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On Saturday, January 29th, the representation of Alessandria, guided by Mrs. Simona Delfino, organized a mass for H.M. Maria Cristina, Queen of the Two Sicilies, at the parish church of Sezzadio (AL).
The celebration was presided over by the Vice Prior, Father Augusto Piccoli.

On January 19th, the representation of Alessandria, headed by Mrs. Simona Delfino and accompanied by the Vice Prior Father Augusto Piccoli, carried out a donation of handmade Italian “panettone” for the needy people at the Parish S. Perpetuo in Solero (AL).
The donation was possible thanks to StandByMe association and “Ledda” store that offered these typical Italian cakes.
The parish priest Father Mario Bianchi congratulated the Order and its members for the many activities carried out in recent years in the city of Alessandria.

On February 22nd, the representation of Alessandria, led by Mrs. Simona Delfino, attended the celebration of the solemn Mass at the church “Santa Maria Canale” in Tortona.
The celebration was attended by Noble De Lama, Mr. Lazzaro, Mr. Sansone and Doctor Corte, as well as representatives of other orders of chivalry operating in the Diocese of Tortona.



Brescia, February 03rd, 2022 – Mr. Luciano Mazzola, Mr. Claudio Gaole and Mr.Nicola Schiavone handed over three photocopiers, donated by the company “Logwin”, to Dr. Laura Corbellini of the RSA “Villa Fiori” in Nave (BS).

Brescia, February 11, 2022 – Mr. Romano Savi and Mrs. Francesca Ghidini have provided three photocopiers, received as a donation from the Logwin company in Milan, to Father Vigilio Zanelli, parish priest of the San Sebastiano parish in Lumezzane (BS) and which will be sent to the local Caritas as an organization tool for charitable activities.

Milan, February 10, 2022 – The Holy Mass of suffrage was celebrated on the 30th anniversary of the death of H.I.R.H. Princess Margaret of Habsburg East, born Savoy Aosta. The liturgy was presided by Bishop Gianni Zappa, Dean of the city. Bishop Luigi Mistò, Bishop Maurizio Ceriani and Bishop Arnaldo Morandi concelebrated the liturgy.

Brescia, February 15, 2022 – A Constantinian representation made up of Mr. Paolo Landriani, Mr. Silvestro Specchia, Director General and Mr. Maurizio Mirandola, participated in the official public celebration, presided by the Bishop of Brescia H.E. Msgr. Pierantonio Tremolada, on the feast of the Holy Martyrs Faustino and Giovita, patron saints of the city and the diocese. The highest civil and military authorities attended the ceremony.

Brescia, February 17, 2022 – Mr. Luigi Rogliano, Mr. Marco Mussio and some volunteers delivered 250 kg of cat food to the Prior of Lombardy, Father Arnaldo Morandi, kindly offered by the company Ediltutto. Subsequently, the material was delivered to the “A.mici per la vita” shelter in Brescia, that is an oasis for the recovery of abandoned and mistreated animals managed by volunteers who promote awareness of the sterilization of feline colonies and the problem of abandonment.

Brescia, February 17, 2022 – Mr. Giuseppe Scolaro and Mr. Mosè Bonvicini have purchased and delivered various food, detergents and hygiene products to the Parish of San Silvestro in Folzano. These products will be used by Caritas volunteers for periodic distributions to needy families.

Brescia, February 18th , 2022 – According to the collaboration agreement between the Constantinian Order and the Italian Red Cross, Mr. Daniele Gavezzoli, promoter of the initiative and representative of the Order in the section of the Italian Red Cross in Brescia, with the participation of Mons. Arnaldo Morandi, Prior of Lombardy, delivered more than 24,000 bottles of mineral water, generously offered by the company Acque Maniva spa, which will be used by the Red Cross to meet the citizens’ needs.

Tortona, February 22nd, 2022 – The Delegate of Lombardy, Nob. Dr. Giuseppe Rizzani, met General Alfonso Miro, Commander of the Italian Army of Lombardy at the Cusani Palace, headquarters of the regional command. During the meeting, they talked about projects in favour of the territory. The Delegate’s day continued in the afternoon in Tortona where H.E. Bishop Guido Marini celebrated the Holy Mass inviting the Orders of Knights of the diocese. Father Maurizio Ceriani, as well as many Knights and Dames of the Order, took part in the Holy Mass.



Bangkok, February 22nd, 2022 – According to the kind recommendation of Dr. Francesca Andreini, who is H.E. the Ambassador of Italy to the Kingdom of Thailand, also accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Lao People’s Republic Lorenzo Galanti’s wife, the Delegate and the Vice Delegate participated in the “Italian Writers in Bangkok” event.
The debate, held at the Alliance Française headquarters, was sponsored by the Italian Embassy as part of the “Italian Festival in Bangkok 2022” and included an interesting speech by Dr. Andreini, whose books have been published and translated in many languages.
Philosophers, professors and journalists were also present and, through books and articles, invited interconnection and fluidity in dialogue with different countries and cultures.



