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Rome, July 1st, 2020 – The Office of the Grand Prior, following the indications of H.E. Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, Grand Prior, has prepared a communication concerning the new provisions on the conduct of investiture ceremonies.

Click HERE to read the message.



Our responsibility and our constant and assiduous engagement during the last months in the evaluation and the selection, during the evolution of the pandemic, of the Beneficiaries trying to have the best possible result in terms of efficiency and benefits in the region considered led us to help 12 structures, among which we find hospitals, health care structures and nursing homes in 9 Italian regions.

After the emergency phase, 80 days after the launch of this initiative, and being now in the so-called phase 3, our fundraising is officially closed.

We are aware that the level of attention must remain high and we must be careful in our daily behaviours, but we hope to have contributed for more adequate structures in the territories in relation to the citizens’ needs.

All this was possible thanks to donations received from many of you.

Thank you very much for your generosity,

Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies



We inform you that the Chancellery offices will reopen from Monday, June 15th.

In accordance with the standards dictated by the “Shared protocol for the regulation of measures to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus at workplace” between the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Health and the social partners, signed on April 24th 2020 and published in the Official Journal as annex n° 12 of legislative decree n° 34/2020 dated May, 19th 2020, we describe the instructions and how to access the premises of the Chancellery:

  1. Access to the office is prohibited for those who have symptoms of flu, body temperature> 37.5 C °, or come from risk areas; those who have had contacts with positive people in the past 14 days; all those already under active surveillance by their Local Health Unit. These are conditions that require, based on the measures in force, to inform the family doctor or the competent health authority.
  2. For the access, all parties must wear surgical masks which will be provided, for those who do not have them, at the entrance.
  3. The use of disposable gloves is also recommended. In case of absence, alcohol-based detergents are available for visitors to wash their hands and will be accessible through dispensers located at the entrance.
  4. Access to the office will be allowed always and only by appointment and for a maximum of 2 people at a time. The maximum duration of each appointment cannot exceed 45 minutes. During appointments, interpersonal distance must be respected and always wearing the surgical mask while maintaining adequate ventilation of the premises.
  5. If you meet other people at the entrance or at the exit, it will be necessary to keep a distance by avoiding generating queues or gatherings in the hallway or in the entrance.
  6. Visitors will be allowed to use the toilets accessible in the central corridor only.
  7. Masks must be worn until the exit door.

Appointment requests must be sent to the following email address:

You can contact the Chancellery for other requests at the usual telephone numbers: 0039 064741190, 0039 06 4819401 or to the usual e-mail addresses: and

Additional information will be provided on the website and on the Order’s social media.

Covid-19: donation to the Molise Regional Health Authority for the purchase of personal protective equipment

Covid-19: donation to the Molise Regional Health Authority for the purchase of personal protective equipment

The Head of the Royal House, H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies: “this contribution will allow all operators to continue their precious work in a complete safe environment”

Campobasso, June 9th, 2020 – Despite the positive results shown in the past few weeks, experts warn that even if the virus slows down, we have not come out of the pandemic.

For this reason, the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus carried out a donation of 10.000 Euros to the Regional Health Authority of Molise for the purchase of personal protective equipment.

“At the end of the fundraising through which we have carried out several donations in favour of different hospitals of Central and Southern Italy while trying, with a spirit of collaboration, to respond to their needs and priorities in terms of urgency and by contrasting the spread of covid-19, our attention also turned to the region of Molise which, fortunately, recorded a very small number of cases compared to other regions”- explains Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, who underlines: “however it is important to keep adopting responsible behaviours and that is why we would like to contribute by purchasing personal protective equipment so that all operators can continue their precious work in a complete safe environment”.

“I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Order for its generosity and attention – a thank-you message from the General Director Oreste Florenzano reports – “I am extremely grateful for this generous donation which will allow us to purchase many devices for our personnel, during the fight against the ongoing epidemiological emergency”.

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus offers 10 beds to the structure Domus Salutis in Brescia in order to allow patient’s assistance

Covid-19: the Constantinian Order Charity Onlus offers 10 beds to the structure Domus Salutis in Brescia in order to allow patient’s assistance

H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Head of the Royal House: “It is a donation in favour of a city which has paid a high price in terms of human lives and is therefore a special donation for me since I lived in Brescia and I feel I have a strong bond with the city”

Brescia, June 5th, 2020 – The Constantinian Order has carried out a 15. 000 euros donation through its non-profit organization to the Domus Salutis structure in Brescia of the Congregation of the Serving Sisters.

“Through the fundraising that I had decided to launch we focused on territories where the urgency to intervene against the spread of the virus was greater” – explains Prince Charles of Bourbon, who underlines: “Brescia has paid a high price in terms of human lives and since I had lived there for almost two years and still have many friends there, I felt I wanted to to carry out a donation in favour of all the projects which indirectly relieve the pressure on hospitals”. “In particular – concludes the Head of the Royal House – we have appreciated the Domus Salutis project aimed at welcoming patients in fiduciary isolation who, due to the lack of family support, can be better helped at this establishment by receiving quality care and assistance while being respected as deserved”.

“The Teresa Camplani Foundation – declares the General Director Fabio Russo – which, since the beginning of the emergency has opened the doors of its three rest homes Domus Salutis in Brescia, San Clemente in Mantua and Serving Sisters of Charity in Cremona, has set up a hundred beds for positive patients, enabling the commitment of 50% of staff, services and resources”. The Congregation of the Serving Sisters supported the care and monitoring of patients by offering an entire building alongside the central body of the Domus Salutis”.”The major donation received from the Constantinian Order – concludes Mr. Russo – allowed us to set up ten beds and all the necessary facilities, which were dedicated from the month of March and until the end of May to the reception of patients who have just recovered from Covid -19. It is a gesture of gratitude towards the sacrifices and professionalism of all of our operators, who have also been willing to perform different and unusual tasks to better cope with this emergency”.

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