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500 in Prefettura

Pavia, 11th December 2015.  500 items of clothing made up of sweaters, shirts, trousers and scarves for the most needy of the city were donated to the Diocesan Body “Armadio del Fratello” at the seat of the Pavia Prefecture.  This donation was presented by H.E. the Prefect of Pavia, Dr. Erminia Rosa Cesari, Dame of our Order and the Delegate of Milan and Lombardy, Count Alessandro di Carpegna Brivio. The donation ceremony was attended by the heads of volunteer organizations of the province and by high dignitaries of institutions.


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Alessandria, 5 December 2015. Member Representatives for Alessandria and Asti were brought together at a religious service, held – in preparation for Christmas – within the evocative setting of the Romanesque Abbey of Sezzadio (AL). After joining in the celebration of the Eucharist, a contingent of Dames and Knights, along with a 70-strong group of friends from the Constantinian Order, gathered in the splendid hall-rooms of the adjacent ‘Villa Badia’ to attend a string concerto, which was followed by a Christmas banquet. Attendees included, among others, Alessio Varisco who gave an exclusive presentation of his book “St George and the Constantinians” featuring a foreword by HRH The Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Also present were the Representative of the Constantinian Order for Como, Giuseppe Rizzani; the Prior of Pavia, Don Maurizio Ceriani and the Delegate for Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, General Mario Marioli. Speaking at the event, General Marioli took the opportunity to provide some insight into the sense of momentous change currently experienced by the Order whose programmatic goals for the new year were also outlined in his address. Subsequently, the Representative for Alessandria and Asti, Alessandro Medici took a retrospective look at recent charitable work in the area and its achievements before introducing all newly-joined Knights and Dames as well as a number of suppliants who had taken part in the event. All proceeds from the initiative, to be administered by the Order’s own aid agency, will go towards funding humanitarian projects targeting the Asti and Alessandria areas.




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Monreale – Feast of St Barbara

Monreale – Feast of St Barbara

S. Barbara 4-12-15 025

Monreale, 4 December 2015. During a celebration of the Holy Mass officiated by the Constantinian Chaplain Don Nicola Gaglio and held at the Church of ‘Maria SS. Agonizzanti’ in Monreale, whose premises have been provisionally free-leased to the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George at the behest of the Archbishop of Monreale, His Most Reverend Eminence Mons. Michele Pennisi, Constantinian Prior for Sicily, the ‘Association of the Artillery Corps’ of Palermo, marked the Feast of St Barbara by paying homage to the saint of the same name, Patroness of all Artillery soldiers, combat engineers as well as firemen, sailors, miners and architects. A painting commemorating the Virgin-Martyr, along with a relic of the Saint herself, originally donated by Commander Vincenzo Nuccio which our Grand Prior, the Archbishop of Monreale, His Most Reverend Eminence Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino had entrusted to his care on the advice of the Constantinian Chaplain Don Antonio Cipriano, was what led the Association to choose our own church as the venue for the celebration. Numerous Artillery officers, together with their families, attended the event. Also in attendance were the President of ‘UNUCI’, Claudio Zaccardo; Nastro Azzurro Regional President, Ugo Frasconà, a Constantinian Knight; President of the Italian Cadet Division for Palermo, Antonio Girgenti. A delegation of the Constantinian Order, headed by the Vice Delegate, along with the Commander Carmelo Sammarco, and escorted by the following knights: Fabrizio Ippoliti, Domenico Scapatie and Ugo Frasconà, joined the celebrations. At the end of the ceremony, the President of ‘Unuci’ presented a crest of the Association of the Artillery Corps to the Constantinian Chaplain.



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Constantinian Order provides funding for A&E ultrasound machine

Constantinian Order provides funding for A&E ultrasound machine

imm1Principality of Monaco, 3 December 2015.
The Monaco Association of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George were donated ultrasound diagnostic equipment for use by A&E Care Units, during an official ceremony taking place in the Board Room of the “Princess Grace” Hospital Centre, in the presence of HRH The Prince Charles of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Constantinian Order. ‘Technology in the service of patient care’ is the thinking behind this assistive medical device playing a key role in supporting patient care and in ensuring correct diagnosis is promptly delivered even to patients suffering from complex medical conditions.

 Among the many notables scheduled to attend the event were:

  • Mr Georges LISIMACHIO, Head of the Cabinet Office under HMSH The Prince Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco
  • Mr Michel ROGER, Minister of State
  • Ms Stéphane VALÉRI, Government Advisor for Health & Social Affairs
  • Mr André GARINO, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Ms Patricia NOVARETTI, Vice President of the Board of Directors
  • Professor Marc FARAGGI, Vice President of the CME (Committee for National Healthcare Professionals)
  • Mr Gérard BLANCHY, Medical Engineer and Head of Biomedical Engineering
  • Mr Jean-Yves CASTEL, Medical Engineer for the Biomedical Engineering Unit
  • Mr Michel HAMON, Head of Financial Affairs



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Reggio Calabria, 21 – 29 November 2015. As previously announced by the Vice Delegate Mr Aurelio Badolati, Commander of Merit with Star, charitable project “Solidarity Week” is scheduled to get underway in the third decade of November under the leadership of the Delegation of Calabria. “We have resolved to focus the bulk of our humanitarian efforts on bringing aid to our fellow citizens of Calabria, where the economic crisis is not simply a severe one but has actually taken on dramatic proportions.” This was the promise made on the occasion of a Convention which took place in October in the Council Chamber of Varapodio City Hall and which was titled “Dara Project – The Hunger of Our Neighbour”. The basic foods consignment, which – let us remind you – recently arrived in Calabria following a donation of supermarket chain ‘Esselunga S.p.A.” and which owes a great deal to the keen sense of initiative of our Grand Prefect HE The Ambassador Augusto Ruffo di Calabria dei Principi di Scilla, went through a sorting process, having been parcelled out and reassembled by the volunteer teams of the parish churches directly involved. All volunteers worked under the guidance of project coordinator the kinght Mr Pasqualino Guerrisi.  Today, the packaged food supplies are ready for distribution to all the provinces in the region thanks to the involvement of local parishes, pastoral associations (Caritas), and institutions for the young and the elderly.

What follows is a listing of the dates and locations set for the first segment of the food distribution:

21 November – Giffone (RC), Parish Church of Maria SS. del Soccorso

22 November – S. Ferdinando (RC), Parish Church of S. Ferdinando

23 November – Sant’Eufemia d’Aspromonte (RC), Parish Church of Sant’Eufemia Vergine e Maria

24 November – Palmi (RC) Parish Church of San Nicola

25 November – Lamezia Terme (CZ), Parish Church of Santa Maria Goretti

26 November – Taurianova  (RC), Parish Church of S. Giuseppe

27 November – Palmi (RC), Parish Church of Maria SS. del Soccorso

28 November – Polistena (RC), Parish Church of Santa Maria Vergine

29 November – Cosenza (CS), Parish Church of Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù





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