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On December 27th, the last King of the Two Sicilies, the Servant of God Francis II, was celebrated at the Basilica Santa Chiara. The Mass, organized by the Guard of Honor of the Delegation of Naples and Campania, began with the reading of the message that His Royal Highness the Grand Master wanted to send. At the end of the religious function attended by the group of the 1st “Rey” Regiment, the Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo delivered the diplomas of appointment to all the members of the Francis II Foundation, which actively promoted the cause of beatification of our beloved King. The Foundation also received the gold medal for merit in memory of Don Massimo Cuofano. A television crew was also present and filmed the event.



On Wednesday, January 5th, the Vice Delegate for Sicily, accompanied by Mrs Lia Giangreco, delivered some typical Italian sweets donated by HRH Princess Maria Carolina, Duchess of Calabria and Palermo on the occasion of the Epiphany at the association “La Casa del Sorriso” in Monreale. The Vice Delegate also donated diapers and notebooks for children.

On Thursday January 6th, the Sicilian delegation, on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Epiphany, participated in the religious function presided by the parish priest Don Giuseppe Di Giovanni at the church Madonna della Pietà. Immediately after Holy Mass, the delegation distributed hundreds of assorted sweets to the children who attended the liturgy.

On January 11st, H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, accompanied by the Vice Delegate of Sicily, by Commander Marcello Cantone, and by Mrs. Giovanna Galli, has donated several food products for S. Corrado canteen in Noto.

On Wednesday, January 12th, the Sicilian delegation held the first monthly distribution of products for needy children at Maria SS degli Agonizanti church in Monreale.



On Friday, December 3rd, in Borgetto, the Vice Delegate Noble Dr Di Gianni, Knight Giovanni Impastato and Father Antonio Ortoleva, Constantinian Ecclesiastic Knight and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Monreale, donated to the Mother Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, run by Father Gioacchino Capizzi, parish administrator and chaplain of the Ingrassia Hospital in Palermo, various devices of the “Briciole di Salute” Project. In this way, a new collaboration has been set up with another parish in the Archdiocese of Monreale.

On the liturgical feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Solemn Celebration of the Immaculate Conception took place in the Cathedral of Monreale, presided over by His Excellency Monsignor Michele Pennisi, Archbishop of Monreale and Prior of Sicily, which was attended, in addition to the Mayor and the Commander of the Carabinieri Corps, by a representation of Knights led by the Vice Delegate Noble Antonio di Janni.

On Saturday, December 11th, the representative for the city of Noto, Commander Marcello Cantone, donated, on behalf of the Sicilian delegation, several devices for the S. Corrado Canteen. The representative was welcomed by Sister Teresa of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary, a monastic order founded by Father Volantino. The S. Corrado Canteen, which is run by the brothers and sisters of the same order, helps the needy by delivering food for their daily needs.

Among the many solidarity initiatives organised by the Anffas onlus Association of Marsala, committed to improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and neurodevelopmental disorders and their families, in this very difficult year due to the health emergency caused by Covid-19, a pleasant moment of encounter for the traditional exchange of greetings for a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year could not be missing. In a joyful Christmas spirit, on Sunday 12 December 2021, a solidarity meeting was held in the Salesian Oratory in Marsala, attended by the Knights Camillo Carpinteri, Antonino Patti and Nicola Goffredo Saladino of the Sicilian delegation, who were sensitive to the project “donarsi al fratello” that the Association has set itself for 2021. President Dr Anna Maria Casano thanked the board, the civil service volunteers, the Order’s delegation for the gifts offered and all those who, with affection and solidarity, have supported the disabled people the Association cares for.

On Monday, December 13th, the Vice Delegate of Sicily, accompanied by Knight Giovanni Impastato, was received by His Excellency Archbishop Michele Pennisi.  On this occasion, the Vice Delegate gave the Archbishop a pewter statue of St. Michael for his birthday and also delivered, on the part of Prof. Tommaso Romano, who edited the re-edition, the book by Attilio Mordini “L’Ordine Costantiniano di S. Giorgio-la Regola di S. Basilio” with the dedication to H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House, published by the Thule Cultura Foundation.

On December 14th, the M.A.S.C.I. (Movimento Adulti Scout Cattolici Italiani) scout centre in the “Don Cannizzo Enna 1” community in Enna made a donation of toys, educational material and complete clothing for children aged 0 to 3 for needy families, as part of the “Briciole di Salute” project.
On behalf of the delegation, Knight Matteo Bertino (Provincial Representative), Knight Alessandro Balsamo, Knight Claudio Fazzi and Knight Elio Virone participated.
On behalf of M.A.S.C.I, the Magister Mario DI PRIMA, Angelo LI MONGI e Paolo FULCO attended as well.

The collaboration with the municipality of Monreale on aid for the needy is continuing. On Saturday, December 18th, the Vice Delegate of Sicily delivered to the town councillor, Luigi D’Eliseo, 70 pandori (Italian typical Christmas cakes), donated by H.R.H. Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon Two Sicilies, which will be distributed to the children of the Monreale hamlet of Pioppo, together with other items donated by the Monreale town hall.

