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Bolzano, 12 October 2021 – The Delegation of Triveneto, guided by the Representative for Trentino Alto Adige, Father Gianmarco Masiero, and by the Knight of Merit, Dr. Salvatore Buttaro, made a donation of women’s clothing, 100 dressing gowns and fleece pyjamas, to be given to the guests of the Don Bosco Rest Home in Bolzano. We thank the Director of the facility, Dr Alessandro Borsoi, and the District Councillor Angelo Liuzzi, who collaborated with the Delegation for making the donation possible.



Rome, October 5th, 2021 – H.E. Don Francesco, Prince Ruspoli, Grand Chancellor, accompanied by Dr Giampaolo Grazian, Secretary General, and Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, Delegate for Naples and Campania, was received by General Carmine Masiello. During the meeting, the participants reminded the activities of the Constantinian Order in Italy and abroad, as well as the importance of the support that the Order itself receives from the Armed Forces. At the end of the meeting, General Masiello was given the diploma of Knight Grand Cross of Merit of the Constantinian Order, by virtue of his high moral and human values.

France: recent activities of the Delegation

France: recent activities of the Delegation

The Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary was celebrated on 3 October 2021. The chaplain of the Delegation of France, Monsignor Thierry Laurent, had organised the return of the parish of Saint Rocco, the chapter church he is parish priest of. The Delegation participated in the event and the Association of the Order’s Works was also represented. The chaplain recalled the importance of praying the rosary and the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God. During the mass, those present also prayed for all the parishioners and organisations that play a key role for the parish. Later, there was a picnic in the presence of the various parish choirs and scouts from the church Saint Rocco.

On 29 September, at the “Cercle de Union Interalliée” in Paris, the official presentation of the Scholarship of Saint-Georges was held for the second year by the Vice Delegate of the Delegation of France, Maître Charles-Hubert Olivier, in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses Princesses Beatrice and Anne of Bourbon Two Sicilies and Monsignor Thierry Laurent, Chaplain of the Delegation and Parish Priest of Saint Roch in Paris, the Chapter Church of the Delegation. The Scholarship of Saint-Georges aims at helping students in preparatory classes for the “grandes écoles”. This year, this scholarship was awarded to five students from needy families, so that they could enter the preparatory classes for the “grandes écoles” at the Institution Sainte-Marie in Antony. This scholarship is an invaluable help for these young people who would not be able to fully follow the courses without it. Two years ago, it enabled several students to enter prestigious schools, in particular the Special Military School of Saint Cyr. The Director of the Sainte Marie Institution warmly thanked the Dames and Knights of the Delegation of France for their generosity.



The Delegation of Rome and Lazio has postponed the celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross to Sunday 19 September 2021, combining it with the liturgical memorial of Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr.

Da sinistra: Don Ettore Capra, Priore Vicario per la Città di Roma; Mons. Karel Kasteel, Cavaliere di Gran Croce di Grazia Ecclesiastico, Don Teodoro Beccia, Cavaliere di Grazia Ecclesiastico
Don Ettore Capra celebra la S. Messa
Il Priore Vicario, Don Ettore Capra, impartisce la solenne benedizione con la reliquia della Santa Croce

The Holy Mass was officiated at the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione by the Reverend Priest Ettore Capra, Ecclesiastical Knight of Grace and Vice Prior for the City of Rome, with the assistance of Don Teodoro Beccia, Ecclesiastical Knight of Grace. The homily was given by the Most Reverend Mons. Karel Kasteel, Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace, Protonotary Apostolic, former Secretary of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”. The celebration on the occasion of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross – closely connected to the history and spirituality of our Venerable Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George – ended with the solemn blessing given by the Prior Vicar with an authentic relic of the Cross of Our Lord.

Mons. Kasteel tiene l’omelia
Mons. Kasteel e Don Beccia assistono in abito corale alla funzione

Among the various participants, we mention the Delegate for Rome and Lazio, HH Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona; the Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco; Don Guglielmo dei Principi Giovanelli Marconi – Knight of Justice and Donna Vittoria Giovanelli Marconi – Dame of Justice; Don Alessandro Arborio Mella – Knight of Justice; Nob. Gian Marco dei Baroni Vismara Currò; General Luigi Infussi – Official Knight of Merit; Dr. Antonietta Capparella – Official Dame of Merit; lawyer Andrea Pasqualini – Knight of Merit; Dr. Fabio Cassani Pironti.

Mons. Karel Kasteel saluta Don Guglielmo dei Principi Giovanelli Marconi e consorte

At the end of the Holy Mass, the Prince Delegate greeted the guests at the vin d’honneur held at the premises of the large Sacristy, during which Georgian wine was served, donated by the Delegate himself. Georgia is in fact known for being the cradle of wine; Homer already talks about it in the Odyssey, and Apollonius Rhodius in the Argonautics; in addition to the Georgian National Museum, even the world academia, such as the University of Milan, the University of Pennsylvania and many other academic bodies, agree in attributing to Georgia, which has over 520 native vines, the primacy on the origin of the wine. A particular thanks is due to Father Radek, of the Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor, Rector of the Church who hosted the Holy Mass and the subsequent banquet, and to Mons. Sandro Corradini, former Promoter of the Faith of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, for his presence at the delegation initiative as well as for having given his contribution in finding the Church that hosted the ceremony.

Il Priore Vicario per la Città di Roma, Don Ettore Capra, saluta Don Alessandro Arborio Mella dei Conti di Sant’Elia (a destra) e il Dott. Fabio Cassani Pironti (a sinistra)
Da sinistra: il Conte Riccardo Langosco di Langosco e Don Guglielmo dei Principi Giovanelli Marconi
South- East Asia: September 27, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province

South- East Asia: September 27, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province

The Delegation, guided and advised by Mrs. Jariyaporn Boonthawee, dedicated an afternoon to meet and offer daily life necessities to seven needy households in Luang Po Khao Community.

Mrs. Jariyaporn, who volunteers as Village Director, was assisted by Miss Supawadee Niyomthong and other members of « Doing Good for Homeland » Charity Club (to whom belongs the Vice Delegate too), who had invited the Venerable Abbot Yan Trailok, Deputy Spiritual Chief of Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya Province, to welcome His Excellency Antonio Benedetto Spada.

The second part of the program was devoted to visit a bedridden woman, then the group proceeded to bring donations to two more families living in Ayutthaya Railroad slum.

The historic city of Ayutthaya, ancient capital of Siam, grew from the 14th to the 18th centuries to be one of the world’s largest and most cosmopolitan urban areas and a center of global diplomacy and commerce. Ayutthaya is now a popular tourist destination for its World Heritage monumental archaeological ruins and temples celebrated for their splendour, but not many sightseers have ever heard of these disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Special thanks to Mister Adrian Borg Cardona and Mister Surasak Satho for many useful suggestions.

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