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November events for ‘New Crumbs Health’ in Monreale

November events for ‘New Crumbs Health’ in Monreale

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Monreale, November 2015. Two different events, which were held in the Monreale branch of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, situated alongside the Church of ‘Maria SS degli Agonizzanti’ (‘Blessed Mary for the Agonising’) and which were concerned to distribute children’s food and accessories, saw participation by the Vice Delegate along with the following Knights: Salvatore Vassallo, Carmelo Sammarco, and Vincenzo Nuccio. The Delegation was assisted by the volunteering team currently working on the project. As many as forty families braved weather conditions, standing in a queue for a chance to pick up their share of nappies, homogenised baby food, baby milk, both standard and dairy-free for toddlers with milk allergies. Food supplies were also distributed at the same event, including cookies, sugar and other food items. Based on a rough estimate of 2-3 children per family unit (up to 5 in some cases), the Delegation of Sicily, headed by the Grand Prior, His Most Reverend Eminence Mons. Michele Pennisi, is currently providing assistance to about 90 children at events held on a fortnightly basis. As Christmas draws near, the Constantinian Delegation is planning to go the extra mile to give even more needy children a smile in December.




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San Ferdinando, 22 November 2015. Second edition of ‘Solidarity Week – The Hunger of our Neighbour’, a charitable project promoted by the Delegation of Calabria to provide assistance to individuals facing hardships in the region and made possible, as was previously announced, by Esselunga S.p.A. following their donation of a substantial basic foods consignment. The whole operation was the result of an initiative spearheaded by our Grand Prefect, HE The Ambassador Augusto Ruffo di Calabria dei Principi di Scilla. This time round, the charity event reached out to the lovely little village of San Ferdinando (RC), a small municipality overlooking the Gulf area near Gioia Tauro, on the Calabrian side of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The food distribution ceremony was held in conjunction with a religious service celebrated by the local parish priest, Don Antonino Massara, at the ‘Chiesa Madre di San Ferdinando Re’, which turned out to be so packed with people for the occasion that many were not able to find a seat. The prelate felt it imperative to publicly express his thanks to the Order – here represented by the Vice Delegate, Aurelio Badolati, Commander of Merit with Star, the knights of Merit Rocco Gatt and Pasqualino Garrisi, the latter having been at the helm of the initiative – voicing deep gratitude on behalf of the local community too “for this remarkable donation by means of which the light of Christ is bound to shine even more brightly over Calabria.” As Holy Mass drew to a close, the Vice Delegate, returning appropriate thanks, gave a brief talk to provide an outline of the Order’s programmatic goals and, more importantly, to emphasise its historic ties with the Holy Roman Church. There was also time for more surprises towards the end when parish volunteers, headed by the now retired Benefactor Carabinieri Marshal Antonino Guerrisi, unexpectedly presented the Vice Delegate and the contingent of knights who had attended the event with a commemorative plaque in acknowledgment of their significant humanitarian help.

Next destination on the charity mission is Lamezia Terme (CZ).




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Piano Concerto 2015 Classical Season

Piano Concerto 2015 Classical Season

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Monreale, 22 November 2015. A piano concerto, played by Maestro Salvatore Gaglio, was held in the Church of ‘Maria SS degli Agonizzanti’ (Blessed Mary for the Agonising) in Monreale on Sunday 22 November. This was the second such performance in the classical season organised by the Delegation for Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George. Art director for the event was the knight and Professor Alberto Giacchino. At the end of the concert, the Vice Delegate extended cordial greetings and deep gratitude on behalf of the Delegation in a letter of appreciation which he presented to the young Maestro. Among those attending were Professor Manuela Quadrante and Councillor Pica. The programme included works by Chopin, Wagner and Beethoven.




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Feast of Christ the King at Sciacca

Feast of Christ the King at Sciacca


Sciacca, 22 November 2015. A contingent of Constantinian Knights, headed by Commander Elio Zuccarello, attended a religious service, held at the Church of ‘San Michele Arcangelo’ (‘St Michael the Archangel’), to mark the Feast of Christ the King. Before the celebration of the Eucharist, the Delegation of Knights, who had received a warm welcome from parish priest Don Pasqualino Barone, carried in procession a reliquary of the Holy Thorns of Christ from the Church of San Salvatore (Badia Grande) to the Church of San Michele Arcangelo. Prior to officiating the Liturgy of the Mass, Don Pasqualino Barone, in a brief historical account, retraced the events leading up to the discovery of the Holy Thorns by Saint Helen, mother of St. Constantine, Emperor and founder of the Equestrian Order. Don Barone also remembered how the Holy Reliquary was part of a donation made by the ‘d’Angiò Family’ back in 1383. Adding to his presentation, he explained to an attentive congregation that the Holy Thorns can only ever be carried in solemn procession on ‘Quasimodo Sunday’ (‘Dominica in Albis’, the first Sunday after Easter) and on ‘Christ the King Sunday’. This was authorised following a decree issued by the competent bishop. At the end of the liturgical celebrations, in an atmosphere suffused with deep religious emotion, the Holy Reliquary was offered to the faithful to be kissed. Among those present were the following Knights: Elio Zuccarello, Erasmo Miceli, Giuseppe Lipari, Salvatore Notarianni and Baldassare Cacioppo.



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Massa Carrara, 21 November 2015. On Saturday 21, Mons. Giulio Rossi presided over the liturgical celebrations of the ‘Virgo Fidelis’ (The Faithful Virgin), protector of the Corps of Carabinieri. The ceremony, held in the Cathedral of Massa, was attended by the Delegation of Tuscany of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George upon the invitation of the Provincial Corps Commander. Subsequent to the ceremonial event, a brief speech was given by the Commander for the Massa and Carrara region, Colonel Giovanni Semeraro, who had previously expressed his thanks to all the high dignitaries in attendance. Special thanks was also due to participants who had been directly involved in the event, among whom were the knights of the Delegation of Tuscany of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George.



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