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Exchange of Decorations between Constantinian Order and Republic of San Marino

Exchange of Decorations between Constantinian Order and Republic of San Marino

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San Marino, 27 July 2010. HE Ambassador Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, General Secretery of the Order, represented His Royal Highness the Prince and Grand Master on the occasion of a ceremony that took place in San Marino during which there was an Exchange of Decorations between Constantinian Order and Republic of San Marino.

HE the Ambassador was received by the Chief of Protocol of the State the Minister Marcello Beccariand by the Secretary of the State for the Foreign Affairs Antonella Molaroni who consigned to our Secretary General the decoration of Knight of Grand Cross of the Equestrian Order of Saint Agatha for our Prince and Grand Master. The Ambassador Giuseppe Balboni Acqua,in turn, bestowed the Magisterial Diploma and the Decorations of Knight of Grand Cross of Merit onto Their Excellencies Captains Marco Conti and Glauco Sansovini. Also the Secretary of the State for Foreign Affairs and the Chief of the Protocol of the Republic of San Marino, together with the Coordinator of the Police Department Sabato Riccio, received the Constantinian award.The Order’s aspiration to meet the authorities of San Marino is due to the values of freedom and democracy that the Serene Republic has been inspiring throughout the world for over 17 centuries. The Constantinian Delegation headed by the Secretary General , was represented by the Constantinian Knight of Justice Dr Claudio Marciano di Scala, Delegate for the Republic of San Marino and for the town of Rimini and by Constantinian Knight of Grand Cross of Merit Prof. Franco Ciufo Vice Delegate for Latium Region.

Lieutenant General Aldo Cinelli invested Knight of Grand Cross of Merit

Lieutenant General Aldo Cinelli invested Knight of Grand Cross of Merit


Rome, 16 September 2009. The Lieutenant General Aldo Cinelli, Secretary General and Director of the weaponries of the Ministry of Defense received the insignia of Knight of Grand Cross of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George.H.R.H. the Grand Master paid an official visit to the site of the Italian Army where he was received by the General Potito Genova of the General Secretariat who lead his Royal Highness to the office of the Lieutenant General Aldo Cinelli for a brief meeting. Following the reunion the Grand Master signed the guest book of honor and made his entrance to the Palace Hall with Lieutenant General Cinelli for the investiture ceremony.

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Admiral Raimondo Pollastrini received the Commenda of Merit

Admiral Raimondo Pollastrini received the Commenda of Merit


Rome, 8 January 2009. In a Eucharistic celebration presided by Very Reverend Monsignor Salvatore Genchi and co-celebrated by Constantinian Chaplain Don Vincenzo Marino, Admiral Raimondo Pollastrini received the Commenda of Merit of the Constantinian Order.

Admiral Raimondo Pollastrini is the Commander of the Harbor Office of Rome and the ceremony took place in the Chapel Stella Maris, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Order HE Ambassador Giuseppe Balboni Acqua. Among those in attendance were the Admiral Stefano Stefanini, Admiral Pierluigi Cacioppo, Admiral Marco Brusco and Admiral Felice Angresano.

Constantinian Knights and Dames participated in annual solemn Eucharistic celebration

Constantinian Knights and Dames participated in annual solemn Eucharistic celebration

DSC_4829 Messina, 30 December 2008. Constantinian Knights and Dames participated in annual solemn Eucharistic celebration that takes place every end of the year in the Constantinian church of Saint George Martyr in Castell’Umberto in the province of Messina. The liturgy was celebrated in accordance to the Byzantine rite and was officiated by Constantinian Chaplain Reverend Papas Lucini who was assisted by Reverend Don Antonio Cipriano,archpriest of Caronia and by don Giuseppe Di Giovanni parish priest of San Basilio in Palermo. The ceremony takes place every year and on the occasion the Constantinian Knights and Dames of the Sicilian Delegation draw the balance of the activities carried out during the year. Following the Holy mass the vice delegate for Sicily Doctor Antonio di Janni bestowed the Constantinian Benemerenti Medal to Mrs Giovanna Galli for the intense fundraising activities carried out in favor of Saint George’s Hospital in Uganda and to the militaries of the Italian Carabineer Corps. Among the authorities in attendance were the Mayor of the town of Castell’Umberto Alessandro Pruriti Ciarello, the commander of the carabineers of S.Agata Captain Costarelli. Among the Constantinian Knights were HE Prefect Gianfranco Romagnoli, Prof. Salvatore Mangione, Eng. Salvatore Sarpietro, Benedetto Salamone, Santa Ferito, Francesco Lupo, Vincenzo Scozzaro, Marcello Cantone, Davide Gentile and Rino Como.

Constantinian Knights and Dames attended Holy Christmas Mass

Constantinian Knights and Dames attended Holy Christmas Mass

Constantinian Knights and Dames attended Holy Christmas Mass 25 December 2008. Constantinian Knights and Dames attended Holy Christmas Mass that was officiated in accordance to the Byzantine rite, by Reverend Papas Luigi Lucini in the chapel of the Hospital of Castelvetrano. The Constantinian Knights and Dames from Sicily chose this particular location for the traditional Christmas mass with the purpose to express the Constantinian ideals of solidarity and service in favor of those who suffer and are less fortunate. Following the mass that was co-celebrated also by Father Agostino of the Order of the Minor Franciscan Friars, the Holy Communion was offered to those were to ill to attend the mass. Among the Constantinian Knights in attendance were : Antonio di Janni, Francesco lupo, Elio Zuccarello, Micele Salerno, Erasmo Miceli, Giafranco Romagnoli, Pier Francesco Mistretta , Antonio Fundarò, Rino Como.

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