Massa – February 19th, 2022. H.E. Bishop Gianni Ambrosio, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Massa Carrara – Pontremoli, Prior of the Delegation of Emilia Romagna, presided the Holy Mass in suffrage for Ambassador Luca Attanasio, Mr. Vittorio Iacovacci and Mr. Mustapha Milambo, a year after their deaths, at the Cathedral of Massa.
Ambassador Attanasio had joined the Order as an Knight Officer of Merit upon receiving the investiture during a ceremony held in Lucca on October 6, 2012. Mr. Iacovacci and Mr. Milambo are also linked to the Constantinian Order as they were decorated with the Gold Medal, as well as Ambassador Attanasio, by H.R.H. the Grand Master.
The Holy Mass was also attended by Dario Iacovacci with his family and Mrs. Domenica Benedetto.
The Undersecretary of State for Defense Stefania Pucciarelli, Air Brigadier General Lorenzo De Lorenzo, Commander of the 46 Pisa Air Brigade, and the highest Military and Civil Authorities of the province of Massa Carrara were present at the Holy Mass. Representatives of the different National Military Associations also participated in the ceremony.
The Constantinian Order of Saint George was represented by the Grand Treasurer, H.E. Don Gian Carlo Rocco dei Principi di Torrepadula, the Delegate for Tuscany, Count Ranieri Gastone Adorni Braccesi and many Knights and Dames.



As scheduled, on Saturday, February  12th, the celebration of the 161st Anniversary of the end of the Siege of the “Fedelissima” (faithful) Gaeta of 1860 – 1861 was held, in whose defence, together with the Neapolitan army, T.M. King Francis II and Queen Maria Sofia of Bourbon Two Sicilies took part as well.

Vice Prior for Latium, Father Teodoro Beccia and Vice Prior for the City of Rome, Father Ettore Capra set out for the Sanctuary of the SS. Trinity at the “Montagna Spaccata (Cracked Mountain).
Two young students of the “Nunziatella” Military School, who came to attend the memorial ceremony for the fallen of the siege of Gaeta.

Among the participants at the ceremony, we mention: H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate for Rome and Latium of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, together with the Vice Delegate, Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, the Representative for the City of Gaeta Comm. Esq. Salvatore Scafetta, the Counsellor of the Ceremonial of the Sacred Functions, Knight Officer Dr. Rocco Marco Massara Ferrari, the Vice Prior for the City of Rome, Father Ettore Capra and the Vice Prior for Latium, Father Teodoro Beccia; Counsellor Dr. Cristian Leccese, representing the Mayor of the Municipality of Gaeta; Col. Ermanno Lustrino, Commander of the “Nunziatella” Military School; Dr. Giuseppe Catenacci, Hon. President of the “Nunziatella” ex-students Association together with Gen. Antonio Ricciardi, President of the regional section. Moreover, the Commander of the Company of the Carabinieri of Formia Maj. Michele Pascale, Ten. Franco Franchi as well as the representative of the Port Authority of Gaeta C.F. Angelo Napolitano participated, too.

The Delegate for Rome and Latium, Prince Lelio Orsini and Col. Ermanno Lustrino, Commander of the “Nunziatella” Military School, are approaching the church entrance

The Rector, Father Nevio Viganò welcomed the numerous participants at the Sanctuary of SS. Trinity at the “Montagna Spaccata” at 11 am. After recalling all the victims of the Siege, the Prayer for Peace written by His Holiness Pope Francis was read out.

The Rector, Father Nevio Viganò welcomes the participants by reciting the Prayer for Peace written by His Holiness Pope Francis.
From right to left: Army Corps General Antonio Ricciardi, the representative of the Mayor of Gaeta, Cousellor Dr. Cristian Leccese, the Vice Delegate Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Col. Ermanno Lustrino and the Representative for the City of Gaeta, Comm. Esq. Salvatore Scafetta
The Delegate Lelio Orsini d’Aragona and the Representative for the City of Gaeta Salvatore Scafetta leaving the Church; on the left the Councilor of the Ceremonial of Sacred Functions Knight Officer Dr. Rocco Marco Massara Ferrari
The banner of the “Nunziatella” Association; on the left a young student wearing the uniform

Afterwards, the participants in the event went up, along the garden overlooking the stands of the “Trinità Superiore” Battery, towards the southern end of the Gaeta promontory, reaching the pitch overlooking the sea where the Transilvania Battery exploded on February 13, 1861 under the Piedmontese fire.