On Tuesday, December 14th, in the afternoon, as part of the initiative  “Constantinian Medical Days”, conceived and promoted by Noble Antonio di Janni, Vice Delegate of Sicily, oncological prevention of the oral cavity was carried out by Dr Francesco D’Alba, dentist, with the collaboration of the members of the Associazione “Crocerossine d’Italia Onlus”, whose president is Countess Mila Brachetti Peretti, represented by the responsible for the territory, Anna di Marzo. The initiative took place at the Church Santa Maria della Pietà in the Kalsa district of Palermo, Father Giuseppe Di Giovanni. On Wednesday December 15th, orthopaedic examinations were carried out by Dr Pietro Palazzolo, head of the orthopaedic department of the Igea clinic in Partinico, assisted by the members of the “Associazione Crocerossine d’Italia Onlus” of Palermo. More than 20 visits were made to citizens in difficult economic situations. The access to the clinic was allowed in accordance with the rules of the anti-covid 19 procedures. After dental and orthopaedic examinations on Tuesday and Wednesday, cardiology and diabetology examinations followed, with blood pressure checks and electrocardiograms. On Thursday 16th, Dr Ketty Sardo, cardiologist, examined 32 patients. On Friday 17th, Dr Ercole Pusateri, internist and diabetologist, visited several diabetic patients. Our thanks go to the volunteers Anna Di Marzo, Virginia Lo Bianco, Flavia Prestana, Domenica Airò Farulla, Mariella Spagnolo, Stefania Di Lorenzo, Rosaria Lotà, Maria Rosaria Ales, Giovanna Ales, Marina Pedalà and Cettina Rubino.

On Wednesday, December 22nd, the distribution of early childhood items from the “Briciole di Salute” project was held in a place devoted for the occasion in the Constantinian church Maria SS degli Agonizzanti in Monreale.

On Thursday, December 23rd, the distribution of early childhood items of the Constantinian project “Briciole di Salute” was held in Mazara del Vallo, at the Parish St. Gemma Galgani. The Vice Delegate Knight of Grace Noble Antonio Di Janni and Knight Nino Centonze delivered baby food according to the request of the parish Caritas, and in particular baby food, nappies of various sizes and baby food.

On December 19th, after the Eucharist celebration at 6 pm at the Parish SS Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfio in Sant’Alfio (CT), the solidarity draw organised by Knight Tony Zarrillo took place, the proceeds from the sale of tickets being used to purchase basic necessities to be donated to the Franciscan Sisters of Roccalumera (ME). A basket of sweets and personal care products was kindly donated by sympathisers of the Constantinian Order, for whose gesture we thank Federico Corda, Giuseppe Miano and Stefano Papa. At the end of the evening, Archpriest Father Giovanni Salvia, our chaplain, thanked and praised the Sacred Militia for its charitable activities in favour of the disadvantaged, including the ‘Briciole di Salute’ project.

On Sunday December 19th, the parish priest, Monsignor Salvatore Grimaldi celebrated a Holy Mass in preparation for Holy Christmas at the Constantinian Basilica Magione. Numerous Knights and Dames from various parts of Sicily were present. Salvatore Notarianni presented the knights with a mask bearing the insignia of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George. Before the blessing, the Vice Delegate of Sicily thanked Dr. Ketti Sardo, cardiologist, with a diploma from the delegation for the voluntary cardiological examinations during the week of medical prevention held at the Church Maria SS della Pietà in Kalsa.



Gorizia, 12 December 2021 – Mass in preparation for Holy Christmas and food donation. On 12 December, on Gaudete Sunday, the representation of Gorizia gathered in the church San Giorgio Martire in Gorizia to prepare for Holy Christmas. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Monsignor Arnaldo Greco, ecclesiastical Knight of Grace, with the assisting priests Monsignor Michele Centomo, Official Knight and Father Giorgio Longo, ecclesiastical Knight of Grace. In his homily, Monsignor Arnaldo emphasised the responsibility of each Knight during their investiture with the witness of charity and the defence of the true Faith. The representative for the city of Gorizia, Commander Professor Vanni Feresin played the organ during the celebration and Knight Master Matteo Donda sang. The representative for the city of Gorizia thanked Father Moris Tonso, archpriest of Saint George, for his availability to welcome the knights. Now the church has become the seat of the representation of Gorizia. At the end of the ceremony, Father Giorgio Longo prayed in Latin for the Grand Master and knight Alessandro Fedon read the knight’s prayer on behalf of all. The celebration was attended by the representation with new members and numerous guests. The delegation wanted to make a tangible mark on the parish by helping the most needy.
On Christmas Eve, long-life foodstuffs (over 50 litres of oil) were delivered to the Capuchin friars of Gorizia for Christmas and holiday lunches in favour of those in need. The generosity of the Knights of Gorizia made the collection possible. A special thanks go to Knights Christian Massaro and Sebastiano Di Maiolo who took care of the food purchases and delivery.



