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On Friday 22 October, the Knights of the Delegation of Emilia Romagna gathered in Palazzo Galli to commemorate the historic event when the Grand Magistry of the Order passed from the noble and imperial Comneno Family to the Farnese Family. With the bull “Sincerae Fidei” of 24 October 1699, Pope Innocent XII ratified the passing of the Grand Magistry to the Duke of Piacenza and Parma Francesco Farnese. This was a very important historical event for the Constantinian Order and for Piacenza, which experienced a significant moment in the Order’s history at that time. In 2017, the Knights of Piacenza of the Constantinian Order ordered the restoration of the bust of Prince Comneno to commemorate this event, which had been recovered from a municipal warehouse and has been in Palazzo Farnese (Civic Museum) ever since.

The Grand Magistry remained in the Farnese family until its extinction, passing to the Bourbons through Elisabeth Farnese, the last of the Farnese Family, as wife of Philip V of Spain and mother of the infant Father Charles of Bourbon.

The Constantinian Order is committed to eminently social activities, assistance and charitable work, without neglecting the spirituality of the Knights and Dames.

At the end of the evening, the Regional Delegate Corrado Sforza Fogliani, Commander of Grace, awarded diplomas to the new Constantinian Knights, some of whom had come from Ferrara for the occasion.

The archpriest of the Orthodox Church, Father Grigore Catan, received the decoration of the Royal Order of Francis I for his pastoral activities that he has been carrying out for years with dedication in the Orthodox community in Piacenza. In the Oratory of San Dalmazio, the Holy Mass was celebrated by Monsignor Arnaldo Morandi, Knight Grand Officer of Ecclesiastical Grace, Secretary General of the Office of the Grand Prior, and concelebrated with the Vice Prior Father Stefano Antonelli, due to the absence of Prior Monsignor Gianni Ambrosio. Monsignor Morandi then read the message from His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino addressed to the Knights and Dames of the Delegation.



The new Bishop of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, Monsignor Attilio Nostro was officially installed. On 2 October, he took canonical possession of the diocese. After the beautiful ceremony in the ancient Cathedral of Mileto, the Bishop met the civil and military authorities as well as the Grand Officer Aurelio Badolati, Vice Delegate of Calabria. It was a very cordial meeting, during which Bishop Attilio Nostro underlined the important mission of our Sacred Militia.

Cosenza, 9 October 2021- An important day in the ancient city of Bruzia, accompanied by the warmth and hospitality of the local people. Knights from all the provinces of Calabria and from Sicily, Basilicata, Campania and Apulia met in the “Salone degli Stemmi” of the Archbishop’s Palace from early Saturday afternoon. The majestic procession started from Piazza Parrasio and crossed Corso Telesio, preceded by forty musicians, dressed in historical uniforms dating back to 1841, from the Band of the Royal Philharmonic Academy of Gerace, winner of the Constantinian gold medal, who performed a variety of classical music, until it reached Piazza Duomo. All the participants and guests attended the investiture of the 31 Knights and Dames and 8 promotions. The important Eucharistic celebration, which began with a greeting by H.E. Most Rev. Monsignor Francescantonio Nolè, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano, was presided over by Archbishop Emeritus of Reggio Calabria-Bova Monsignor Vittorio Luigi Mondello, Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastic Grace and Prior of the Delegation of Calabria. The gonfalons of Cosenza and the province of Cosenza, as well as the Delegations from the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Holy Sepulchre welcomed the Knights of the Order. After reading H.R.H. the Grand Master’s message, a captivating choir performed in the ancient 13th century church, in the presence of Don Gianpietro dei Principi Sanseverino dei Baroni di Marcellinara, Delegate of Calabria, Grand Officer Dr. Aurelio Badolati, Vice Delegate, and the Noble Knight Dr. Giuseppe Spizzirri Marzo, representative of Cosenza. We thank the volunteers of CISOM, the Order of Malta’s Italian Ambulance Corps, who coordinated the reception of the participants in the Cathedral of Cosenza. On Sunday morning, the guests enjoyed a splendid guided tour of the ancient and noble city centre, thanks to the guidance of Francesco Paolo Dodato, an expert in Cosenza history.

Donation in Polistena (RC) – On Monday, 04 October 2021, in order to celebrate the liturgical memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Delegation of Calabria donated clothing and basic necessities to the Blessed “Luigi Monti” Institute in Polistena. The Institute is run by the Sons of the Immaculate Conception, also known as the Conceptionist Fathers. The Institute houses 29 guests aged between 4 and 16. The children are supported in every aspect of their lives, from school attendance, to play, to material and spiritual formation. Especially the younger ones enjoyed the donation, who immediately put on their new clothes, which were presented to the Delegation by Dame Marianna Foti. On the other hand, the older ones enjoyed a tasty snack with sweets donated by the Delegation.

