Savignano Irpino – On 30 June 2023, the city council of Savignano Irpino officially awarded the silver medal of merit to the town council, on behalf of the Constantinian Order. A large group of Knights of the delegation was present, including Comm. Luigi de Angelis and Mrs., Knight Raffaele Menzione, Knight Domenico Cuozzo and Comm. Dr. Angelo Giovanni Marciano, Delegation Counsellor.
Prevalle (BS), 6 June 2023 – Knight Romano Savi and the decorated Francesca Ghidini have acquired plastic footwear, then sent them to the Taghetti and Chiari Foundation for subsequent delivery, together with other material, to the families of Reggio Emilia.
The material was donated by the company Risemousse Lumezzane (BS) in the person of Mr. Marco Gnali.
On 22 May 1948 Gaetano Bonicelli was ordained priest, his Vilminore celebrated him with a Sunday of great celebration.
The Archbishop emeritus of Siena, Colle Val d’Elsa and Montalcino, military ordinary for Italy, Grand Cross of the Constantinian Order, at the age of 99, was celebrated with a solemn celebration presided over by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President emeritus of the Italian Episcopal Conference and Archbishop emeritus of Perugia, concelebrated by Card. Francesco Coccopalmerio, from Archbishop Santo Marcianò, Military Ordinary for Italy by Bishop Domenico Sigalini, emeritus of Palestrina, as well as other Bishops and numerous priests.
Representatives of the Carabinieri Corps, the Italian Red Cross Voluntary Nurses and the Order’s Lombardy delegation were present, in particular the Delegate for Lombardy Nob. Dr. Giuseppe dei Conti Rizzani accompanied by Nob Esq. Diego Zoia, member of the Delegation Board and Dame Veronica Grillo, former Representative of Bergamo. Count Rizzani paid homage to the celebrated bronze medal minted by the Lombardy delegation for the anniversary of the Edict of Milan and, as Director of the Gebetsliga for Italy, handed over to Card. Bassetti, who showed deep appreciation and gratitude, the medal of the centenary of Blessed Charles of Austria.
Thursday, June 8, 2023, feast of Corpus Christi.
A group of Knights of the delegation was invited by the diocese of Brescia to the feast and the city procession of Corpus Christi, presided over by Bishop H.E. Mons. Pierantonio Tremolada with the participation of the highest civil and military authorities, numerous religious and faithful. The representation had the honor of being led by the Delegate of Lombardy Nob. Dr. Giuseppe dei Conti Rizzani while the Prior Mons. Arnaldo Morandi was among the concelebrant clergy. The group of Knights was also constituted by the illustrious confreres: Nob. Dr. Paolo Landriani, Nob. Dr. Pierluigi Russo, Knight Of. Maurizio Mirandola, Dame Laura Salvatore Nocivelli, Knight Alfio Remondina, Knight Fabio Serravalle, Knight Romano Savi. Knight Giuseppe Navoni, Dame Chiara Brescianini, Knight Giuseppe Scolaro and Knight Carlo Ambrosetti.
Cremona – The Knight of Merit Claudio Bressani, after a journey of preparation and study, was ordained a priest for the church of Cremona by Bishop H.E. Mons. Antonio Napolioni.
Cremona, 11 June 2023 – The generosity of the faithful immediately responded to the appeal launched by the Capuchin friars of the convent in Via Brescia, Cremona: the collection of food, promoted last June 11 on the churchyard of the church of San Giuseppe in the presence of volunteers of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order, was a real success. Between morning and afternoon, providence was manifested in the face of those who have spontaneously and in abundance bestowed. Of the Constantinian Order were present at the banquet for the collection: the Lady Triboldi Daniela, member of the council of the delegation, Cassinelli Father Andrea, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace; Barber Dino Knight office, Faverzani Mauro Knight of merit, volunteers Federico, Andrea, Roberto and Mrs Grazia.
Cosenza. On Sunday, June 11, on occasion of the feast of Corpus Christi, the Knights and Dames of the Calabria Delegation participated in the Eucharistic celebration at the Church of San Luca Evangelista in the charming and hospitable village of Vadue. The Holy Mass was officiated by Father Dario Montemaggiore and concelebrated by Monsignor Dario de Paola, chaplain of the Constantinian militia for the city of Cosenza. As a confirmation of the important day, the Constantinian knights, representing every province of Calabria, came in the welcoming and crowded church, located in the town of Carolei, recalled by the relevant and representative occasion. Also the most important positions of the Calabrian delegation were present: Don Gianpietro Sanseverino di Marcellinara, Delegate of Calabria, Dr. Aurelio Badolati, Vice Delegate, Dr. Giuseppe Spizzirri Marzo, Representative of the city of Cosenza, and Monsignor Luigi Cannizzo, vice Prior of the delegation. Among the authorities who attended, the Mayor of the municipality of Carolei dr. Francesco Iannaci and Marshal Apollonio Esposito representing the local Carabinieri station were present.
On June 7, 70 hot meals were donated to the parish of Candelora in Reggio Calabria to be served in single portions to the people in need of the territory. The donation was made by Knight Antonino Campolo.
H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, handed over to H.E. Mons. Salvatore Romeo, the Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace. Immediately after, the Princess went to the canteen of S. Corrado where she was welcomed by Sister Teresa of the Little Friars of Jesus and Mary. Here a quantity of principals of the project “Briciole di Salute” was donated.
On Friday, June 16, H.R.H. the Grand Prefect was received by H.E. Mons. Gualtiero Isacchi, Archbishop of Monreale and Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace. The meeting was attended by the Vice Delegate of Sicily. The Princess and the Archbishop discussed the economic situation of many families and how to help them by strengthening the project “Briciole di Salute”.
On Friday 16 June, Princess Beatrix visited the ancient Benedictine pharmacy, recently restored, during the visit to the Benedictine Abbey of S. Martino delle Scale.
Thursday June 15, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix visited the Constantinian Basilica of the Mansion.
On friday June 16, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix delivered some principals of the Project “Briciole di Salute” to the Abbot of the Abbey Father Vittorio Rizzone. Milk, homogenized and diapers of different sizes will help children of needy families assisted by the Benedictine Caritas.
On 23 June, within the pediatric department of the Umberto I hospital in Enna, the presentation of the new project “Briciole di Cultura” was held, towards the community and weaker groups by the Sicily delegation.
H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies is the godmother of the project.
The project “Briciole di Cultura” aims to convey to children the pleasure of immersing themselves in reading.
On 22 June, during the visit of H.R.H. the Grand Prefect to Pietraperzia, a meeting with the local authorities took place.
Solemn investitures in Acireale, Saturday June 24, at the Cathedral of St. Sebastian.
HRH Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon Two Sicilies celebrated her 20th birthday in Nola during the renowned Festival of the Lilies (Festa dei Gigli).
As you go back to Southern Italy, not only can you feel the people’s affection and their great culture, but also the high religiosity of the places and the relevance of the traditions. What’s more, the “Festa dei Gigli” holds very important craft values.
In the picture, you can see the Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies with Dr. Carlo Buonauro, Mayor of Nola and Dr. Francesco De Falco, President of “Festa dei Gigli” Foundation.