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Constantinian Grand Master and Grand Prior visit Albania

Constantinian Grand Master and Grand Prior visit Albania

Visite du Prince Charles Bourbon Deux Sicile (Duc de Castro) en AlbanieTirana – December 2013. HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master and His Eminence Renato Raffaele, Cardinal Martino, Grand Prior, headed a high level delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian to Albania from 2-3 December 2013.

His Royal Highness arrived at the VIP terminal of Tirana’s Mother Tereza International Airport and was received by high level state, official and diplomatic representatives.

On 2 December 2014 the Grand Master and Grand Prior delegation visited a number of dignitaries including HE Mr Bujar Nishani, President of the Republic of Albania, HE Mr Lulzim Basha, Mayor of Tirana and Leader of the Opposition, HE Prof Dr Sali Berisha, former President and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, HRH Crown Prince Leka Zogu II, Mr Selim Buca, Head of the Muslim Community and Baba Edmond Brahimaj, Spiritual Head of the Bektashi Order. The Duke and Cardinal visited numerous places of interest including the historic Et’hem Bey Mosque.

Visite du Prince Charles Bourbon Deux Sicile (Duc de Castro) en AlbanieVisite du Prince Charles Bourbon Deux Sicile (Duc de Castro) en AlbanieOn 3 December 2014 the delegation paid courtesy calls on HE Massimo Gaiani, Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Albania, HE Archbishop Rrok Mirdita, Catholic Archbishop of Durrës-Tiran , and the Primate of Albania and the head of the Albanian Orthodox Church His Eminence Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania.

During the visit the Duke and Cardinal laid flowers at the Tomb of the National Soldiers and also in the Royal Mausoleum of the Albanian Royal Family.

At the conclusion of the visit the Grand Master and Grand Prior visited the historic city of Kruja with its panoramic views of the Adriatic coast line and home to the Castle and Museum of Skanderbeg which featured many historic documents outlining the close ties between the Royal House of Naples and Albania.

Among those accompanying the Grand Master and the Grand Prior on the visit to Albania where HE Ambassador Nobile Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, Secretary General of the Royal House, HE Mr Anthony Bailey, Delegate for Great Britain & Ireland and Grand Magistral Delegate for Inter-Religious Relations, Dr Alberto Janelli, Private Secretary to HRH The Duke of Castro and delegation members Cyril and Lorna Woods of Slane and Mr and Mrs Nadhmi Auchi.

HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon visits Naples

HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon visits Naples

SAR il Principe Carlo   scortato dalla Guardia d’onore alle Reali Tombe alla Basilica di Santa Chiara di Napoli low

Naples, 26 October 2013. On Friday 25th and Saturday, October 26, 2013 HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon was in the city of Naples, the ancient capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies where his ancestors were sovereigns until 1861.

On the Friday, the Local Delegation of the Knights and Dames of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George held a solemn Mass at the Pontifical and Royal Basilica of San Francesco di Paola overlooking the Royal Palace in, Piazza del Plebiscito, followed by the grand opening of a clinic for the Poor in Naples.

The Marquis Don Pierluigi Sanfelice di Bagnoli, a member of the Royal Deputation of the Treasure of San Gennaro and CEO of the Dynastic Orders of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies Naples and Campania, organized a dinner for the evening in the presence of the Prefect of Naples, the President of the Region, the General Commander of the Interregional Forces DC, the Admiral Harbour Master and other local authorities.

On the morning of Saturday, October 26 HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies visited the Basilica of Santa Chiara for a private tribute to the tombs of his parents and of the previous monarchs of his dynasty. He was escorted by the Guard of Honour at the Royal Tombs (an association of volunteers who perform a service of honor and order at the Chapel of the Royal Tombs).

In the afternoon, then His Royal Highness attended a series of events to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Movement Neoborbonico.

The Movement Neoborbonico is a great cultural association comprising of thousands of people from the regions of Southern Italy, which formed the territories of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, as well as some very distinguished names in the world of culture, art, journalism and from the national institutions.

Thousands of cheering participants welcomed Prince Charles and celebrated through his various activities.

At the General Headquarters of the Fire Department , His Royal Highness received homage by the Marching Band in the historic Bourbon Uniform and met the regional hierarchies of this ancient body devoted to the action of rescue and civil aid. Subsequently, the Prince visited the famous club “Historical Archives” which hosts an exhibition entitled ” History – Stories ” in the presence of the famous journalists Pino Aprile and Lorenzo Del Boca holding a conference. The evening continued at the ” Salvo D’Acquisto ” Theatre (600 seats sold about 100 seats standing,) where nationally renowned artists took turns to celebrate the Titles and Records of Southern Italy, and where take the first edition of ” Prize of the Two Sicilies ” for the excellence of the South has taken place (culture, music, theater, sports, entrepreneurship).

King of Lesotho invested into the Order

King of Lesotho invested into the Order

Rome, 8 October 2013. His Majesty King Letsie III of the Kingdom of Lesotho, the last reigning Roman Catholic monarch in Africa, was invested as a Bailiff Grand Cross of Justice of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George.