The participants head towards the “Montagna Spaccata”; in the foreground Esq. Scafetta, Prince Orsini and Knight Massara Ferrari
The representative for the City of Gaeta, Comm. Salvatore Scafetta, the Delegate for Rome and Latium, Prince Lelio Orsini and Counselor Dr. Cristian Leccese at the beginning of the path towards “Montagna Spaccata”
The Delegate, Prince Orsini d’Aragona and Dr. Cristian Leccese; the Gulf of Gaeta in the background.
Placing of the Flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies on the top of the “Cracked Mountain” by the Representative for the City of Gaeta and the Councilor of the Ceremonial of the Sacred Functions of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George
From right to left: Gen. Antonio Ricciardi, the Hon. President of the “Nunziatella” Alumni Association, Dr. Giuseppe Catenacci, the Delegate Lelio Orsini d’Aragona, Counselor Dr. Cristian Leccese, Comm. Esq. Salvatore Scafetta and the Vice Delegate Riccardo Langosco di Langosco.
All the participants, having reached the top of the “Montagna Spaccata”, awaiting the memorial ceremony for the fallen of the Siege of Gaeta.

In that highly suggestive place from a religious, historical and naturalistic points of view, Counselor Dr. Cristian Leccese welcomed the participants and spread the Mayor Dr. Cosimo Mitrano’s greetings; Esq. Salvatore Scafetta, Prince Orsini d’Aragona and Gen. Antonio Ricciardi then took the floor and recalled the moments of the defense of Gaeta underlining the high values of unconditional loyalty, heroism and love for the homeland that animated the Neapolitan soldiers, including several students of the “Nunziatella”, and the citizens of Gaeta. It was highlighted how the citizens of Gaeta, although King Francis asked them to leave the city during the bombing, bravely decided to stay within the walls of the fortress to share their tragic fate during 103 days of the Siege.

Counselor Cristian Leccese, representing the Mayor of the Municipality of Gaeta, Dr. Cosmo Mitrano, opens the ceremony by thanking the participants.
Esq. Salvatore Scafetta, as Representative for the City of Gaeta of the Constantinian Order, adresses the audience commemorating the fallen.
From right to left: Counselor Cristian Leccese, Esq. Salvatore Scafetta and Count Riccardo Langosco
Lieutenant Salvatore Ferrillo with two young students of the Military School “Nunziatella”
The Flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies; the Gulf of Gaeta in the background.
The Delegate for Rome and Latium of the Constantinian Order Lelio Orsini d’Aragona addresses the audience commemorating the fallen of the Siege of Gaeta.
Col. Ermanno Lustrino, Commander of the “Nunziatella” Military School, praises the great courage of the soldiers of the “Nunziatella” on the occasion of the Siege of Gaeta.
The Vice Prior for the city of Rome, Father Ettore Capra and Lieutenant Salvatore Ferrillo listen to Commander Lustrino’s speech
Gen. Antonio Ricciardi, President of the regional section of “Nunziatella” ex-students Association, praises the soldiers who died during the Siege.

At the end of the speeches, the now thirty-year ceremony of the re-enactment of the flag-raising was carried out and the subsequent throwing into the sea of the wreath offered by “Nunziatella” ex-students Association, previously blessed by Vice Priors Father Ettore Capra and Father Teodoro Beccia.

Father Ettore Capra and Father Teodoro Beccia bless the Crown of Flowers dedicated to the memory of the fallen.
The Representative for the city of Gaeta Salvatore Scafetta raises the flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
Launch of the Crown of Flowers in the sea by Dr. Giuseppe Catenacci, Hon. President of the “Nunziatella” ex-students Association, Col. Ermanno Lustrino and two young students of the Military School.
At the end of the ceremony, the Delegate Lelio Orsini and the Counselor of the Ceremonial Marco Massara Ferrari talk with the Commander of the Company of Carabinieri of Formia, Maj. Michele Pascale and Commander of Carabinieri of Gaeta, Ten. Franco Franchi.
Specifics of the brochure illustrating the events that occurred during the Siege of Gaeta.
General Antonio Ricciardi and a former student of the Military School with the banner of the “Nunziatella” ex-students Association.
The Vice Delegate Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco and the 1st Lieutenant Salvatore Ferrillo talk with the two young students of the “Nunziatella” Military School.
The three generations of students of “Nunziatella” Military School who took part in the ceremony. From left to right: two young students, Commander Ermanno Lustrini, the Hon. President Giuseppe Catenacci, the President of the regional Section Antonio Ricciardi, a former student and 1st Lieutenant Salvatore Ferrillo.
The representation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George together with the members of the “Nunziatella” Military School, its alumni, the representative of the Mayor of Gaeta and the Commanders of “Carabinieri” of Formia and Gaeta.
Knight Marco Massara Ferrari and Father Ettore Capra.
Specifics of the uniform of a students belonging to the 232nd course of “Nunziatella” Military School.

