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Donation from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the hospital San Carlo in Potenza

Donation from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the hospital San Carlo in Potenza

Rome, May 5th, 2020 – “The fundraising I have decided to launch focuses on the needs of hospitals with fewer resources. So I took this decision, that is to help this hospital in Potenza, in order to meet the needs and requests made by the governors of Basilicata, by offering FFP2 masks that will help staff to cope with their daily tasks with greater safety for themselves and their families”. This was stated by H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, on the occasion of the donation of € 15,000 to the hospital “San Carlo” from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus.

“I hope that phase 2 of the pandemic will soon restore some normalcy for the inhabitants of this region, which has been too often forgotten by national news, and once this emergency phase is over, will leave an overall improvement in the functionality of the structure on the territory compared to citizens’ expectations, with the hope of being able to intervene again to meet the hospitals’ operational needs”, added Prince Charles.

A “big thank you ” was sent by Mr. Massimo Barresi, General Director of the Hospital San Carlo in Potenza, to the Constantinian Order: “This very important institution has a secular history dedicated to the needy people. The Order was able to provide us with 2,560 FFP2 masks, worth 15,000 euros, even during this difficult period. A great gesture and a demonstration of sensitivity we are truly grateful for”.



His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, as Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Dynastic Orders, wished to join in the condolences of the members of the family and all the fellow brothers and sisters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta for the lost of His Eminent Highness Prince and 80th Grand Master, Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto.

The Grand Master invites all the members of the Order to join in prayer for the soul of the deceased confrere, who had been appointed as Baillif Knight Grand Cross of Justice in May 1995, and who was granted, on the occasion of his election as Grand Master of the Order of Malta, the Royal Order of Saint Januarius and the Constantinian Collar.

Message of H.R.H. the Grand Master

Message of H.R.H. the Grand Master

Rome, April 22nd 2020 – H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House and Grand Master, decided to send a message to all Knights and Dames of the Order.

Click HERE to read the message.

Covid-19: a donation from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the new intensive care unit of the Hospital Cotugno in Naples

Covid-19: a donation from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the new intensive care unit of the Hospital Cotugno in Naples

H.R.H. Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies: “we are supporting a hospital which is on the front line in the fight against this health emergency and has highlighted the Neapolitan talents and professionalism throughout the world”

Naples, April 20th, 2020 – “The feeling of affection we have for the city of Naples has concretely reflected in the campaign to support hospitals launched on through a donation in favour of the Hospital Cotugno which, being on the front line against this health emergency, has once again highlighted Neapolitan talents and professionalism worldwide” – declared Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies on the occasion of the donation of 50.000 Euros from the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus to the hospital Cotugno. “We hope we will be able to intervene again to meet the doctors’ needs and our donation, in this second phase of the epidemic, will help creating 4 beds in the intensive care unit dedicated to Covid-19 patients at the section G the hospital”– explains Prince Charles, founder of the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus.

“According to the terrible situation that hospitals had to face in northern Italy, the hospital’s strategic management immediately realized that the problem was severe. It was therefore necessary to act quickly to mitigate its effects and avoid the use of intensive therapy”– said Maurizio di Mauro, General Director of the hospital and Giovanni De Masi, Administrative Director of the hospital, who stress: “This approach has had clear results, as evidenced by the figures we have recorded to date”. “The donation received from the Constantinian Order, as well as the others we had received, will allow us to begin the construction of the new Intensive Therapy unit dedicated to patients affected by Covid-19 at the section G of the hospital Cotugno which is now mainly used for sub-intensive therapy and this will also allow us to take care of patients who suffer from other serious infectious diseases such as meningitis, tuberculosis, etc.“.

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