On June 11th HH Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate of Rome, donated a series of sanitary facilities to the National Institute for the Promotion of Migrant Populations’ Health and the Fight against Poverty (INMP).
The Institute is located at the San Gallicano Hospital, a historic hospital founded in 1724 by His Holiness Benedict XIII, the last Pope of the dynasty of the Orsini family (February 2nd, 1649 – February 21st, 1730). Nowadays the institution represents a point of reference in the social and healthcare fields, whose goal is to assist migrant populations in the fight against poverty. It also represents a national centre for cross-cultural mediation in the healthcare setting. It is a structure of expertise, whose services are provided not only in favour of migrant populations, but also for Italian citizens with different social backgrounds, who represent 40% of its users.
On this occasion, the delegate was accompanied by dr. Andrea de Giorgio, former organizer of the exhibition “Capolavori dell’arte orafa napoletana: onorificenze del Regno delle Due Sicilie tra ‘700 e ‘800 “, which took place at Nuovo Circolo degli Scacchi in Rome in 2017. The delegate was received by the sanitary director, dr. Gianfranco Costanzo and by the administrative director, dr. Daniele Baldi, who took him to the premises of the establishment. It is a pioneering organization that aims to reduce health inequalities in Italy by facilitating access to national health services for the most disadvantaged social groups and ensuring a high level of quality of the services provided. At the end of the visit, the Delegate welcomed the fact that the hospital kept the same goals that had inspired his ancestor.

laboratory manager and director of the scientific department