Rome, 26 October 2022 – H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, expresses his deep sorrow for the death of H.E. Don Sforza Marescotto Ruspoli, dei Principi di Cerveteri, Bailiff Knight Grand Cross of Justice and Member of the Royal Deputation of the Order. H.E. Don Sforza Ruspoli has long served the Constantinian Order, joining it as Knight of Justice in 1986, then promoted to Grand Cross in 1999 and Bailiff in 2006. Between 2009 and 2014, H.E. Don Sforza held the role of Delegate of Rome and Lazio of the Order, boosting an important growth in terms of numbers and prestige, and directing its activities taking into account the deep bond with the Holy See. This morning His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Martino, Protodeacon of the Holy Roman Church and Grand Prior of the Order, prayed for his soul.
HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, accompanied by the Delegate Federica de Gregorio di Sant’Elia, participated in the Miracle of Saint Januarius. In the first row, in addition to His Royal Highness the Grand Master, there were some of the highest officials of the State, the Region, the Municipality, the University and the Judiciary. Numerous Knights of the Order were also present, including Giulio del Vaglio, Giovanni Angelo Marciano, Lorenzo degli Innocenti, Giancarlo Rinaldi, Maria Rosaria Rondinella, Nunzia Sannino, Dr. Tammaro. Thanks to Knight Gianfranco Wurzburger, head of the ceremonial of the diocese.
HRH the Grand Master visited the Royal Palace of Naples, accompanied by Leopoldo and Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia. The Duke of Castro was received by the Director of the Royal Palace Dr. Mario Epifani, who illustrated to the Prince not only the magnificence of the ancestral Palace, but also the restoration laboratories located in the old kitchens.
HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, visited the Nunziatella military school and presented the appointment diploma to the new Commander of the school, Colonel Stellato, in addition to presenting the silver medal of merit to Dr. Marcello Nori. In addition to the Princess, the Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, Giulio del Vaglio and Davide De Blasi were present.
In the presence of HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, accompanied by Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, the Pignatelli educational center, built with the help of the Ginova Basket team, was inaugurated. In this way, about 100 children, assisted by diocesan charity, will be able to have a training center.
The inauguration ceremony was held in the ancient and prestigious Pilgrim Archconfraternity. Many thanks to Mr. Gianfranco Wurzburger, former head of the ceremonial of the Neapolitan Curia, and to Dr. Valeria Ciarambino, who is always close to the delegation.
HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies paid a private visit to the ancient brotherhood of the Pellegrini, a prestigious brotherhood founded by Pignatelli to help the others, with the foundation of the historic Ospedale dei Pellegrini. Accompanied by Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo and the new Primicerio of the archconfraternity, the Princess also visited the room where King Charles of Bourbon and King Fernand used to sit. The Princess was invited to become an honorary member of the archconfraternity. We thank Mr. Gianfranco Wurzburger for the interesting visit.
The presentation of the book on Mary Sophie the last Queen, took place at the Circolo Unione, an event sponsored by Ancci, whose president and director of the Delegation, Marquis Giuliano Buccino Grimaldi, also brilliantly moderated the presentation, accompanied by the author and Princess Beatrice.
Leopoldo and Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia, Giuliano and Roberta Buccino Grimaldi and many Knights were present.
Isaia Award at the Real Circolo Canottieri Savoia. HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies was the godmother of the Letizia Isaia literary prize, which for years has been committed to rewarding people who pay tribute the city’s culture. Princess Beatrice, accompanied by Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia, and received by the President of the Circolo Savoia Fabrizio Cattaneo Della Volta, awarded the prizes to the director of the “Mattino” Francesco De Core, the deputy director of TgTre RAI Antonello Perillo, the singer-songwriter Nino D’Angelo, Prof. Annamaria Colao, dr. Alessandro Marinella, heir of the prestigious maison and many others. We remind you that even this year the event was organized with the patronage of the Constantinian Order and of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies.
The Delegate, His Excellency Antonio Benedetto Spada, Knight of the Royal Order of Saint Januarius, attended the show “Six characters looking for Pier Paolo. Black Jealousy” at Alliance Française de Bangkok, as part of the XXII Week of the Italian Language in the world. It was the first event presided by the new Italian Ambassador to Thailand.
His Excellency Ambassador Paolo Dionisi, whose Mission also covers Cambodia and Laos, has taken His High Charge as per Monday, October 17, has shown warm interest in His kind encounter with His Excellency the Delegate.
On Friday, October 14, a group of Knights of the Sicilian delegation visited the “Madonna della Tenda di Cristo” community in Acireale, and as part of the “Briciole di Salute” project, offered some products for the community’s needs.
On October 15, the Vice Delegate met His Eminence Monsignor Giuseppe Schillaci, Bishop of Nicosia. During the meeting, the Vice Delegate illustrated the activities carried out by the Delegation over the years. Bishop Schillaci expressed his interest in collaborating with the Constantinian Order. As a result of this cooperation, the Bishop received various products such as diapers, baby pasta, and homogenized meats and fruits. At the end of the meeting, the Vice Delegate presented Mons. Schillaci with the Appointment Diploma granted by HRH the Grand Master.
On October 15, the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni donated to the Bishop of Nicosia His Eminence Monsignor Giuseppe Schillaci, some products belonging to the “Briciole di Salute” project.
On October 15, a solemn mass was celebrated for the beginning of the pastoral ministry of His Eminence Monsignor Angelo Giurdanella at the Cathedral of Mazara del Vallo.
On October 21, the apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Noto, H.E. Mons. Antonio Staglianò, appointed Frà Volantino as founder of the community of the Brothers and Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary and as director of the Saint Corrado canteen.
On October 26, the Vice Delegate and Mrs. Lia Giangreco donated diapers in favour of “Casa del Sorriso” in Monreale. The products were delivered to Mr. Angelo Pipitone, volunteer of the structure.