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Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies’ supportive birthday

Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies’ supportive birthday

His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, has dedicated his birthday to solidarity.

Today, February 24th, the Duke of Castro celebrates his 58th birthday and has decided to celebrate it with a gesture of solidarity in favour of the needy people.

Thanks to the support of the Delegate of Naples and Campania, Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo and the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Noble Doctor Antonio Di Janni, the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George donated many food products such as pasta, peeled tomatoes, dairy and bread, as well as large amounts of markers for children.

The food was delivered to the canteen of the poor at the Church Saint Pasquale in Naples, and on that occasion hot meals were also served to the homeless.

The stationery material was given to the children of the Magione Church in Palermo and at “Casa del Sorriso” in Monreale.

Prince Charles, who has always been very sensitive to people’ needs, expressed his desire to make his contribution through the Constantinian Order and the donation of these materials, in a particularly difficult period for the community.

The Association Salvamamme and the Constantinian Order support the homeless people helped by the Apostolic Charity

The Association Salvamamme and the Constantinian Order support the homeless people helped by the Apostolic Charity

Rome, January 25th, 2021 – The Salvamamme Association and the Constantinian Order have delivered to Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, who is very close and knows well disadvataged people’s needs, 55 kits in favour of these needy. The donation is part of a more complex plan of operational interventions in favour of the homeless and which will continue until spring, in collaboration with other associations. The boxes, prepared by the President of the association Mrs. Grazia Passeri, contain a winter jacket, a plaid, a hat, gloves and a wool scarf, underwear, two pants, a sweatshirt, products such as toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, protective creams, etc. and sweets. The donation was strongly desired by H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Master of the Constantinian Order and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Sicilies, who has allowed Salvamamme to provide hundreds of food parcels to families in great difficulty. Cardinal Paolo Augusto Lojudice, Archbishop of Siena-Colle Val D’Elsa-Montalcino, who for many years has been in contact with the Association, attended as well. The initiative took place thanks to the logistical support of Crimson Gold Parents and young U14 athletes from Fiamme Oro Rugby of the State Police.

Press office: Donatella Gimigliano



Rome, January 25th, 2021 – H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master, has decided to appoint Mr. Massimo Calenda, Knight Commander of Grace, as Delegate for Basilicata. The Delegate can be contacted at the following institutional email address:

Message for the Mass for HM King Francis II of Bourbon-Two Sicilies,  on the 126th Anniversary of his Pious Death

Message for the Mass for HM King Francis II of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, on the 126th Anniversary of his Pious Death

Naples, December 27th, 2020

“Francis II was king in misfortune even more than in the few months of active sovereignty: he did not withdraw his deposits from the banks, and from the Palace, more than works of art and things of commercial value, he took with him objects of devotion and family mementos.” (The Invention of a United Italy, Roberto Martucci).

With this brief passage, I wish to remember the last King of the Two Sicilies, my Ancestor Francis II, on the anniversary of his death. He is always alive in our hearts, and the affection that all of you are showing in this phase that has followed the placet, the approval for the opening of the beatification and canonization process is further confirmation.
During his life, he distinguished himself by his many and numerous merits, but, above all, by his virtues.
His light does not shine only because of his dignity and heroism in the tragedy of the invasion, but also because of his very high sense of sacrifice, having chosen personal exile rather than condemning his people to undergo the suffering and misfortune of a long war.
His Majesty Francis II was always deeply Catholic. He demonstrated his faith and his humanity both publicly, like at Gaeta especially with his enemies, and in private, always behaving like a true Christian, bearing and accepting the Divine Will with courage and dignity, with the certitude that his immense sacrifice was made at the service of the Faith, of his Royal House and of his people.
Because, on the cross of his bed, dying, he raised his eyes to Heaven, sure in the hope that, after having lived his life waiting for “the justice of Heaven”, there would come the just and worthy reward of God the Almighty Father, for being worthy of his Lord, after having followed Christ, in the sequela Christi.
I unite myself in prayer with all of you, with the hope of being able to be with you soon.

Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro

Head of the Royal House and Grand Master

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