Reggio Calabria, 12 October – 100 hot meals in single portions were delivered to the Caritas of the Church Saint Francis of Assisi. The donation was made by Knight Antonino Campolo.

Vibo Valentia. On 7 October, a group of the Delegation of Calabria, led by Vice Delegate Aurelio Badolati, once again took part in the Holy Commemoration of Thanksgiving, Liturgical Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary, on the occasion of the celebrations in her honour in the city of Vibo Valentia. The liturgy, presided over by Monsignor Filippo Ramondino, Bishop of the Mileto – Nicotera – Tropea Diocese and Chaplain for the city of Vibo Valentia of the Sacred Military Order of Saint George, was held in the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. At the end of the celebration, a donation was made to the Archconfraternity Maria SS. del Rosario e San Giovanni Battista.

Abruzzi and Molise: Charity Grand Gala and Christmas Party 2021 in Venafro and Pozzilli (IS) on 4 and 5 December

Abruzzi and Molise: Charity Grand Gala and Christmas Party 2021 in Venafro and Pozzilli (IS) on 4 and 5 December

Please find herewith a message from the Delegate of Abruzzi and Molise, Prof. Esq. Franco Ciufo:

Dear Brothers, Sisters and friends,

the Delegation of Abruzzi and Molise is gathering, together with families and friends, for a series of events that will take place over the weekend of Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 December 2021 in Venafro (IS). It will be an opportunity to exchange Christmas and end-of-year greetings in the presence of the Dignitaries of the Order.

I am sending this message and indicating the programme well in advance in order to enable all of you to plan and organise your participation. (You will receive the final calendar of events later).

On Saturday 4 December at 4.30 p.m., in the conference hall of the Hotel Dora, in Via S.S. 85 Venafrana Km. 24,600 – Pozzili (IS): a historical conference will be held with the presentation of books and exhibition of works by our Brothers and Sisters. The topic will be communicated in the final programme.

At 8.30 p.m. the Grand Gala 2021 in the Salone delle Feste of the Hotel Dora in Pozzilli-Venafro will start.

Tailcoats are required for gentlemen and evening dress for ladies, with decorations; dinner jackets are allowed, with only miniature decorations or the Order’s decoration (military personnel in Grand Gala with bow tie and decorations).

On Sunday 5 December at 10.30 a.m., a solemn Holy Mass will be celebrated, presided over by H.E. the Bishop and concelebrated by our brother priests, with the Investiture of new Knights and Dames, promotions and awarding of Medals of Merit, in the Co-Cathedral of Venafro dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption in Via Duomo in Venafro (IS).

For the occasion, the Hotel Dora has proposed a very advantageous special agreement.

In view of the expected large influx, it is vital to send the reservation with the number of accompanying persons as soon as possible and, in any case, no later than 15 November by replying exclusively to this e-mail (

As regards hotel reservations (overnight stay and breakfast), you may contact the hotel management directly, 0865.908006, pointing out that you belong to the Delegation of the Constantinian Order (for the special agreement).

Prof. Esq. Franco Ciufo



The Knights and Volunteers of the Guard of Honour at the Royal Tombs of the Bourbon Sovereigns of the Delegation of Naples and Campania prayed in memory of Queen Maria Sofia Wittelsbach of Bourbon and King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon.

Despite the betrayals and corruptions, the figure of Queen Maria Sofia, the last Sovereign of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, has always been radiant. When she was just nineteen years old, she fought heroically in Gaeta with her husband, King Francis II of Bourbon, thanks to her courage and determination, helping all the injured or dying soldiers and those infected with typhus. Nothing stopped her, not even the dangers caused by bombs. Her humanity brought her even closer to her soldiers.

Ferdinand IV of Bourbon was one of the Sovereigns closest to the People. A pioneer in the defence of workers’ rights, he was the first King of Europe who created and introduced a special law for the workers of the Royal Colony of San Leucio, aimed not only at industrial profit, but also at the optimal living conditions of its workers. Ferdinand IV’s reign began on 10 October 1759. He is the founder of the ‘Nunziatella’ Military College, continued the work that had launched by his father Charles, i.e. the process of social, economic, political and cultural modernisation of the Kingdom of Naples, achieving important goals that were recognised by the whole Europe.

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