The Delegate for Naples and Campania, Marquise Federica De Gregorio Cattaneo, together with many other Constantinian Knights, especially the President of “Circolo dell’Unione” and that of the National Association of Italian Constantinian Knights, Don Giuliano Buccino Grimaldi, attended the conference “Il centrotavola per 60 coperti”. Professor Angela Carola, a famous porcelain expert and representative of Capodimonte Museum, organised the conference and the presentation of the book. She illustrated the history of the magnificent porcelain centrepiece found in the Capodimonte Museum’s storerooms. Professor Carola explained that the exceptional quality of the artefact can be linked to the great personality of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, who financed and supported the royal school of porcelain and ceramics, ensuring that the business aspect did not exceed its artistic level, as was the case with other European royal manufactures. The Delegation thanked Professor Angela Carola for defending and enhancing once again the figure of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, who bequeathed so much magnificence to future generations.