On June 24th, HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, together with HRH Princess Maria Carolina and the Mayor of the city of Portici, inaugurated an extraordinary ceremony where the main Square located in the Royal Palace of Portici was named after his ancestor, King Charles of Bourbon.
Through this gesture the city of Portici expressed its deep gratitude to King Charles of Bourbon for his incomparable historical and cultural contribution.
Special thanks go to the Mayor of the city of Portici, Hon. Dr. Vincenzo Cuomo and the Rector, Prof. Matteo Lorito, for warmly welcoming them.
During the month of May and June, the donations related to the project “Briciole di Salute” were held in Monreale, also at the House of Smile, Alcamo, in the Mansion, Castelvetrano and San Martino delle Scale.
On sunday 21st of May, a group of Sicilian Knights and Dames, composed by the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Antonio di Janni, the Knights, Noble Manlio Corselli, Noble Sergio Emanuele Marquis of Torralta, Noble Vincenzo Calefati Baron of Canalotti, Vincenzo Nuccio, Carmelo Sammarco, Claudio Ragusa, Alessandro Palazzolo and Dame Carmela Munda, attended the Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Ascension, presided by Mons. Salvatore Grimaldi at the Constantinian Basilica of the Mansion.
On sunday, May 21, at the Constantinian Basilica of the Masion, the artifacts restored upon request of the constantinian delegation of Sicily were exposed immediately after the Holy Mass, in the Chapel of the Holy Crucifix annexed to the Masion. They were performed by the restoration project of the Department of Drawing and Art History of the Liceo Scientifico Stanislao Cannizzaro of Palermo, followed by Prof. Giuseppe Di Cristina and Prof. Ester Cremona, who with their students have restored an ancient painting of the ‘700 depicting a Constantinian chaplain, four gilded wooden candelabras in gold, a wooden urn in gold and the base of the SS Sacramento in silver and gold.
On friday, May 19, the “Caravan of Peace” took place at the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Alcamo: an initiative that, for over twenty years, is aimed at promoting, through prayer and reflection, throughout the world the desire for peace.
On saturday, May 27 the concert “Note di primavera alla Magione” of the seventeenth concert season of the delegation Sicily was held.
14th of May 2023 – Sanctuary of Montenero (LI). On the eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Grace, Patron of Tuscany, at the end of the Holy Mass, H.E. Monsignor Simone Giusti, Bishop of Livorno and Prior of the Delegation, together with the Knights and Dames present pronounced the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary of the Tuscan Delegation. This Act of Consecration took place at the request of the Delegate, Count Ranieri Gastone Adorni Braccesi, and for the occasion H.E. Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino sent a message of greeting to the Prior, Monsignor Giusti, expressing his pleasure at the praiseworthy initiative and bestowing his fatherly blessing. Cardinal Martino’s message was read by the Delegate at the beginning of the Holy Mass also to inform the many faithful who filled the Shrine about the Act that was about to take place. The solemn ceremony was attended by a representation of Knights and Dames, accompanied by some family and friends from all over Tuscany. The liturgical songs were perfectly performed by the Choir of the Sanctuary “Don Fedele”, directed by Maestro Sandro Mecarelli. At the end of the liturgical ceremony the Knights and Dames met for a convivial breakfast.
Brescia, 1st of June 2023 – Knight Pietro SANTACROCE has acquired and delivered to the association “Gruppo Cinofili Leonessa ODV” in Brescia several groceries. The collected food will be delivered to the town of Villafranca Forlì and destined for the citizens involved in the recent flood.
NAPLES AND CAMPANIA: Certamen dedicated to Francis II of Bourbon
The second edition of the “Certamen Historicum Neapolitanum Francesco II of Bourbon” took place. It was organized by the “il Giglio” Foundation with the collaboration of the group of identity companies members of the “Progetto CompraSud” and the contribution of BCP- Banca di Credito Popolare. The event took place at the Hotel Renaissance Mediterraneo and attracted over 150 people. The Marquise Federica de Gregorio-Cattaneo, Delegate for Campania of the Order, delivered the awards. During the ceremony, punctuated by several interventions of historical and artistic nature, also an exhibition of the Duo Saturno-Marcellini (guitar and mandolin) was held, which proposed a repertoire of neapolitan classics of the ‘800 performed with great philological rigor.