On Tuesday, December 21st, upon the impetus of H.H. Prince Orsini d’Aragona our Delegation – responding to a request for assistance made by the Italian Red Cross – acquired and donated 200 woolen blankets to the Red Cross’ Committee of the Metropolitan Area of Rome to be distributed to those “of no fixed abode” in the city. A part of these blankets was given to the Street Unit and to the Welcome Facility of the Villa Maraini Foundation, excellence of the Italian and International Red Cross in fighting drug addiction, founded in 1976 by President Massimo Barra.

The Vice Delegate Riccardo Langosco, the Subprior for Rome Fr. Ettore Capra, and the Delegate, Prince Don Lelio Orsini deliver the blankets donated to the Italian Red Cross’ storage facility in Rome
The 200 blankets donated to Rome’s Italian Red Cross

The donation was made as part of the national agreement of cooperation between our Constantinian Order and the Italian Red Cross, and it was made possible by the ordinary donations to the Order by the Knights and Dames of the Rome-Lazio Delegation, who thus deserve the credit for this effort.

Rome’s President of the Italian Red Cross, Debora Diodati with the Delegate of Rome-Lazio, Prince Don Lelio Orsini

Ms. Debora Diodati attended the delivery as President of the Italian Red Cross in Rome, whereas the Order was represented by the Delegate Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, the Vice Delegate Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, the Subprior Fr. Ettore Capra and Professor Massimo Barra, Representative for the city of Castel Gandolfo and former president of the Italian Red Cross. On the same night, they joined the Red Cross’ Street Unit in assisting those “ of no fixed abode” (abbreviated as SASFID), participating in the distribution of hot meals and other necessities (such as clothes, toiletries and blankets) as well as offering spiritual comfort to those who asked for it, by Fr. Ettore Capra.

From left to right: The Subprior for Rome-Lazio, Fr. Ettore Capra, the Representative for the City of Castel Gandolfo, President Massimo Barra, Debora Diodati, Rome’s President of the Italian Red Cross, the Delegate for Rome-Lazio, Prince Don Lelio Orsini, and the Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco
The Subprior Fr. Ettore Capra, President Massimo Barra, Knight Grand Cross, Rome’s President of the Italian Red Cross Debora Diodati, the Delegate for Rome-Lazio, Prince Don Lelio Orsini, and the Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco with the SASFID volunteers of Rome’s Italian Red Cross and team leader Simona

Despite the Italian Red Cross and the Constantinian Order have always carryied out these kind of activities in different ways and times, since the beginning there has been a strong feeling of common sharing among the volunteers of the Red Cross and the Knights, which made for an especially fruitful experience for both parties. It was likewise highlighted the great dignity with which the people assisted live their difficult condition, thus succeeding in conveying to us a great sense of humanity that has contributed to increasing and consolidating once again our feeling of Christian charity in the run-up to the Holy Christmas.

The Rome-Lazio Delegate, Prince Don Lelio Orsini and the Vice Delegate Count Riccardo Langosco speak with a homeless person in Rome
A briefing beforehand with team leader Simona, Delegate Prince Don Lelio Orsini, and the SASFID volunteers of Rome’s Italian Red Cross
A briefing beforehand with team leader Simona, Delegate Prince Don Lelio Orsini, and the SASFID volunteers of Rome’s Italian Red Cross

This led to speaking about the possibility of developing a more stable collaboration within the SASFID service, through the regular participation of the Knights and Dames of the Order to the Street Unit of the Red Cross Volunteers. In order to better evaluate what can concretely be offered in the future, those who are interested are invited to write to, expressing their future availability. In this regard, it should be noted that the service takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 7 p.m. and 1 a.m., and that a commitment of one evening a month could be envisaged for the Knights and Dames of the Order.

The Delegate of the Social Area, Paola Bernieri together with Knight Grand Cross Massimo Barra at the storage facility of Rome’s Red Cross
The Head of Rome’s Red Cross storage facility, Dr. Grazia Bernardini, with the Constantinian Vice Delegate of Rome, Count Riccardo Langosco
The Vice Delegate Count Langosco
A briefing beforehand with Squad Captain Simona, Delegate Prince Don Lelio Orsini, and the SASFID volunteers of Rome’s Italian Red Cross
Rome’s Red Cross Street Unit and the Constantinian Rome-Lazio Delegation setting out
The Delegate, Prince Don Lelio Orsini with a Red Cross Volunteer
Squad Captain Simona, Ludovico a volunteer, the Subprior Fr. Ettore, and Vice Delegate Riccardo Langosco
The Delegate Prince Don Lelio Orsini, Squad Captain Simona and a Volunteer approach a homeless person to learn more about his needs
Rome’s Red Cross and Constantinian Rome-Lazio volunteers assist people who have taken refuge under a bridge along the Tiber
Rome’s Red Cross and Constantinian Rome-Lazio volunteers assist people who have taken refuge under a bridge along the Tiber
Rome’s Red Cross and Constantinian Rome-Lazio volunteers assist people who have taken refuge under a bridge along the Tiber
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