His Majesty’s investiture into the Constantinian Order took place at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho to the Italian Republic in Rome and was conducted by His Eminence Renato Raffaele, Cardinal Martino, Grand Prior of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George. The investiture took place as part of the wider visit of the southern african monarch official visit to His Holiness Pope Francis at the Apostolic Palace, Vatican City.

Her Majesty Queen ‘Masenate Mohato Seeiso of Lesotho attended the ceremony together with senior ministers of His Majesty’s Government in Lesotho.


The Grand Magistry of the Constantinian Order was represented by His Excellency Ambassador Nobile Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, Secretary General of the Dynastic Orders of the Royal House, HE Mr Anthony Bailey, OBE, GCSS, Grand Magistral Delegate for Inter-Religious Relations and Dr Alberto Calafato Janelli, Private Secretary to TRH the Duke and Duchess of Castro.

In his speech, HE Mr Anthony Bailey outlined the reasons for the granting of the awards: “Your Majesty’s faith inspired contribution to furthering the constitutional and peaceful transition to coalition government, Your dedication to promote the principals of your Roman Catholic faith, your efforts to promote inter-religious harmony among the followers of all faiths in Lesotho and in recognition of your dynasty and your Government’s leadership in promoting public service and charitable endeavour are among the reasons for the Grand Master decision to grant you this singular high honour.” Click here to download HE Mr Anthony Bailey’s full speech.

In his acceptance speech the King of Lesotho paid tribute to the work of the Constantinian Order and made special reference to its activities in the field of charity, humanitarian and hospitaller assitance. The King, who celebrated his 50th birthday in 2013, invited the Grand Master and other senior figures of the Constantinian Order to visit Lesotho and to launch further programmes of charitable activities in his country. The Grand Master and His Majesty spoke by telephone after the ceremony.

DSC_7169The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of Lesotho, HE Hon Mohlabi Kenneth Tsekoa, offered a vote of thanks and paid tribute to the work of the Constantinian Order and thanked it for recognising the efforts which the Monarchy and the Lesotho Government has undertaken in the country through its social and humanitarian programmes. Among such programmes being Sentebale which was established by the King of Lesotho’s brother, HRH Prince Seeiso Bereng Seeiso and HRH Prince Henry of Wales.

Following the investiture ceremony which was attended by over 80 leading Italian, Lesotho and African personalities, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Lesotho to the Italian Republic hosted a luncheon in honour of the King and Queen and1_0_735178 Cardinal Martino.

The following awards were also granted by decree of the Grand Master.

– His Royal Highness Prince Seeiso Bereng Seeiso of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Knight Grand Cross of Justice of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George

– The Right Honourable Motsoahae Thomas Thabane, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Francis I

– The Honourable Mothejoa Metsing, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Government and Chieftainship of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Knight Commander of the Royal Order of Francis I

– The Honourable Thesele ‘Maseribane, Minister of Gender and Youth, Sport and Recreation of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Knight Commander of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George

The Constantinian Order meets a delegation from Congo

The Constantinian Order meets a delegation from Congo


Palermo, 17 September 2013 – A delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George comprising of the Vice Delegate for Sicily Antonio Di Janni and the Knights Vincenzo Nuccio and Carmelo Sammarco, was received at the initiative of the Friars Minimum of Palermo, in the parish of St. Francis of Paola by the Bishop of the Diocese of Idiofa of the Democratic Republic of the Congo His Most Reverend Eminence Archbishop Jose Moko Ekanga. Present at the meeting were the Palermo “Minimi” Friars Don Saverio Cento and Don George Terrasi, while Doctor Di Janni presented the illustrious guest with the commemorative medal of the seventeenth centenary of the Edict of Constantine (313-2013) and some publications of the Order. Topics of the meeting were the work carried out by Monsignor Ekanga and the delegation’s pledge and commitment to the initiatives of the Minori Friars to the African diocese The delegations had already sent pharmaceuticals and 30 televisions to Congo on previous occasions. The occasion was concluded with Mass being celebrated by Monsignor Ekanga and concelebrated by the parish priest Father Xavier.

Lunch for the in need in Monreale

Lunch for the in need in Monreale

17 September Monreale

Monreale, 17 September 2013 – “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” These were the words of Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Such a message was beheld by everyone present at the lunch offered by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in aid of the poor and assisted by the Caritas Association of Monreale and of guests of the Hospice managed by the Archdiocese. 45 packaged meals were prepared and home delivered by the “Caritas Diocesiana”, as well as 45 more meals served at the Diocesan Hospice. At the meal, Bishop Michele Pennisi, Archbishop and Prior of the Order of Monreale in Sicily and his Secretary Giacomo Sgroi, were all served by the Vice Delegate for Sicily with the help of the knights Giovanni Bonanno, Vincenzo Nuccio, Salvatore Romano and Carmelo Sammarco. Also present were the Mayor of Monreale Filippo di Matteo and the Councilor for Culture Lia Giangreco.

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