During the afternoon the participants were received at the Diocesan Museum by the Director Gennaro Petruccelli, who described the main works exhibited in the museum, including the banner of the Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, hoisted on the flagship of the papal fleet which left the harbour of Gaeta, which after the victory was donated to the City Cathedral.

Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona greets the Director of the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta Gennaro Petruccelli upon arrival at the museum.
The Delegate Lelio Orsini together with other participants admires the valuable ivory crucifix located in the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta.
View of one of the galleries of the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta and its extraordinary paintings.
“Madonna delle Itrie” by Giovanni da Gaeta, second half of the 15th century.
The Director, Father Gennaro Petruccelli illustrates some works of the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta.
The Vice Prior for Latium, Father Teodoro Beccia, admires a triptych of the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta.
Evocative image in one of the galleries of the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta.
The Director of the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta, Father Gennaro Petruccelli, illustrates one of the museum’s most valuable pieces: the famous Banner of Lepanto (oil on canvas) by the painter Girolamo Siciolante, which depicts the Crucifix between Saints Peter and Paul; it waved on the flagship of the Papal Fleet, commanded by John of Austria, son of Emperor Charles V.
Prince Lelio Orsini admires some of the works of the Diocesan Museum of Gaeta.
The Director, Father Gennaro Petruccelli describes the beautiful altarpieces of the Coronation of Saint Lucia to the Delegate Lelio Orsini d’Aragona.

At the end of the day, the Holy Mass in suffrage of the Fallen of 1860-61 and of T.M. the Servant of God King Francis II and Queen Maria Sofia of Bourbon Two Sicilies was celebrated at 5:30 pm at the Cathedral by H.E. the Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari.
The liturgy was concelebrated by the parish priest Father Antonio Centola and by Father Alessio Tomao, assisted by Father Ettora Capra and Father Teodoro Beccia. During the homily, while emphasizing the current need for peace, the Celebrant also highlighted the Christian virtues of the Sovereigns and their sincere love for the people. At the end, a suffrage prayer was read in front of the Neapolitan Officers’ Shrine kept in the Cathedral. Among the Constantinian Knights who attended, we mention Knight of Justice Nob. Massimo Patroni Griffi Duke of Roscigno, Comm. Pres. Vincenzo Zottola and Esq. Giuseppe Gallinaro.

H.E. the Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari is getting ready to celebrate the Holy Mass in suffrage of the Fallen of 1860-61 and of T.M. the Servant of God King Francis II and Queen Maria Sofia of Bourbon Two Sicilies.
The Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari, the parish priest Father Antonio Centola and Father Alessio Tomao, together with Father Teodoro Beccia, Father Ettore Capra and Antonio Ferrara, before the Holy Mass.
From right to left: Cons. Dr. Cristian Leccese, representing the Mayor of the Municipality of Gaeta, the Delegate for Rome and Latium Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, the Representative for the city of Gaeta Esq. Salvatore Scafetta and Knight of Justice Nob. Massimo Patroni Griffi.
The Vice Prior for Latium Father Teodoro Beccia and the Vice Prior for the city of Rome Father Ettore Capra.
View of the crowded Cathedral of Gaeta and its wonderful presbytery during the celebration.
H.E. the Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari.
The Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari, the parish priest Father Antonio Centola and Father Alessio Tomao.
The parish priest Father Antonio Centola reads a passage from the Gospel during the Mass.
The Archbishop of Gaeta Msgr. Luigi Vari celebrates the Holy Mass.
The Constantinian Ecclesiastical Knights in the presbytery together with the Prelates of the Archdiocese of Gaeta.
Msgr. Luigi Vari together with the other priests head towards the exit of the Cathedral after the celebration of the Holy Mass.
Prince Lelio Orsini talks with H.E. Msgr. Luigi Vari in front of the Memorial of the Neapolitan Officers kept in the Cathedral.
The Delegate for Rome and Latium Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona thanks Msgr. Luigi Vari for having officiated the celebration of the fallen of the Siege of Gaeta; on the left the Councilor of the Ceremonial of the Sacred Functions Knight Officer Dr. Rocco Marco Massara Ferrari.

An indelible memory of the day remained in the hearts of all the participants. All the events took place in the name of sobriety and respect for those who, thanks to their actions, left to future generations a perennial patrimony of spiritual, human and military values 161 years ago.

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