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Abruzzi and Molise: Charity Grand Gala and Christmas Party 2021 in Venafro and Pozzilli (IS) on 4 and 5 December

Abruzzi and Molise: Charity Grand Gala and Christmas Party 2021 in Venafro and Pozzilli (IS) on 4 and 5 December

Please find herewith a message from the Delegate of Abruzzi and Molise, Prof. Esq. Franco Ciufo:

Dear Brothers, Sisters and friends,

the Delegation of Abruzzi and Molise is gathering, together with families and friends, for a series of events that will take place over the weekend of Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 December 2021 in Venafro (IS). It will be an opportunity to exchange Christmas and end-of-year greetings in the presence of the Dignitaries of the Order.

I am sending this message and indicating the programme well in advance in order to enable all of you to plan and organise your participation. (You will receive the final calendar of events later).

On Saturday 4 December at 4.30 p.m., in the conference hall of the Hotel Dora, in Via S.S. 85 Venafrana Km. 24,600 – Pozzili (IS): a historical conference will be held with the presentation of books and exhibition of works by our Brothers and Sisters. The topic will be communicated in the final programme.

At 8.30 p.m. the Grand Gala 2021 in the Salone delle Feste of the Hotel Dora in Pozzilli-Venafro will start.

Tailcoats are required for gentlemen and evening dress for ladies, with decorations; dinner jackets are allowed, with only miniature decorations or the Order’s decoration (military personnel in Grand Gala with bow tie and decorations).

On Sunday 5 December at 10.30 a.m., a solemn Holy Mass will be celebrated, presided over by H.E. the Bishop and concelebrated by our brother priests, with the Investiture of new Knights and Dames, promotions and awarding of Medals of Merit, in the Co-Cathedral of Venafro dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption in Via Duomo in Venafro (IS).

For the occasion, the Hotel Dora has proposed a very advantageous special agreement.

In view of the expected large influx, it is vital to send the reservation with the number of accompanying persons as soon as possible and, in any case, no later than 15 November by replying exclusively to this e-mail (

As regards hotel reservations (overnight stay and breakfast), you may contact the hotel management directly, 0865.908006, pointing out that you belong to the Delegation of the Constantinian Order (for the special agreement).

Prof. Esq. Franco Ciufo



The Knights and Volunteers of the Guard of Honour at the Royal Tombs of the Bourbon Sovereigns of the Delegation of Naples and Campania prayed in memory of Queen Maria Sofia Wittelsbach of Bourbon and King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon.

Despite the betrayals and corruptions, the figure of Queen Maria Sofia, the last Sovereign of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, has always been radiant. When she was just nineteen years old, she fought heroically in Gaeta with her husband, King Francis II of Bourbon, thanks to her courage and determination, helping all the injured or dying soldiers and those infected with typhus. Nothing stopped her, not even the dangers caused by bombs. Her humanity brought her even closer to her soldiers.

Ferdinand IV of Bourbon was one of the Sovereigns closest to the People. A pioneer in the defence of workers’ rights, he was the first King of Europe who created and introduced a special law for the workers of the Royal Colony of San Leucio, aimed not only at industrial profit, but also at the optimal living conditions of its workers. Ferdinand IV’s reign began on 10 October 1759. He is the founder of the ‘Nunziatella’ Military College, continued the work that had launched by his father Charles, i.e. the process of social, economic, political and cultural modernisation of the Kingdom of Naples, achieving important goals that were recognised by the whole Europe.



Bolzano, 12 October 2021 – The Delegation of Triveneto, guided by the Representative for Trentino Alto Adige, Father Gianmarco Masiero, and by the Knight of Merit, Dr. Salvatore Buttaro, made a donation of women’s clothing, 100 dressing gowns and fleece pyjamas, to be given to the guests of the Don Bosco Rest Home in Bolzano. We thank the Director of the facility, Dr Alessandro Borsoi, and the District Councillor Angelo Liuzzi, who collaborated with the Delegation for making the donation possible.



Rome, October 5th, 2021 – H.E. Don Francesco, Prince Ruspoli, Grand Chancellor, accompanied by Dr Giampaolo Grazian, Secretary General, and Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, Delegate for Naples and Campania, was received by General Carmine Masiello. During the meeting, the participants reminded the activities of the Constantinian Order in Italy and abroad, as well as the importance of the support that the Order itself receives from the Armed Forces. At the end of the meeting, General Masiello was given the diploma of Knight Grand Cross of Merit of the Constantinian Order, by virtue of his high moral and human values.

France: recent activities of the Delegation

France: recent activities of the Delegation

The Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary was celebrated on 3 October 2021. The chaplain of the Delegation of France, Monsignor Thierry Laurent, had organised the return of the parish of Saint Rocco, the chapter church he is parish priest of. The Delegation participated in the event and the Association of the Order’s Works was also represented. The chaplain recalled the importance of praying the rosary and the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God. During the mass, those present also prayed for all the parishioners and organisations that play a key role for the parish. Later, there was a picnic in the presence of the various parish choirs and scouts from the church Saint Rocco.

On 29 September, at the “Cercle de Union Interalliée” in Paris, the official presentation of the Scholarship of Saint-Georges was held for the second year by the Vice Delegate of the Delegation of France, Maître Charles-Hubert Olivier, in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses Princesses Beatrice and Anne of Bourbon Two Sicilies and Monsignor Thierry Laurent, Chaplain of the Delegation and Parish Priest of Saint Roch in Paris, the Chapter Church of the Delegation. The Scholarship of Saint-Georges aims at helping students in preparatory classes for the “grandes écoles”. This year, this scholarship was awarded to five students from needy families, so that they could enter the preparatory classes for the “grandes écoles” at the Institution Sainte-Marie in Antony. This scholarship is an invaluable help for these young people who would not be able to fully follow the courses without it. Two years ago, it enabled several students to enter prestigious schools, in particular the Special Military School of Saint Cyr. The Director of the Sainte Marie Institution warmly thanked the Dames and Knights of the Delegation of France for their generosity.

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