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In the wonderful Church of the Military School of the Nunziatella, with a heartfelt and participatory religious functions, officiated by the military chaplain of the School, H.R.H.Prince Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, appointed Knight Grand Cross Dr. Aurelio de Laurentis who with his extraordinary professional and sporting successes, has produced, in addition to the great joy for winning the league title, a decisive tourist and entrepreneurial development for the city of Naples. The football industry creates jobs, it encourages tourism, and in this case it has been a great relaunch for the south.
With the spirit of great attention that the Royal Family has always had for the city of Naples, the Prince wanted to confer the knighthood to Aurelio de Laurentis, a man who gave so much to the city that once was the capital of the Kingdom. And the choice of the Church of the Nunziatella School, already a Bourbon college, also had great symbolic value that leads so much prestige to the city of Naples with its wonderful work of formation of young people.
The Commander of the Nunziatella Military School, Starred Colonel, then received the guests of honor for a vin d’honneur in the halls of the ancient complex.
The Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, the Marquis Don Leopoldo de Gregorio Cattaneo, the Marquises Buccino Grimaldi, the Counts del Vaglio, the Counts Leonetti di Santo Janni, political authorities and the dearest friends of Aurelio de Laurentis, Costanzo Jannotti Pecci, Amedeo Acquaviva, and Giancarlo Carriero, as well as his wife Jacqueline de Laurentis were present.



Rome, June 5, 2023 – On May 2, 2023, His Most Reverend Eminence Card. Renato Raffaele Martino, by virtue of the Office of the Grand Prior, sent a request to the Holy Father Francis in the Apostolic Penitentiary to His Most Reverend Eminence Card. Mauro Piacenza Major Penitentiary through His Exc. Msgr. Krzysztof Nykiel, Regent of the Penitentiary, for the reiteration of the special Plenary Indulgence granted to the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in the Holy Year of Mercy 2016 (Prot. No. 325/16/I) on the occasion of the pilgrimage of the Order itself, led by the Grand Master H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, to Rome in St. Peter’s Basilica.
On May 11, 2023, Msgr. Arnaldo Morandi, Secretary General of the Office of the Grand Prior, accompanied by Father Ettore Capra, Prior Vicar of Rome, was welcomed at the Palace of the Chancellery by the Regent His Excellency Msgr. Nykiel, who, on behalf of Card. Mauro Piacenza, delivered the venerable rescript of reiteration of the Plenary Indulgence that the Holy Father benevolently bestowed. His Excellency Msgr. Krzysztof Nykiel, while receiving the Ecclesiastical Knights Priests, engaged in cordial conversations, thoroughly inquiring about the life and religious and charitable activities of the Constantinian Order. Moreover, he expressed profound interest, satisfaction as well as the hope that the Holy Father shall acknowledge the proper value and adequate application to the gift of the Plenary Indulgence.
With this reiterated indulgence His Holiness Francis, by Divine Providence Pope, who was informed by His Eminence and Most Reverend Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino of the title of St. Francis of Paola ai Monti, Protodeacon of Holy Roman Church, Grand Prior of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order, under the title of St. George and the rule of St. Basil the Great, to Knights and Dames of the same Order, grants and confers, under the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the Supreme Pontiff’s intentions), the Plenary Indulgence, to be gained by the Knights and Dames and to be applied by way of suffrage also to the souls in Purgatory, had they issued or renewed at least in private the promise to faithfully observe the Statutes of the Order:

I – on the day of their admission into the Order; on April 23, the Solemnity of St. George Martyr, the main patron saint; and on September 14, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
II – in case they will have devoutly participated in the exequial Mass for the piously deceased Knights and Dames on the same day of the death or burial of the deceased (Indulgence applicable exclusively for the souls in Purgatory). In articulo mortis applies the extensive concession No. XII of the Manual of Indulgences in which case the Church compensates for the three conditions which are generally required for a Plenary Indulgence; the Knights and Dames, nonetheless, commendably, in acquiring this Plenary Indulgence may use the Order’s own insignia.

Furthermore, the Knights and Dames, at least with a contrite heart, may obtain a Partial Indulgence : a) whenever they have openly borne witness to their faith before others, at public religious feasts or meetings, such as processions, pious exercises, holy preaching of the Word, Eucharistic congresses, meetings of the Order, at which they have participated as confreres of the Order; b) whenever they have piously devoted themselves to any work either of mercy, or of penance, or of evangelization specified in the Statutes.
Thus the Knights and Dames will be stimulated to concretely acquire in their lives the supernatural virtues, notably faith, hope and charity, and will consolidate their communion with the Roman Pontiff, the visible basis of the unity of the entire Catholic Church.
Consequently, in order to ensure an easier access to divine forgiveness, to be attained through the power of the Church, through pastoral charity, this Penitentiary earnestly invites priests who are accepted into the Order and possess the appropriate faculties to receive confessions to devote themselves with a prepared and generous spirit to the celebration of Penance and to administer Holy Communion frequently to the sick Knights and Dames.

