On Tuesday, June 18th, the Delegation of Rome invited all knights and dames of the Order to an event dedicated to poetry, music and philosophy to celebrate the two hundred years of “L’Infinito” by Giacomo Leopardi. The event was held at the Church of San Giacomo in Augusta (where the Order already carries out several charitable activities), generously granted by the parish priest, Father Giuseppe Trappolini.
The event, promoted by Countess Milena von Rex, was warmly supported by the Delegate, HH Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona. The Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, coordinated the meeting and was assisted by Dr. Marco Massara Ferrari.
M ° Roberto Antinolfi performed a brilliant execution of traditional organ pieces and the most famous Leopardian composition with many aphorisms, taken from the major works of the most famous Philosophers, were read by Countess von Rex and by the Hon. Jas Gawronski.
H.E.R. Msgr. Giuseppe Sciacca also took the floor and discussed about Leopardi’s works from a philosophical, literary and spiritual point of view. Click HERE to read H.E.R. Msgr. Sciacca’s full speech in Italian.
Prince Stefano Pignatelli di Cerchiara, Duchess Altea Altemps di Gallese, Count Don Antonello del Balzo Duca di Presenzano, Countess Julia Langosco di Langosco, Don Guglielmo dei Principi Giovannelli Marconi, Don Fabrizio dei Principi Caracciolo, Gregorio Rufini Leopardi, descendant of the Poet, the Secretary General of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of San George, Dr. Giampaolo Grazian, President Massimo Barra, Admiral Carlo Cellerino, Gen. Giuseppe Tirico, Gen. Matteo Paesano, Gen. Luigi Infussi, Col. Andrea Fegatelli, Hon. Alberto Lembo, the Councilor for Cultural Events of the Delegation of Rome, Dr. Fabiano Forti Bernini, Mr. and Mrs. Traldi attended the event.