, Don Ettore Capra
Al termine della funzione, è seguito nei locali della Sagrestia un momento conviviale di scambio degli auguri di Natale, durante il quale è stata offerta della cioccolata calda accompagnata da piccola pasticceria.
Da sinistra, la Contessa Maria Anna Langosco, il Principe Gonzaga, il Dott. Pietro Lucchetti, il Conte Langosco, la Contessa Julia Langosco, Don Francesco Marigliano del Monte Caracciolo di Torella
Da sinistra, Don Marcantonio de’ Principi del Drago, Marchese di Riofreddo, Donna Sveva Colonna de’ Principi di Paliano e de’ Duchi del Garigliano, Donna Vittoria de’ Principi Giovanelli Marconi, Don Guglielmo de’ Principi Giovanelli Marconi
Gli ospiti si intrattengono nei locali della Sagrestia per un momento conviviale.


On October 22 the Delegation took part to the online “Regional Conversation Series 2021: Financing Sustainable Development and Addressing Debt Risks in the Aftermath of COVID-19”, organized by the United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP). The panelists highlighted that the unprecedented situation requires unprecedented solutions indeed, hopefully in harmony with green and sustainable goals and keeping in mind urgent short-term strategies, without forgetting their medium and long-term impacts.

On 27 October, the Constantinian Order, invited to join the “Fourth Asia-Pacific Day for the Ocean”, a virtual event also by UNESCAP, has been represented through the Delegation for Southeast Asia.Interesting to know about technology progress in detecting and discriminating macro and micro plastics, and how satellite and radar observation can be applied to monitor rivers and the space. Both themes of social sustainability and reducing the impact that unexpected event have on the life of the less fortunate, as well as raising awareness against ocean pollution, are dear to the Royal Family as Their initiatives constantly witness.

On November 22, the Delegate and the Vice Delegate reached the Italian Ambassador and the Italian Trade Commissioner for the opening of “The 6th Italian Cuisine Week in the World”.

The same day, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Bangkok extended an invitation to the Delegation to a film screening (substitute of Polish National Day celebration).

On November 26, the Delegation attended the vernissage of the exhibition “PhotoAlchemy” at the Alliance Française, event in partnership with the French Embassy in Thailand and “Galleries Night”.

Again on November 30, the Constantinian Order has been represented at one more “Regional Conversation Series 2021: Equitable Access to Vaccines, Diagnostics and Therapeutics”. The online discussion stressed that around 15 countries won’t reach their anti-Covid goals by the end of 2022 and only 1 out of 4 health worker in Africa is vaccinated. Not to forget: outbreaks of TB, malaria and new pandemics are possible. Dr. Armida Alisjahbana, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of UNESCAP made a straightforward statement: “The world needs vaccines and strategies”.



Corte Franca (BS), 7 December 2021 – Knight Giuseppe Scolaro, together with the volunteers of Caritas in Corte Franca, bought basic foodstuffs and hygiene products and delivered them to Father Francesco Gasparotti at the Parish “Santa Maria Assunta di Colombaro” in Corte Franca. The volunteers of Caritas group, excited by the important donation, thanked Knight Scolaro with a kind gesture. Father Francesco Gasparotti expressed his satisfaction for the charitable work of the Constantinian Order carried out by generous Knights.

Milan, 10 December 2021 – In the historic Constantinian church “San Giorgio al Palazzo” in Milan, Noble Dr. Giuseppe Rizzani, Delegate of Lombardy, and Monsignor Arnaldo Morandi, Prior of the Delegation, convened the Knights and Dames of the Order for the traditional pre-Christmas meeting. The Holy Mass was presided over by Mgr Gianni Zappa, Dean of the metropolitan city of Milan and celebrated by the parish priest of the pastoral community of San Giorgio, San Lorenzo and Sant’Eustorgio Father Luca Camisana and by Mgr Morandi. The ceremony was attended by illustrious Confreres, H.R.H. Archduke Martin of Habsburg Este, Bailiff Grand Cross of Justice and member of the Royal Deputation, Honorable Gabriele Albertini, Knight Grand Cross of Merit and Representative of the metropolitan city of Milan, Noble Lawyer Diego Zoia and Noble Andrea Rivoira, Knights of Grace, members of the Delegation Council. General Alfonso Miro, Commander of Merit and Commander of Lombardy, Daniela Missaglia, Dame Commander of Merit, Grand Officer Alberto Di Maria, Delegate of the Orders of the Royal House of Savoy of Lombardy. Bishop Zappa’s homily was particularly appreciated. At the end, Noble Dr Rizzani conferred diplomas and awards. After the celebration, there was a reception at the “Società del Giardino”, attended by President Engineer Lorenzo Fiori and former President Lawyer Knight Massimo Cerutti.

Curtatone (MN), 14 December 2021 – At the request of specific support from the “San Giovanni Bosco” Family Home of the “Comunità Giovanni XXIII” Association in collaboration with the diocesan Caritas, the Mantua representative Knight Officer Maurizio Mirandola, together with Knight Giuseppe Scolaro, acquired and delivered products for personal hygiene, household and foodstuffs to the referent Mrs Eleonora Pisani.

Iseo (BS), 15 December 2021 – Knight Giuseppe Scolaro acquired and donated to the Diocesan Caritas of Iseo 100 litres of extra virgin olive oil, 100 litres of milk, 100 kg of coarse and fine salt, 60 kg of sugar and 25 kg of Grana Padano cheese. The products were handed over to the parish priest of Iseo, Father Giuliano Baronio and the coordinator of Caritas Iseo, Mrs Flora Boldrini.

Brescia, 20 December 2021 – As part of the programme of cooperation with the Diocesan Caritas and following a recommendation by Father Marco Mori, Knight Officer Maurizio Mirandola delivered foodstuffs from the food collection carried out by volunteers at Conad supermarkets for various families and elderly people assisted by the parish itself.

Brescia, 21 December 2021 – At the request of “Padri Separati” community at the Franciscan Fathers in Brescia, Knight Maurizio Mirandola and Luciano Mazzola delivered to the referent Father Fiorenzo Reati several foodstuffs, coming from the food collection carried out by the volunteers at Conad supermarkets, which will be used to support the assisted guests.

Brescia, 21 December 2021 – His Most Reverend Excellency Pierantonio Tremolada, Bishop of Brescia, received in audience a representation of Knights and Dames for Christmas greetings. The delegation, led by Noble Giuseppe Rizzani, Delegate of Lombardy, and Prior Monsignor Arnaldo Morandi, was composed of Knight Officer Maurizio Mirandola, Representative of Mantua, Knight of Grace Pierluigi Russo, Commander Damiano Zamboni, Knight Officer Arturo Bettoni, Knight Officer Gianni Paroni, Knight Officer Benedetto Magro, Dame Officer Daniela Ambrosi, Dame Officer Laura Salvatore Nocivelli and Knight Alessandro Betta. Bishop Morandi introduced all those present to the Bishop and gave him the annual report of the delegation’s charitable initiatives. A charitable contribution and a valuable bas-relief representing the Immaculate Conception were then offered to the Bishop. The Delegate then took the floor, offering Monsignor Tremolada the warm greetings of the whole delegation and the gift of a bronze medallion celebrating the Basilica “San Giorgio al Palazzo” in Milan and the edict of Constantine promulgated there. In his final greetings, Archbishop Tremolada blessed those present with a holy rosary bearing the episcopal coat of arms.

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