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On May 15th, a food donation was carried out at Saint Corrado canteen, located in Noto. H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, accompanied by Vice Delegate Dr. Antonio di Janni, offered to the nuns and friars of the structure, various items that will be distributed to the needy. Indeed, the Sicilian delegation donated canned goods, such as tuna and tomato, but also olive oil, flour and sugar. Princess Beatrice was received by the friars and nuns who thanked her for her constant support. After the donation, they gathered in prayer.

Mother’s Day: Salvamme and the Constantinian Order give a concrete help to mothers in need

Mother’s Day: Salvamme and the Constantinian Order give a concrete help to mothers in need

On the occasion of Mother’s Day, Salvamme and the Constantinian Order have created a “community of women who love themselves” with a training course on parenting, psychological assistance and self-care

Because of the pandemic, many women have lost their jobs or can not choose between a career and taking care of their children. Some of them do not have any help from their spouse or partners. There was even an increase of 15% in cases of postpartum depression; this has happened since the concern was doubled by the perception of responsibility towards their child. Being aware of the need for support and listening in difficult times, the Constantinian Order, guided by H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies and supported by the Neapolitan delegation, headed by Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo di Sant’Elia, involving the association Salvamamme, which for more than twenty years has been caring for mothers, women and fragile families, has promoted the creation of a “Center for psychological support for mothers” aimed at creating a community of women who “never stop to love themselves”.

The idea is to create a training course and psychological assistance dedicated to needy mothers, carried out in the form of a webinar by Mrs. Katia Pacelli, psychologist and general director of the association Salvamamme, in collaboration with a team of doctors, educators, psychologists and beauty experts, which will focus on the problems of parenting in the Covid era, also addressing the notions of first aid and “self-care”. Indeed, starting from the conviction that caring for oneself, not only internally, leads mothers to develop greater self-esteem and, consequently, also greater openness towards their child, a Community of mothers and women will be created, with a lot of space also on the topic of self-care, discussed in the broadest way in an open talk with the intervention of Dr. Elena Aceto di Capriglia, pharmacist and president of Medspa, headed by Miamo, during which mothers will have the opportunity to ask for advice. The partner of the initiative will also be the renowned brand, which has developed a platform dedicated to the project, and which will promote the collection of subscriptions to participate in the webinar by putting people interested in creating the community in contact with the organizers and will donate to Salvamamme 150 kits for women.

With the conviction that “the health emergency has not yet been overcome and that fear, forced social isolation and lifestyle changes have triggered stress reactions in families and the typical anxieties of parents about not protecting their children”, Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Ambassador of the association chaired by Mrs. Grazia Passeri, will launch the initiative on the occasion of Mother’s Day, with Miamo’s commitment to make a charitable donation of €1,00 to support the Order and Salvamme for each product sold on in the period from May 9th to May 31st, 2021.



On the occasion of the annual recurrence of the feast of the Megalomartyr St. George, Patron of the Order, the Delegation of Rome and Lazio, led by HH Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona wished to celebrate his memory with an exceptional event.

La suggestiva cornice barocca della Chiesa di Santa Caterina da Siena in Magnanapoli
S.E. Mons. Giuseppe SCIACCA, assistito dai Cavalieri Ecclesiastici Don Ettore Capra, Don Teodoro Beccia e dal Dom Elvir Tabakovic

The Solemn Pontifical was celebrated by H.E. Mons. Giuseppe SCIACCA, Secretary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Titular Bishop of Funds, our KnightGrand Cross, assisted by the Reverend Ecclesiastical Knights of Grace Don Ettore Capra and Don Teodoro Beccia. The liturgy took place at Church Santa Caterina in Magnanapoli, Main Church of the Military Ordinariate – generously offered to the Delegation for the occasion by the Military Ordinary Archbishop for Italy, H.E. Mons. Santo Marcianò, and thanks to the active collaboration of the Rector, Reverend Military Chaplain Don Pasquale Madeo.

Mons. Sciacca, Segretario del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica

A musical repertoire centered on the production of Mons.Lorenzo Perosi was performed by the Musical Chapel, formed by exceptional Cantors from the Pontifical Music Chapel called Sistina and from the Accademia di Santa Cecilia, coordinated and directed by Dr. Rocco Marco MASSARA FERRARI.

Il Mons. Stefano Sanchirico ed il Consigliere al Cerimoniale, Cav. Ufficiale Dott. Rocco Marco Massara Ferrari
Da destra verso sinistra: S.E. il Principe Don Fabrizio Massimo; Lady Paola Windsor, il Delegato, S.A. il Principe Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona; il Segr. Gen. Dott. Giampaolo Grazian; il Conte Riccardo Langosco; in secondo piano, il Generale di Corpo d’Armata Salvatore Camporeale, Comandante per la Formazione, Specializzazione e Dottrina dell’Esercito

At the end of the sacred rite, the Delegate, assisted by Count Riccardo Langosco, delivered some admission diplomas, granted by the Grand Master, H.R.H. the Duke of Castro.

S.A. il Principe Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini, Delegato per Roma e Lazio, consegna il diploma a Lady Paola Windsor insieme al Delegato Vicario Langosco

The recipients of the diplomas were: Lord Nicholas Windsor, son of the Duke of Kent and nephew of King George V, (who, being in England for the mourning that struck the Royal Family for the loss of Prince Philip, delegated his wife, Lady Paola Windsor, also awarded the honor, to collect the diploma) – Knight and Dame Grand Cross of Justice; Prince Don Fabrizio Massimo, Prince of Arsoli – Knight Grand Officer of Justice; Marquis Giuseppe Ferrajoli di Filacciano, Commander of Justice; Don Guglielmo dei Principi Giovanelli Marconi – Knight of Justice; Donna Vittoria dei Principi Giovanelli Marconi – Dame of Justice; Countess Milena Von Rex, Dame of Justice; Donna Louise Afan de Rivera Costaguti, Marquise of Sant’Angelo – Dame of Justice; Don Alessandro Arborio Mella – Knight of Justice; Noble Giovanni d’Ayala Valva – Knight of Justice, and General Luigi Infussi – Official Knight of Merit; Dr. Andrea Canali – Official Knight of Merit; Dr. Fabio La Motta – Official Knight of Merit; Ten. Col. Davide Passone – Official Knight of Merit.

Il Principe Lelio Orsini con il Conte Riccardo Langosco consegna il diploma al Principe Massimo
Il libretto per seguire il Solenne Pontificale ad uso dei fedeli.
Da destra verso sinistra: Il Delegato, Principe Lelio Orsini; il Segretario Generale, Dott. Giampaolo Grazian; il Delegato Vicario, Conte Riccardo Langosco
Un momento della sacra cerimonia, officiata da S.E. Mons. SCIACCA.

The Secretary General of the Constantinian Order, Dr. Giampaolo Grazian; the Consul of Georgia, Mrs. Natalia Kordzaia with her assistant, Dr. Diana Liparteliani; the Army Corps General Salvatore Camporeale; the Prefect Francesco La Motta; Nob. Adv. Renato Taccone, Brigadier General Matteo Paesano and Brigadier General Giuseppe Tirico also attended.

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