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Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus doubles its donations in favour of the Apulia region through another contribution to the Local Health Unit of Foggia

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus doubles its donations in favour of the Apulia region through another contribution to the Local Health Unit of Foggia

Foggia, May 25th, 2020 – “A big thank you on behalf of the Local Health Unit for the sensitivity and the contribution which has been offered in a very difficult moment our whole country is facing. This gesture has given us a strong impulse to tackle the situation with more confidence” – this was stated in a letter signed by Vito Piazzolla, General Director of the Local Health Unit of Foggia. The letter was sent to the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus, founded by Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies who, after the donation alrealy held in Bari, carried out a second donation of 15,000 euros to the Health Unit of Foggia. “The contribution we were given – concludes the General Director- can help us purchasing equipment for monitoring patient vital parameters and we will therefore be able to improve the medical treatment of patients suffering from Covid – 19”.
“Thanks to the fundraising that I decided to launch through the Constantinian Charity Order Onlus on the website, we focused on the territories where there was a real emergency to intervene against the spread of covid-19 “- explains Prince Charles. “With the evolution of the pandemic, our attention, in this phase 2, is directed on all these projects which allow the mitigation of the pressure on hospitals – adds the Head of the Royal House -” in particular we appreciated the Special Assistance Continuity Units project set up in Local Health Units in Puglia which aims to develop home care for patients with covid-19 who do not require hospitalization through a “First Aid” service Help “. For this reason, we are committed in order to contribute to the supply of equipment for monitoring the vital parameters of patients affected by covid-19 in order to help and improve the Foggia Health Unit”.

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the precious initiative that you have promoted” – President of the Apulia Region, Michele Emiliano, wrote – “I appreciate and am deeply grateful, as well as on behalf of the entire Apulian community, for this generous support offered to the Local Health Units of Bari and Foggia”.

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus carries out a donation for the launch of the Epidemic Intelligence Centre promoted by the Region of Puglia and the Local Health Authority of Bari

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus carries out a donation for the launch of the Epidemic Intelligence Centre promoted by the Region of Puglia and the Local Health Authority of Bari

H.R.H. Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies: “we hope that the new centre will deal with the spread of the Covid-19”

Bari, May 16th, 2020 – The Constantinian Order Charity Onlus donated 15.000 Euros to the Local Health Unit of Bari for the launch of the Epidemic Intelligence Centre promoted by the region. “The fundraising that I launched through the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus on has enabled us to diversify over time, following the evolution of the pandemic, the donations made in different regions of central and southern Italy with a spirit of collaboration, in order to meet their needs and priorities – explains Prince Charles of Bourbon, who adds – “we immediately committed ourselves with enthusiasm for the launch of this project promoted by the region and President Emiliano with the help of Professor Pier Luigi Lopalco”. “We hope – concludes the Head of the Royal House – that the new centre will represent an important response to strengthen the actions that will be useful to cope with the spread of Covid-19”.

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the precious initiative that you have promoted” – we can read in a note from the President of the Apulia, Michele Emiliano, who adds – “in this unfavorable and unexpected situation which is destroying the social and economic systems, the healthcare field and all aspects of our life, solidarity, the spirit of collaboration and social cohesion are essential to strengthen the actions against the spread of Covid-19. On behalf of the entire community of my region, I warmly accept the generous support that will be offered to the local health units in Bari and Foggia that you have identified as recipients of these donations.”

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order contributes to the creation of a diagnostic centre at the hospital “Mons. Di Liegro”

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order contributes to the creation of a diagnostic centre at the hospital “Mons. Di Liegro”

Gaeta, May 11st, 2020 – The Constantian Order Charity Onlus, a non-profit organization of the Constantinian Order of Saint George, considered one of the oldest orders of Knighthood, has carried out a donation in favour of the municipality of Gaeta for the construction of the Special Diagnostic Centre at old hospital “Mons. Di Liegro”, because of the emergence Covid -19.

“The fundraising that I had decided to launch in order to fight against the spread of this virus in the territories with fewer resources highlights these territories’ needs- explains Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, who also underlines – “with phase 2 of the pandemic our attention, in this circumstance, is focused on the realization of an ambitious project which will allow the people of Gaeta to benefit from a useful and modern structure. In particular, we appreciated the project of creating ” a specialized Diagnostic Centre” which was submitted by Mayor Cosmo Mitrano in agreement with the Local Health Unit of Latina, in order to better protect the health of the population by ensuring a rapid prognosis of patients potentially affected by Covid – 19 with modern technologies and while improving the infrastructure’s status according to the citizens’ needs”. “This contribution – concludes the Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies – further strengthens the bond of historical affection between my family and the city of Gaeta”.

“I would like to thank Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies for his gesture and for his substantial contribution” – this was reported in a note by the mayor of Gaeta, Cosimo Mitrano, who adds – ” His Royal Highness is very sensitive to these matters and this donation also consolidates the deep historical, cultural and emotional link which is still alive between the Bourbon dynasty and the city “Fidelissima” of Gaeta”.



We inform you that, as part of the emergency plan to contain the spread of the coronavirus, the Chancellery’s reception service to the public has been temporarily suspended.

In accordance with the government and the health authorities’ decree to maintain responsible behaviours towards the population, an emergency plan providing the implementation of remote working that guarantees all operations and services has been activated.

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We also inform you that any charitable and religious activity must be considered as suspended until further communication is given.

Additional information will be provided on the website and on the Order’s social media.

Hoping to see this critical issue solved soon, we thank you for your collaboration.

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus donates a supply of masks and a contribution to the Local Health Unit in Abruzzo for personal protection devices.

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus donates a supply of masks and a contribution to the Local Health Unit in Abruzzo for personal protection devices.

H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies: “our attention, in this phase 2, is directed to all the projects which try to mitigate the pressure on hospitals”.

May 7th, 2020 – The Constantinian Order Charity Onlus, a non-profit organization of the Constantinian Order of Saint George, donated to the Local Health Unit 2 in Abruzzo a supply of 1.200 masks and a contribution of € 8.000 for the purchase of personal protective equipment for a total of € 15.000. “During the fundraising that I had decided to launch for hospitals with fewer resources, we have decided to help the territories where there was a greater urgency to intervene against the spread of the coronavirus” – explains Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, who also adds – “because of the evolution of the pandemic, our attention, in this phase 2, is directed to all the projects which also allow to indirectly alleviate the pressure on hospitals. We have particularly appreciated the project implemented within the Local Health Unit of Lanciano Vasto and Chieti for the management of the emergency, that allows home care of patients who do not require hospitalization through a “Home Aid” service set up, performed by highly qualified staff”.

“For this reason – concludes the Head of the Royal House – we are committed to provide personal protective equipment to the staff of the structure, by offering FFP2 masks and an additional contribution for the supply of essential tools, in order to contribute to the development and support of this important service”.

“I thank the Order for its sensitivity and attention given to our staff. For the duration of the emergency, the protection of our staff was our great concern, we resorted to all the commercial channels, even abroad, to assure our company the necessary supply of protective devices, even though there are lots of difficulties – declares Mr. Thomas Schael, General Director of the Local Health Unit Lanciano Vasto Chieti, who underlines – “It is a precious and above all ethical gift, because it focuses on the safety of our operators, who have carried out a valuable work and keep on being on the front line for coronavirus management”.

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