On June 13th, a donation of basic products was carried out in favour of needy families at the parish of Fabrizia, near Vibo Valentia. Mr. Bruno Iorfida and Mr. Franco Aloi, guided by priest Ferdinando Fodaro, attended.
Pisticci (PZ) – A group of knights and dames participated in the celebrations for Saint Anthony of Padua. The Holy Mass, celebrated by Father Michele Leone, took place on the evening of June 13th. At the end of the ceremony, the knights donated many products for needy families in the region.
On June 12th, the vice delegate delivered numerous packages of milk to the parish S. Francesco di Paola in Palermo. Father Giorgio Terrasi welcomed the vice delegate who was carrying these products of the project Briciole di Salute.
The VEGAS company based in Paris donated several hundred pieces of women’s clothing to the Sicilian delegation. On June 15h the vice delegate began distributing these clothes by handing them over to the parish priest Msgr. Salvatore Grimaldi and to the Caritas volunteer Mrs. Loredana.
On June 12th, the representative of Alexandria and Asti donated food to the parish of Alexandria. This donation is part of the “Briciole di salute” project. The donated products were kindly offered by the “Centrale del Latte di Alessandria e Asti”.
Montecarlo LU, June 12nd, 2020 – The Vice Delegate, in collaboration with Mr. Ivano Lucchesi, President of Civil Protection of Chiesina Uzzanese, donated on behalf of the delegation a considerable amount of food to the family home “Della Pace ”in Montecarlo (Lucca).
Chiesina Uzzanese PT, June 13th, 2020 – The Tuscan delegation, thanks to the representative for the city of Pistoia, Mr. Daniele Romanelli, has donated a wheelchair to Mrs. Maria Rosa Castelli, which will be used by civil protection in favour of disabled people who are assisted daily. The donation is part of the “Briciole di Salute” solidarity project.
Prato, June 13th, 2020 – The Tuscan delegation, thanks to the representative for Prato and province, Mr. Dino Greco, in collaboration with Mr. Giacomo Perrina, and with the collaboration of Mr. Ivano Lucchesi, as president of the civil protection of Chiesina Uzzanese, donated a considerable amount of food to the association “Giorgio la Pira”.
Avenza MS, June 14th, 2020 – Some Knights and Ladies of the Tuscan delegation, guided by the Vice Delegate, participated in the solemn Eucharistic celebration of the Corpus Domini at the Maria Santissima church in Avenza.