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As part of the program of institutional visits planned by the delegation of Lombardy, Vice Delegate Giuseppe Rizzani met the leaders of the Italian Army of the area. The meetings, carried out in an atmosphere of great interest and cordiality, were also an opportunity to illustrate the activities of the Constantinian Order in the area, both in the charitable, cultural, social and religious spheres as well as to propose hypotheses of possible future colaborations. The meeting with General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, Commander of the Rapid Deployment Corps of NATO Italy and with Colonel Daniele Pepe, Commander of the Teulie Military School, took place at the Teulie Military School. A meeting was also held with Brigadier General Alfonso Miro, Commander of the Lombardy Army, and Colonel Emanuele Carozzi, Director of the Club, at Cusani Palace.

South-East Asia: July 21, 2021 Headquarters of the Ministry of Public Health

South-East Asia: July 21, 2021 Headquarters of the Ministry of Public Health

The Covid-19 situation is worsening in Thailand with infections and deaths rising rapidly every day for over a month. Nearly all hospitals can no longer provide beds for new patients. An additional problem faced by medical staff is the lack of supplies to adequately assist such a large number of infected cases (over 10,000 per day). Many hospitals are calling for donations. The Delegation for Southeast Asia has joined hands with BJC-Big C group to donate 200 cases of masks and 1200 units of hand alcohol gel to Srithanya Foundation which will be sharing with Srithanya Hospital and other structures in need, at the presence of the Hospital President and the Foundation Director.
Special thanks to Mister Aswin Techajareonvikul, CEO and President of BJC and Big C companies, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order Francis I.

USA: Constantinian Order Participation at the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Newark

USA: Constantinian Order Participation at the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Newark

The American Delegation actively participated in the patronal feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at the Newark parish, on Sunday, July 18. The parish has long been a home base for knights and dames living in the northeastern United States thanks to the kindness of the late pastor, Msgr. Joseph Ambrosio, Ecclesiastical Knight Officer of Grace, who died on October 4 of last year. Msgr. Ambrosio, priest of the Archdiocese of Newark for 46 years (24 of which were spent in leading Mount Carmel) was loved by all and his death left a great void in the wider community. And so the City of Newark (280,000 inhabitants) decided to rededicate a part of Oliver Street (the street on which the parish is located), renaming it as “Msgr. Joseph F. Ambrosio Way,” in recognition of the priest’s dedicated service. The unveiling ceremony of ‘Msgr. Ambrosio Way,’ which included the participation of civil and church authorities, took place before the Pontifical Mass and procession. During the ceremony, Cav. Uff. Avv. Patrick O’Boyle, vice delegate of the American Delegation, and Cav. Prof. Eric Lavin, pastoral associate of the parish, spoke. Various knights and dames, and chaplains of the Order, attended the Mass and procession.



During the month of May, three Canadian knights and dames, belonging to the American Delegation prepared and delivered almost 4,000 high quality, environmentally-friendly masks in different parts of Canada, donated in the name of the Constantinian Order. Pictured are: Paolo Costantino D’Elia, Knight of Grace, Her Worship Joanna Opalinski-Tonelli, Dame Officer of Merit, and Justin Morin-Carpentier, Knight of Justice.



On July 16th, the representation of Alexandria participated in the celebration of Our Lady of Carmine at Madonna del Carmine Parish in Alessandria. The Holy Mass was celebrated by Bishop Emeritus Monsignor Piergiorgio Micchiardi and concelebrated by Vice Prior Augusto Piccoli. In addition to the representative of Alessandria Simona Delfino, some Knights and the city council advisor Silvia Straneo also participated.

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