The following is the translation by the indulgence from Latin:

THE CARDINAL RENATO RAFFAELE MARTINO, PROTODIACON OF SAN FRANCESCO DI PAOLA AI MONTI, GRAND PRIEST of the Constantinian Aurata Militia of St. George, Sutto the rule of St. Basil the Great, motivated by gratitude to the Good Lord, humbly expounds that the gift of indulgences granted by this Apostolic Penitentiary by mandate of Your Holiness by rescript of (no. 325/16/1 of May 20, 2016) for a seven-year period, has produced many spiritual fruits and graces in favor of the Knights and Dames of the Order itself.
Therefore, in order that so many spiritual goods may also endure in the future, the Most Eminent Orator begs Your Holiness, that the already granted grace be extended. And God etc.
THE APOSTOLIC PENITENCY, by virtue of the faculties granted to it by His Holiness Pope Francis, extends all that was then granted for a further seven year period.
Rome, May 23, 2023
Mauro Card. Piacenza
Major Penitentiary
Krzysztof Józef Nykiel

Naples and Campania: H.R.H. the Duke of Castro visited the Aeronautical Academy in Pozzuoli

Naples and Campania: H.R.H. the Duke of Castro visited the Aeronautical Academy in Pozzuoli

On saturday May 20, H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies visited the Aeronautical Academy of Pozzuoli, where he was welcomed by the Commander, General of Air Brigade Luigi Casali.
The Duke of Castro met with the Commander and his closest collaborators, also recalling the 100th anniversary of the history of aeronautics.
During the visit, the delivery of the parchment of appointment as Commander of merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George to the Commander of the Aeronautical Academy took place.
The Head of the Royal House was accompanied by the Delegate of the Order Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, Knight Giovanni Angelo Marciano and Knight Luigi Ambrosio.

Naples and Campania: H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House, visited the Royal Site of Pietrarsa

Naples and Campania: H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House, visited the Royal Site of Pietrarsa

On Sunday May 28th, Prince Charles of Bourbon, accompanied by the Delegate for Naples and Campania of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George Donna Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia, was received by the Director of the Museum, Dr Oreste Orvitti, who organized a special visit for the benefit of the Prince and prestigious authorities of the political and academic world.

Prince Charles, appreciating this attention, recalled his participation in the inauguration of the Museum, which took place on 7 October 1989, in the presence of the President of the Republic Francesco Cossiga, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the first railway convoy in Italy.

The Grand Master noted with how much care and innovation the site of Pietrarsa is managed. He was impressed by the new films that illustrate the operation of machines that have revolutionized the world of transport, demonstrating how productive and modern the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was.
Prince Charles was accompanied by Knights and Ladies of the Delegation, such as Leopoldo de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia, Elena Aceto di Capriglia, Angelo Giovanni Marciano and Diomede Gersone.

On the occasion of this visit, the Duke of Castro conferred the Constantinian Order of San Giorgio to personalities from the world of politics and culture who, thanks to their activity and commitment, have enhanced the territory and the Bourbon sites on them insistent.

Professor Matteo Lorito, Rector of Federico II University, Professor Danilo Ercolini, Head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of Federico II University, Dr Oreste Orvitti, Director of the Railway Museum of Pietrarsa, Dr Vincenzo Cuomo, Mayor of the Municipality of Portici, the Lawyer Amilcare Troiano, former President of the National Park of Vesuvius and Cilento National Park, Dr Gennaro Miranda, President of the Ville Vesuviane, Dr Aristide Valente, President of the Agro-Food Consortium ALMA SEGES were awarded.

Naples and Campania: H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies visited the State Archives

Naples and Campania: H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies visited the State Archives

On monday May 22, H.R.H. the Duke of Castro went to the State Archives of Naples, welcomed by the Director Doctor Candida Carrino, who organized an exclusive visit inside the monumental complex.

At the end, Prince Charles gave the parchment of Dame Commander of the Constantinian Order of Saint George to the Director, following the letter of appointment given by the Order’s Delegate for Naples, Marchesa Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia, on the occasion of the presentation of the book “L’enigma della Corona”.

The State Archives of Naples is a place rich in history, with a unique heritage of documents, in the heart of the city of Naples. Here the Grand Master had the opportunity to explore ancient documents and manuscripts, focusing in particular in the great hall of the Bourbon archive, where he was able to review many documents he had studied since his youth, as they come from the private collection of his father Ferdinando, former Duke of Castro.

Leopoldo de Gregorio Cattaneo, Fabrizio Cattaneo della Volta, the Leonetti di Santo Janni, the Buccino Grimaldi, Elena Aceto di Capriglia, Father Giuseppe Sorrentino, Immacolata Troianiello, Engineer Ciro Verdoliva, Emiddio de Franciscis, Angelo Giovanni Marciano, Giancarlo Rinaldi and Vincenzo de Maio were present.

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