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On Wednesday 10 November, the traditional fortnightly distribution of early childhood items for the “Briciole di salute” project was held in Monreale. Next to the Church Maria SS degli Agonizzanti, the volunteers Daniela Prestigiacomo and Sonia Lo Monaco, assisted by the volunteer Mimmo Milazzo, donated nappies, baby food, pasta, biscuits, milk and various clothes to some needy families.

On 15 November, the “Briciole di salute” project took place at the “Sacra Famiglia” Diocesan Home in Patti. There, Knights Tony Zarrillo and Antonino Smiroldo were welcomed by Sister Rita and Sister Shiny, members of the Franciscan Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St Francis, who received food for breakfast and other groceries to be donated to needy families. This event was organised by the High Patronage of the Bishop of Patti, His Excellency Most Reverend Monsignor Guglielmo Giombanco, who has decided to make the premises of the Sacra Famiglia available to the patients’ families of the local hospital, who were unable to stay at accommodation facilities in the district due to economic reasons. In addition, he has invited Noble Antonio di Janni, Vice Delegate for Sicily, to contribute to the breakfasts.

On Sunday 14 November, the first concert for the 16th concert season was held at the Church Maria SS degli Agonizzanti in Monreale. Alessia Martorana, Anna Alaimo, Cristina Cangelosi and Eva Benfratelli performed on the piano, playing 19th century classical music by composers such as Beethoven and Chopin. Before the start, the artistic director Maestro Alberto Giacchino, a Constantinian Knight, thanked the Delegation of Sicily for being close to the young musicians and giving them the opportunity to express their talent. At the end of the concert, the Vice Delegate congratulated Professor Marzia Manno, the teacher of the three pianists, and thanked the Delegation with a diploma for having performed at the concert.

On Thursday 18 November, the Vice Delegate for Sicily donated to the Caritas of the Abbey St. Martino delle Scale some items of the “Briciole di Salute” project for children from zero to three years old, assisted by the Benedictine community. The delivery was made to the head of Caritas, Father Bernardo. Afterwards, the Vice Delegate met the Most Reverend Abbot Father Vittorio Rizzone.

On Wednesday 24 November, the second distribution of the early childhood items of the “Briciole di Salute” Project took place in Monreale, next to the Constantinian Church Maria SS degli Agonizzanti.

On Saturday 27 November, the Vice Delegate for Sicily donated 100 kg of pasta to the Caritas of the Constantinian Church Magione. The donation was received by the parish priest, Monsignor Salvatore Grimaldi, who had requested the amount of pasta in various formats, given the increasing demand.



On 7 November, a group of Knights of the Delegation of Calabria took part in the Eucharistic celebration in memory of the Order’s deceased. The event was held in Reggio Calabria, in the Parish Santa Maria della Candelora. The mass was celebrated by Father Luigi Cannizzo, Vice Prior of the Delegation. The memory of the recently deceased Dames, Knights and volunteers, including Carlo Casile, father of the Knight Officer Antonio Casile, was touching.

Reggio Calabria, 17 November – A group of Knights of the Delegation of Calabria visited the Institute “Figlie di Maria Immacolata” in Reggio Calabria. The ancient building in Via Trabocchetto, formerly used as an orphanage and foster home, is now also home to the Day Care Centre of the “La Provvidenza onlus” Foundation. Knights and Dames of the Delegation, together with the representatives of the Foundation, took part in the Holy Mass, celebrated by Monsignor Luigi Cannizzo, Vice Prior of the Delegation, at the Chapel inside the Institute. An important moment of sharing and dialogue on the values of solidarity and commitment towards those who are suffering most followed. The meeting also represented a great occasion to donate a workstation with furniture and IT equipment for a disabled girl, user of the Centre.

On Saturday 27 November, the Delegation of Calabria donated some foodstuffs to the family home “il seme della speranza” located in Terranova Sappio Minulio (RC). Currently, the facility houses 6 minors and their mothers. It is aimed at spreading the culture of hospitality and supportive families by welcoming people in need of assistance and support because of family and/or social deficiencies.



Salerno, 21 November 2021 – Donation of desks and other school material. Thanks to the generous contribution of Knights Dr. Gaetano Locci, Dr. Raffaele Fattopace and Knight Commander Alfonso Grieco, an important donation of school material was made in favour of the Oratory “San Filippo”. The Delegation of Naples and Campania donated numerous desks and chairs to the Oratory “San Filippo Neri”, which are very useful for educational purposes. The donation took place at the Metropolitan Primatial Cathedral Church St. Mary of the Angels, St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist, and Pope Gregory VII, better known as the Cathedral of Salerno, a very important site from an historical point of view. The delivery of the desks and chairs was coordinated by Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo dei Principi di Sant’Elia, Delegate for Naples and Campania. After that, a Holy Mass was celebrated in the Cathedral by Bishop Michele Pecoraro.

Naples, 20 November 2021 – In Plebiscito Square, in front of the Royal Palace of Naples, the Delegate for Naples and Campania Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia represented the Constantinian Order at the ceremony of the solemn oath of the students of the Nunziatella Military School, the prestigious school founded by the Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies. The highest military officials of the Italian State, the Minister of Defence, the Mayor of the city Prof. Gaetano Manfredi, the President of the Region Hon. Vincenzo De Luca, the Prefect Palomba participated. The Constantinian Order, which has always been close to the Nunziatella military school, congratulated the school’s Commandant, Colonel Lustrino, for the magnificent ceremony.



Florence, Saturday 6 November 2021. A prayer and training retreat was held in preparation for the Investiture ceremony of the new Knights and Dames of the Order at the Florence Charterhouse. A propaedeutic ceremony was presided over by Ecclesiastical Knight Father Cristian Domenico Comini, who reminded the importance of the Baptism, the Creed and the veneration of the Cross. Before the Celebrant and the Delegate for Tuscany, Count Ranieri Gastone Adorni Braccesi, the Knights made a promise of loyalty and communion with the Catholic Church. At the end of the celebration, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed for a brief adoration. We thank the two altar servers, Francesco Atria and Guido Scatizzi, who provided their service during the liturgy. The retreat ended with a visit to the monumental premises of the splendid Charterhouse, guided by Father Bernardo, head of the Leolini Community, which recently took over the complex.



On Tuesday 9 November the Delegate Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia delivered the admission diploma to His Excellency the Archbishop of Salerno, Monsignor Bellandi, who accepted it with great joy. His Excellency also accompanied the participants on a private visit to the treasure of St. Matthew and the wonderfully frescoed crypt where the Saint, who is the patron Saint of Salerno, is buried. Father Mario Savarese, Rector of the Minims and Vice Prior of the Delegation, Father Claudio Mancusi, Knight and Military Chaplain, and Knights Dr. Alfonso Grieco, President of the Group of the Faithful of St. Matthew, and Dr. Giovanni Angelo Marciano were present.

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