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On Friday, October 14, a group of Knights of the Sicilian delegation visited the “Madonna della Tenda di Cristo” community in Acireale, and as part of the “Briciole di Salute” project, offered some products for the community’s needs.

On October 15, the Vice Delegate met His Eminence Monsignor Giuseppe Schillaci, Bishop of Nicosia. During the meeting, the Vice Delegate illustrated the activities carried out by the Delegation over the years. Bishop Schillaci expressed his interest in collaborating with the Constantinian Order. As a result of this cooperation, the Bishop received various products such as diapers, baby pasta, and homogenized meats and fruits. At the end of the meeting, the Vice Delegate presented Mons. Schillaci with the Appointment Diploma granted by HRH the Grand Master.

On October 15, the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni donated to the Bishop of Nicosia His Eminence Monsignor Giuseppe Schillaci, some products belonging to the “Briciole di Salute” project.

On October 15, a solemn mass was celebrated for the beginning of the pastoral ministry of His Eminence Monsignor Angelo Giurdanella at the Cathedral of Mazara del Vallo.

On October 21, the apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Noto, H.E. Mons. Antonio Staglianò, appointed Frà Volantino as founder of the community of the Brothers and Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary and as director of the Saint Corrado canteen.

On October 26, the Vice Delegate and Mrs. Lia Giangreco donated diapers in favour of “Casa del Sorriso” in Monreale. The products were delivered to Mr. Angelo Pipitone, volunteer of the structure.



On October 1, the Delegation participated in the sacred rites in honour of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary. The invitation was sent by Father Angelo Ruggiero. All the other religious brotherhoods of Bagnara Calabra were present at the solemn celebration. The ceremony was officiated by Father Francesco Bramuglia. During the homily, Father Bramuglia congratulated for the generous donation carried out by the delegation.

On October 14, an interesting conference took place at the Parish Hall of the Santa Maria della Candelora Church in Reggio Calabria on the theme “In preparation for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land”.
The conference was organized by the Delegation. The Vice Delegate Dr. Aurelio Badolati, the Vice Prior Monsignor Luigi Cannizzo, the Ecclesiastical Knight of Grace Monsignor Luigi Falcone and Dr. Vittorio Fioravanti took the floor as speakers.

Usa: summer Activities of the American Delegation

Usa: summer Activities of the American Delegation

Various events and activities of the American Delegation of the Constantinian Order took place during the summer months, after the conclusion of the Ukrainian appeal, in which the Delegation actively participated.

A print newsletter, the first in over a decade, was restarted and sent to the Delegation members. A gala reception was held during the month of July to benefit the restoration of a historic church, with over 200 people in attendance. Two investiture ceremonies were celebrated, as well as the titular feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Besides being invited to assist at local celebrations, Knights and Dames continued their own works of charity. The Delegation is scheduling events and charitable projects for next year.



The delegation of Calabria, like every year, organized two solemn Pontificals on the occasion of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14. Specifically, the Holy masses took place in Reggio Calabria and Crotone.

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